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x-lette 2011-05-01 09:30

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha

Originally Posted by ndi (Post 998018)
Yes, there is. It works again, through pure magic. Come to think of it, I have reverted to a known good version and they were still broken, and now they work with no modifications to software, I'm gonna guess server-side issues (302).

Glad to hear that. Didn't try it the last few days but will give it a try again today. :)


Oh, one suggestion: I lost my data several times via reflash and, as a user, painfully know this: The app needs a button for "mark everything as read". it's way easier to un-mark unseen 4 episodes than to re-mark Simpsons as read. No rush though, I have Backup Menu now.
At least for seasons there is a button to mark / unmark all episodes. And when reflashing, you should be able to at least restore the database with the entries, even if the images might be lost. (Or is the database lost too???:confused: Can't remember right now...)

ndi 2011-05-01 22:03

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha
Yes, but Simpsons has 22 seasons. Click-click-click. And, I know I can restore, it's just not everyone has a decent backup. At the very least, adding a show that has already been watched is hard work.

Well, it's not like it makes the app any less great.

x-lette 2011-05-02 10:49

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha
Images are back again! It's so great seeing those placeholders disappear :D

Regarding backup: it'd be wise do regularly backup the system - using osso-backup as well as doing manual backup via usb or network. N900 can break very quick with no warning, then it's too late to think about taking a last backup. I learned it the hard way last autumn and now my backups are at most two days old.

pelago 2011-05-16 13:05

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha

Originally Posted by jrocha (Post 987938)
I also take this chance to say that one of the next things I want to work on is to investigate why are the updates and the start up so slow. We might be able to improve somethings here.

Hi, I was wondering if you had had any luck with that? Since the 0.6.7-3 version arrived in Extras, the startup time for me is about 50 seconds. With the previous Extras version (0.6.5-1) it was only 5 or 10 seconds. I have 61 shows in my list.

ndi 2011-05-17 19:40

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha
17 shows, about 5 seconds start. Doesn't seem linear.

Did you do a full update? Maybe a show is left hanging, or missing, or something.

jrocha 2011-07-22 06:51

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha
Hi guys,

There is a new version of SeriesFinale in case you haven't noticed:

Give it a try to check if it improves the startup time a bit.

Also, everything seems to work, don't forget to vote so it gets into extras:


jcw1 2011-07-22 08:34

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha

Originally Posted by jrocha (Post 1055908)
Hi guys,

There is a new version of SeriesFinale in case you haven't noticed:

Give it a try to check if it improves the startup time a bit.

Also, everything seems to work, don't forget to vote so it gets into extras:


Just wanted to thank you for this great app. SeriesFinale is one of the most frequently used applications on my N900. The startup time has been the one issue that was really bugging me and it has now improved significantly with this new version. It could of course always be faster. but as it is, I find it quite serviceable now.

I also like the "yesterday / today" addition instead of the episode date. A small change that manages to improve usability a lot.

Thanks again.

micke.prag 2011-07-22 10:40

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha
As jrocha mentioned in his blog, I have started a port to N9(50) Harmattan.

A first video showing it on a N950 can be found here:

ivgalvez 2011-07-22 10:57

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha
Great release!

Faster startup and finally the list of series is correctly ordered.


jcw1 2011-08-12 12:59

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser by jrocha
I'm having a problem with SeriesFinale and hope that someone can help. When trying to update the shows, I either lost my WiFi-Connection or it became very weak (moving between rooms). SF tried to download nevertheless but never came to a stop, as if stuck in a loop.

Usually when something like this happens, I just close the app as I did this time. Reopening then won't do any good as I always get the message telling me to wait for the previous session of SF to finish (btw, is this a bug, that closing the app will in fact not stop the download session?). The regular way to proceed (at least in the past) was by using brute force, power down the device and then start again. This would usually allow me to start SF and the app would work in a normal way again.

This time, however, afer starting SF none of my shows were being shown. Trying the "seach shows" option now always results in the app crashing (or rather becoming totally unresponsive). Trying the "add shows manually" does not result in a crash, but no update is possible as SF is constantly telling me to make sure that an internet connection is available (IT IS) so SF gets stuck in the trying-to-download loop again.

Uninstalling and then Reinstalling the app did nothing, still the same problem as described above.

Can anyone please help?!

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