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jhoff80 2008-04-10 20:19

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Oh and I should add that I love the idea for an in-game level repository type setup.

TheRealBubba 2008-04-10 22:56

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
1 Attachment(s)
Numpty Physics is just fantastic. I'm greatly enjoying the levels contributed by earlier posters in this thread. Going to see if I can thank them (and original authors) in kind...

ShyBoy 2008-04-10 23:05

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
how to load those levels?

superstar 2008-04-10 23:55

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by ShyBoy (Post 168151)
how to load those levels?

Read post #113

dvergin 2008-04-11 01:25

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by jhoff80 (Post 168085)
...issues making things intentionally hinge around an axis, for seesaws and that sort of thing. Is there any way to simplify this? it possible to make wheels that spin around a set axis?

I would also like some clarity about making teeter-totters and levers and such. I can make a "plank" rest on something and tilt back and forth. But is it possible (as in the video of Crayon Physics Deluxe at to make a "rotation point" for an item?

And if so, are wheels possible? (again, I'm inspired by the Crayon Physics Deluxe video)

zeleftikam 2008-04-11 02:47

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Catalyst 2008-04-11 02:50

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
1 Attachment(s)
I started making a few levels today and started thinking about the person who said it would be neat to have rope. Since there's none in the game, I just made my own. Pretty easy really, connecting lines make hinges...lots of short connecting lines make lots of hinges that connect and it behaves like a rope. I'm sure in code it would be an easy thing to automate as a tool..... hint hint :)

The level included with the rope is passable by the way.

jhoff80 2008-04-11 04:48

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
1 Attachment(s)
I created one myself, but I have to warn you that the solution I had planned on working doesn't always work. I had to use undo once to solve it.

tme 2008-04-11 07:20

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by dvergin (Post 168207)
I would also like some clarity about making teeter-totters and levers and such. I can make a "plank" rest on something and tilt back and forth. But is it possible (as in the video of Crayon Physics Deluxe at to make a "rotation point" for an item?

And if so, are wheels possible? (again, I'm inspired by the Crayon Physics Deluxe video)

NP has a simple model where the strokes you draw are "wires" not solid shapes. it's the end of the wires that join to other wires and make pivots so if you want an explicit pivot point make sure that the end of one of your strokes is at the pivot. wires strokes joined in this way do not collide with each other.

similarly if you want to make a wheel you can't just join to thin air in the middle of a circle - you must add some spokes. also, since you don't want your axel (or wheel holder) to collide with the wheel when it is joined to the spokes it is best to draw the wheel and spoke(s) as a single stroke.

clear as mud??

baksiidaa 2008-04-11 08:08

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by jhoff80 (Post 168085)
I have a few suggestions, don't know how possible they are or not, but still:

First of all, I'm having a ton of issues making things intentionally hinge around an axis, for seesaws and that sort of thing. Is there any way to simplify this?

Secondly, this might be possible but I couldn't figure out how, a way to just start with an entirely blank slate, no ground, ball, or star would be nice, for when I just want to play around in a sandbox.

Third, the undo is useful, but if it would be possible to make an eraser instead, to choose which to get rid of.

Fourth, this is similar to the hinging thing I mentioned before, is it possible to make wheels that spin around a set axis?

Finally, this one is the one that is probably the most impossible of all my ideas, but I would love if there was a way to make a line a string instead of a stiff line. (This sort of ties in with the wheels because I was thinking for pulley type mechanisms, but probably too complicated.)

If it was possible to do the string idea, and expanding upon the whole crayon theme of the basis for this, it could be a different color. But instead of pressing a button to make that menu come up with the color options, maybe a skinny border around the entire screen made of crayons of different colors and to choose the one you'd like, just tap on it?

Like I said, some of them would probably be difficult or impossible, but just ideas.

Sounds like you want Tomiphy, not Numpty Physics.

There's something to be said about the simple charm of Numpty Physics--adding more features won't necessarily make it better, IMHO.

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