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mph070770 2006-06-15 09:34

Thanks for all the help. A couple of things:

1. I changed the 770 f/w to 5.2006.13-7. This appears to make maemo-mapper work for longer but, it still fails.

2. It looks like I have 2 options (can you confirm?)

a. Update to 2006 FW and see if this fixes it. I've heard mixed comments about the 2006 SW. Has anyone with dropping out problems moved to 2006 and has it cleared their problems?

b. Try the bluetooth reset script. Is this still a valid option or does the latest maemo-mapper code try this?



gnuite 2006-06-15 14:55


Originally Posted by mph070770
Thanks for all the help. A couple of things:

1. I changed the 770 f/w to 5.2006.13-7. This appears to make maemo-mapper work for longer but, it still fails.

2. It looks like I have 2 options (can you confirm?)

a. Update to 2006 FW and see if this fixes it. I've heard mixed comments about the 2006 SW. Has anyone with dropping out problems moved to 2006 and has it cleared their problems?

b. Try the bluetooth reset script. Is this still a valid option or does the latest maemo-mapper code try this?



In response to (b), Maemo Mapper will try to reset to bluetooth radio if it detects the error condition, but unfortunately resetting the radio requires root access, so it will only work if you add the following line to your /etc/sudoers file:

user ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/hciconfig hci0 reset

armin 2006-06-15 15:46

modified Maemo-Mapper 1.0.1 (ITOS2006) with second set of URI/Cache
Again, I have modified Mamo-Mapper to
  • display the zoom level when zooming in or out
  • have a second set of URI/cache parameters to be able to alternate between e.g. street maps and satellite images
  • have a new menu item to toggle the URI/cache settings

Yes, I know, John is planning to implement something more general, e.g. an arbitrary number of URI/Cache settings, not just two like in my version. This is great. Thus my version will be obsoleted in the (hopefully very) near future.

Here are the source-code changes (patches):
And here is a modified executable:Simply replace /usr/bin/maemo-mapper if you already have installed the original Maemo-Mapper 1.0.1.

Finally, here's a modified package:

mph070770 2006-06-16 07:33

Ok, an update and plea for help.

I moved to OS2006 and I still have the problem of GPS dropping out.

I wanted to try the bluetooth reset solution. I tried to modify my sudoers file and have got into a situation where it isn't modified and I get the following error:

/etc/sudoers is mode 0644, should be 0440.

This is stopping me from gaining root, modifying the file and changing the privileges back. What do I do from here?



aflegg 2006-06-16 08:24


Or, theoretically, there's now the option of a deb being created with a setuid shell in it. Unfortunately, no-one's created one yet.

gowen 2006-06-16 12:30


Originally Posted by gnuite

rfcomm connect 4 00:12:34:56:78:90
I think you have to run the above line every time you start Maemo Mapper, unless you (with root access) use rfcomm bind instead of rfcomm connect.

If you have root access you can edit the file /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf. Replace the sample values with your own and set bind to yes.

Then the connection will be established at each reboot.

gnuite 2006-06-16 17:29


Originally Posted by gowen
If you have root access you can edit the file /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf. Replace the sample values with your own and set bind to yes.

Then the connection will be established at each reboot.

Is that different from rfcomm bind?

gowen 2006-06-16 20:04


Originally Posted by gnuite
Is that different from rfcomm bind?

I think it's just another way to achieve the end, although I haven't been able to get either method to work (on OS2006).
Any ideas how I can test it out?

Solace 2006-06-16 20:23

Anyone know if you can use a cell phone as a GPS locator? I just got an unlocked nokia 6682 and noticed some mapping software on it that seems to have GPS? (havnt tried it yet)... Just a curious question... I havn't looked in or even tried it yet

gnuite 2006-06-18 22:33

GPX Driving Directions Web Service Supports UTF-8
(I posted this in the Maemo Mapper 1.x thread, but this also affects Maemo Mapper 0.x, so I've repeated it here.)

I've (finally) updated the GPX Driving Directions Web Service to output real UTF-8, so it should now work with Maemo Mapper for directions that include non-ascii characters. This also affects Maemo Mapper's internal Driving Directions downloading.

For those of you who kept getting "Error Parsing GPX File" errors, please try again and let me know if you still get the error. If you do get the error, please PM me an example of Source and Destination addresses that give you the error.

Thanks, and I apologize that it took so long to bring the web service into the twenty-first century.

Note: I have not been able to test any directions that contained Unicode characters that are not also in the ISO-8859-1 character set, mostly because I couldn't even find any Google Maps directions that included non-ISO-8859-1 characters. If you can find an example of a Source and Destination that result in directions with non-ISO-8859-1 characters, please PM them to me. Thanks!

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