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amebes 2010-06-28 13:03

Re: iphone4 vs N900
Lol, what do you mean what is the point? Never bantered with your Android-toting friends??? I have that type of debate daily. But then again I am a sad, sad man.

ysss 2010-06-28 13:22

Re: iphone4 vs N900
If you have to be 'better' than other ppl to feel good about yourself, then you won't be happy. Ever.

(and you're not worthy of n900)

schettj 2010-06-28 13:26

Re: iphone4 vs N900

Originally Posted by tom4_u (Post 732588)
Hey Guys,

Me and my room mate are fighting over which is the best phone n900 or iphone, ofcourse i fight along with the N900 lovers, but i need your help to
give me some valid points.

Any phone is better than another phone for some set of users, and that other phone would be better for a different set of users, so this is a pointless exercise.

Fight over something with more meaning :D

dana.s 2010-06-28 13:30

Re: iphone4 vs N900
you can hold N900 with left hand too :D

gerbick 2010-06-28 13:31

Re: iphone4 vs N900
Ok... I'm just having fun but why not do this.

Log into your webhost, upload a flash file (*.swf - has to be Flash Player 9 exported) and then have him point his browser to the newly, right in front of him *.swf file that you uploaded and then ask him to repeat those steps.

That's one way of showing capability perhaps.

salah99 2010-06-28 13:32

Re: iphone4 vs N900
iPhone 4 FTW..

juise- 2010-06-28 13:42

Re: iphone4 vs N900

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 732615)
If you have to be 'better' than other ppl to feel good about yourself, then you won't be happy. Ever.

Everyone can be better than average:


Originally Posted by Illusory superiority
For driving skill, 93% of the US sample [...] put themselves in the top 50%

Even this:

Originally Posted by Illusory superiority
While a great deal of evidence suggests that we compare ourselves favorably to others on a wide variety of traits, the links to self-esteem are uncertain. Do those with high self-esteem maintain this high level by rating themselves over and above others? This assertion does carry some evidence behind it; it has been reported that non-depressed subjects rate their control over positive outcomes higher than that of a peer; despite an identical level in performance between the two individuals.

Go figure. :confused:

Edit: For the main topic of discussion, N900 is the only thing with cell modem and xterm out of the box, and fits in my pocket. Thus, it's not even comparable to anything else.

xuggs 2010-06-28 13:55

Re: iphone4 vs N900
Just ask him to join TMO and he will know what he is missing.

imperiallight 2010-06-28 14:19

Re: iphone4 vs N900
if you are not sure what the good points of the n900 are then you are much better off with an iphone 4, agreed.

browsers on the app store allow simeltaneous tabbed browsing btw.

zimmerit 2010-07-02 22:43

Re: Nokia N900 vs. iPhone 4G
Is there any real comparison available from these two? (not just specs listed)

(eventhoug I still think that there is not much point to do so as there is so much difference between phones, just curious about the issue):D

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