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meizirkki 2009-12-13 14:42

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by Petteri (Post 424395)
I would like also to see Chromium running on n900. How do you build it, do you follow googles instructions or what?

Just copy packages from ubuntu ppa to OBS to see if they build for arm :P

pierro78 2010-01-30 10:16

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
chromium is running on the touch book ( ) (omap 3 cpu too) so it should be possible to compile it for the n900 too ...

omeriko9 2010-01-30 10:25

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by Katzburg (Post 420385)
The Linux version of Chrome is now (10 december 2009) available. Is it possible to port it now?

From some reason, I can't install the 386i deb version in Easy-Debian... why?

slux 2010-01-30 10:28

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 502267)
From some reason, I can't install the 386i deb version in Easy-Debian... why?

Because it's for i386 architecture and you'd need it built for ARM, most likely.

omeriko9 2010-01-30 10:36

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by slux (Post 502273)
Because it's for i386 architecture and you'd need it built for ARM, most likely.

But isn't that the hole point of Easy Debian? That I can install packages targeted x86 cpu ?

filologen 2010-01-30 10:56

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 502283)
But isn't that the hole point of Easy Debian? That I can install packages targeted x86 cpu ?

No easy debian uses the armel port of debian.

VladNistor 2010-04-11 14:19

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
I've been looking for a Google Chrome port for my N900 because I use it at home and it's awesome. Thanks for the port!

Yes, one can zoom in with ctr+fn + -/+ :)
The Touch plugin works alright. Also installed Adblock and Flashblock.

One can type small-caps using Shift, and indeed that could use some fixing, along with exiting full-screen.

Smallcaps works automatically when entering passwords.

Xorg seems to be working up the processor quite a bit, it's probably the reason the page is not reponsive while loading.

Overall, 6/10 for now, but the fixes would make it 10/10 :p

Duff 2010-05-23 06:03

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Anyone know how to get rid of the highlight thingy on Chromium, its acting as if im using a cursor. As opposed to MicroB's browser where when you touch the screen it scrolls instead of highlighting..

AgentZ 2010-05-23 15:11

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by Duff (Post 671217)
Anyone know how to get rid of the highlight thingy on Chromium, its acting as if im using a cursor. As opposed to MicroB's browser where when you touch the screen it scrolls instead of highlighting..

You need to install the Touch extension for it to scroll, it works on web pages, but not on the settings page, it very quick and very fast scrolling. I have 3 extensions so far that work for give info but crashes the browser when trying to open the page from the extension; GV NOTIFIER and WAVE NOTIFER.

Caballero 2010-06-03 03:05

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
The Iron browser is very good its the Chrome browser -minus big Brother (Google). I would like more privacy in my browser. That company all ready knows too much, Dammit G! that wasn't me you can't prove any thing!!:mad:

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