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handful 2008-03-28 19:17

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Hi Jabastien, I will comment your suggestions :)

a) yes, this is a nice idea, we can add to podcast backlog for future releases ( on front still : implement a way to show the episode descriptions, debugging and error handling on downloads, and more options (download all, delete all etc)

b) I think we do that already :) if you downloaded it will be there, so I guess you're saying something like (mark as "keepable" eheheh) right? so it won't get deleted by the first suggestion?

c) yes, this is already on the backlog (was asked by lots of people) we have just a small concern, but I think we will leave this to use. If you enable auto downloads, canola will download the last episode in the background until downloads all feeds's latest episodes) so people will need to be careful when connecting using the cellphone data plans with no unlimited usage :)))))

Again : we will not make a desktop version :) canola UI as it is, is completely made for touchscreen. While I did most of the decisions based on the fact that it could be controlled with a 4-way rocker + 3 buttons ( a remote ) Canola today is only suitable for real use on touchscreen devices (there's no selection / focus in elements and some screens don't make much sense in real desktop size )

The desktop version is purely for testing purposes of third party plugins and themes :)



AstralStorm 2008-03-29 00:08

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Well, Canola2 beta 7 works fine except for Ogg/Vorbis support.
I do have working Vorbis support in the Nokia player (ogg-support), mplayer can also play the file. Canola doesn't notice the files, though. Any way to fix it?

handful 2008-03-29 05:25

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in

IT was missing the package for the LMS (scanner) to recompile and repackaged, we are sorry for this huge mistake, but it;s going to be solved in the next week release.



iliaden 2008-03-29 16:44

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
more feedback:
I have [recently] posted a few screenshots of the missing bottom buttons. Someone replied saying that they disappear when the CPU is loaded with some other process.

My feedback is that it's not the case: started my IT; waited 5 minutes after complete boot to make sure; ran Canola... same problem!

Also, I noticed another program flaw: SOMETIMES (trying to find the cause; yet unsuccessful), when using canola to play local audio, the back button stops working. Note: this is a software problem since it does not respond to neither the onscreen button, the hardware button, or any "left" input over bluetooth (cell phone & keyboard). This problem may occur right after staring canola, or after some time using it.

P.S. metalayer-crawler is disabled; does not affect canola performance AT ALL.
P.P.S. metalayer-crawler is a system process that reads media info (ID3) for the default media player... VERY resource-hungry process for an un-optimized media player.

Btw, Canola's media playback optimization is also mediocre (wish i could say more), since it ofter (once every ~3 min) lags for 1/4 sec on local mp3 playback.

Is there any codec/library I should install to fix this?



handful 2008-03-29 17:27

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in

The bad news : we (as I said before) don't play the mp3s. At all. Your mp3s if you didn't change you conf file (people do that to use bluetooth a2dp) uses the SAME codecs, actually the same engine as the default media player. The only thing different is that we send commands through DBUS, while the default media player don't need to do that.

But I need you do one last thing : let it play without interact : see if it also lag as you said.

Why am I asking that : when on idle, canola uses almost no CPU, thus it shouldn't be problematic. The codecs are exactly the same, as we really send " play " to media engine.

I think we fixed some of the problems of the missing buttons, we were able to reproduce sometimes, but I will see if we can find this back problem.

you said you tried even bluetooth... are you using bluetooth always, when those problems happens?

PPS : we are intimate friends to the metalayer -crawler :)

We are aware that canola is cpu intensive, but we have been using canola on brand new n800s and n810 with only the problems everyone faces... so it's has been quite a challenge to us to replicate some of the issues you said to try to kill any bug that maybe causing them. Sometimes they can be tied to a simple detail... so the more we talk the more we can find this trigger and try to see what can be done to solve it.

Conclusion : canola media " playback " doesn't exist. We use our " media " layer (atabake) just to " send " comaands to the current playback " engine" that is by default : maemo media engine , so any other application using maemo media engine should be facing the same problems in your device, IF it was not cpu related. This is the only thing canola does " different " we use more cpu while animating screens.

So if you can tell me more details, of this lags... when they happen (swtiching from screen to screen : which screens? if it's the photos.. how many thumbnails...)

And just to remind me : you use Os2008 + n810 correct?



Alphaman 2008-03-29 22:44

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Hi Handful,

Just a house-keeping suggestion here:

Next time you make a version announcement, how about making multiple new related threads:
  • Announcing Canola beta 8
  • Installation instructions and issues for beta 8
  • Photo issues for beta 8
  • Music issues for beta 8
  • Podcast issues for beta 8
  • Video issues for beta 8
  • YouTube issues for beta 8

I just waded through 15 pages of posts to make sure there weren't any updates on the specific YouTube issues. :( 15 pages in a little over a week! This kind of "one thread to rule them all" can be painful, especially since we've got a whole dedicated forum for Canola.

Just a constructive suggestion! :)

P.S. I love Canola! When I want to show off my IT, this is the app I'm most likely to bring up!

handful 2008-03-29 23:45

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Alphaman: the problem is that : people even with that tends to post without searching : /

But nice suggestion, we will adopt it.



PaulRay 2008-03-30 04:11

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
This Beta is fantastic!
I love showing it to my co-workers. Everyone says "Oooh! AaaH!"
Canola makes my already cool N810 rock.
I've had it for several days now and I won't suggest any fixes since I know you're already working on them. :o)

handful 2008-03-30 10:00

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Hi Paul :)

Thanks in behalf of everyone working on it :) and yes lot's of improvement coming!



wazd 2008-03-30 15:14

Re: Canola2 Updates - Beta7, Themes, and YouTube Plug-in
Well, I think desktop Canola would be awesome way for built-in Car-puter system ;)

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