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jbb 2008-05-16 01:52

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I am really sorry, but could someone please give even easier diretions, because every thing I try doesn't work. My main problem I think is the flashing, but i have no idea what is wrong
never mind

thoughtless stupid error made

2timer 2008-05-17 11:05

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 154624)
Here's a script to xmodmap the dpad and rotate the screen. Also included is the xrandr binary, which is a CLI for the RandR extension, and is used by the script. Install them both to executable places (I put xrandr in /usr/bin, and in /home/user/apps) and invoke as:
Code: [ cw | ccw | normal | left | inverted | right ]
EDIT: Use the script below, if you want to be able to rotate one notch clockwise or counterclockwise from current position.
EDIT: Script rezipped; now this zip contains the most recent version of the script, able to rotate one notch clockwise or counterclockwise from current position.

i typed that command in xterm but it tells not found. I installed xmodmap , put both files in correct location , what exactly should I type to assign a button for that script?

Underscore 2008-05-18 02:50

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
2timer, pretty sure you have to set permissions for those files. see this post:
If you don't know how to set permissions like me, just search wikipedia for chmod, it will tell you the usage.

qwerty12 2008-05-18 06:10

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I prefer to use chmod +x :)

Saves me from remembering odd numbers.

absarc 2008-05-28 14:26

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Hey when i type into x terminal:
tar zxvf kernel-2.2007.50-2-rotation.tar.gz
it says "tar: can't open 'kernel-2.2007.50-rotation.tar.gz' : No such file in directory"

What do i do to fix this problem?

Picklesworth 2008-05-28 15:11

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I do not believe -2- escapes anything anywhere, so it appears you are not typing the correct path into the terminal. Are you in the right directory?

The default terminal does do tab autocompletion in a reasonable fashion, so you can just type "kernel" and press tab; should avoid spelling mistakes.

jwsnerd 2008-06-14 04:16

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
this didn't work for me,

when trying to run direct from xterm, i get;

~ $ xrandr
Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".
RandR extension missing

can anyone help me remedy this?

qwerty12 2008-06-14 09:36

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
You need to install the xomap with xrandr off jott's site (

mdanehart 2008-06-14 17:39

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I am nervous to brick my n810 trying to make the screen rotation happen! Will there ever be a 'click here to install' application for the screen rotation?

jpt000 2008-06-14 18:35

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
This is awesome! I just installed it and am loving one hand browsing!

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