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reviver 2010-01-02 14:19

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
Connected N900 to TV for some Star Control 2 today. Brought back lots of great memories. Thank you N900.

ravioli156 2010-01-02 15:14

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
My big wows :
- playing to beneath a steel sky, monkey island 1 2 and 3, day of the tentacle and many others thanks to scummvm
- the fm transmitter : soooo usefull when you have to drive for 1600km and have no cd in the car
- access to the xterm without having to jailbreak the phone
- the excellent screen
- the TV output

Kajko 2010-01-02 21:24

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
Many, many countless wow moments.

How about sitting in my car (waiting for the wife who is shopping) right now browsing this forum and writing this reply ;-)

mysticrokks 2010-01-02 21:31

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
ok thats cool. its a nice browser

RevdKathy 2010-01-02 21:52

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
I 'gained root' for the first time tonight. It was like losing my innocence all over again. Only more fun. And with better company.

And then the game concept I imagined on the back of a bus in Barcelona actually came to life on my screen. 'Wow' wasn't in it. It was... astonishing!!!!

The sheep still need a bit of polishing, but they're in extras-devel... the sheep I dreamed up, created and made real by this wonderful community.

Just how "WOW!" is that!?!

ssjtoma 2010-01-04 02:08

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
Being able to power up the FM Transmitter with a little hack to eliminate background noise just now =)

mysticrokks 2010-01-04 02:52

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
screen and surfing- its lovely.. nothing else is close bar....
the hd2 , but luckily the n900 doesnt make you feel physically sick as you cannot go into winmo 6.5 by accident.

chargen 2010-01-04 11:40

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?

Originally Posted by thiam (Post 441846)
Hello neowolf;

The n900 picked my UPnP LaCie drive from out of the box as well. I was able to stream mp3 but no other video files (.mpg, .mpg2, etc...)
Suddenly; the n900 can no longer pick the Music up from the drive!? I can see the drive; browse to it; but none of the files are accessible.

Any thoughts??


UPNP support was a major 'wow' moment. My readynas nvx showed up first time and almost everything plays, just some video files don't play - haven't researched codec compatibility.

ivanzorkic 2010-01-07 00:52

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?

Originally Posted by pisthpeeps (Post 442990)
Thanks rash. I tried and got three options when i hold the screen. I logged into my companys web version of instant messenger in n900. To send an instant message to a contact, I need to either double click on the contact name or right click on contact name and click on send message option - which is what happens on normal PC browser. Both doesnt work in n900. Is there a way to do this in n900?

Did you try double clicking in hover mode?

arnoldthebat 2010-01-07 18:55

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
Brilliant browser - Not a glorified mobile browser
Lightening fast - no lag between screens
Fantastic call quality, Crystal clear - Have a E71 and it's better than that..
Being able to sync music on Windows 7 64 bit automatically using WMP
Build quality - it's a heavy beast but feels solidly built.
Love the Connection groups (wifi-hspa seamless switching). It is a welcome back to that feature Nokia

Cannot wait for Exchange 2003 support ;-)

Absolutely love it so far

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