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sljonson 2009-12-04 22:42

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)

Originally Posted by Thor (Post 408882)
Is there a way to stay offline in some IM services while staying on in others? I only have Skype and Gtalk at the moment, but sometimes there may be someone in Yahoo or MSN, for example, that I want to avoid but stay available to other contacts on Skype.

Also, would yahoo allow the option of "appearing offline to..." while staying online to others? Or invisible mode?

Sorry for all the questions.

No. You have to enable/disable accounts that sort of thing. That's part of my wish list for enhanced Profiles support: having different account settings per profile (i.e. enable/disable, Presence, Presence message, etc.)

amorek13 2009-12-04 23:12

Re: aol aim IM
menu/more/app.manager/download look for account pluging haze it will give you few more im services including aim

thinh 2009-12-04 23:26

Re: aol aim IM
hmmmm haze? i can't fine it


Andre Klapper 2009-12-05 00:03

Re: aol aim IM
account-plugin-haze is NOT available from the "" application catalogue (Extras) hence it is not visible by default in Application Manager.
It is currently still in Extras-Testing which is NOT meant for normal end users, as software in Extras-Testing needs more testing and may drain your battery or turn your device into a brick.
Also see

B E G 2009-12-05 08:27

AIM on n900
i just have one simple question....i LOVE this phone...but its missing my fav. app i had on my a BIG AIMER and like ill die with out those..and its been rough not having them on i basicially want to know....when will fring be released and what can i use to hold me off till then?

linuxeventually 2009-12-05 08:42

Re: AIM on n900
Pidgin, the built-in Nokia client (RFTCOMM), and I'm sure there are others.

Yahoo can be a bit of a problem right now due to Yahoo changing their protocol a bit, so results will vary depending on if the client has been updated to fix the change in protocol.

You can find Pidgin here:

You might need dependencies found here: (I don't have a N900 to test)

There is talk about the Yahoo issue here:

Also if anyone wants to complain about sending someone to extras-testing, just **** off.

Added by lardman:
I want to complain, users should be careful about enabling repos other than Extras as they may contain software that does not work and might stop their existing software from working. extras-testing ought to be at least safer than extras-devel mind you. You have been warned.

No need for the attitude either thanks.

B E G 2009-12-05 09:17

Re: AIM on n900
allrighty...ill give that one a look when i wake up in the am...ANY THING ELSE while i wait on fring to fring lol?

sidewinder 2009-12-05 09:19

Re: Fring spotted on Extras

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 374110)
On my N900, right now, I can setup IM/VoIP accounts for: Ovi by Nokia, Skype, AIM, Gadu Gadu, Google Talk, GroupWise, ICQ, Jabber, MSN, MSN (Haze), QQ, SIP, Salut, Sametime, and Yahoo. That's with just the built-in Conversations software, plus a few, small, free plug-ins from Extras. I'm not restricted to one active account per service either.

I actually have accounts on most of those services configured and active on my N900 all the time. It just works.

Could you explain how did you manage to add all these protocols to built-in Conversation software? Which plug-ins are you talking about?

ryuran 2009-12-05 09:23

Re: Fring spotted on Extras
im interested in this one too... i have the fring (beta ) installed but freeze on the first try.. plus it still has a lot of bug in it. which plugin did you guys use...

B E G 2009-12-05 09:47

Re: AIM on n900
also another quick question......what do i use to open that? app fimder, daemon,ect... (im sry im a noob to this lol)

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