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Bijiont 2010-02-17 10:20

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by Frappacino (Post 531768)
geeze, i just ordered a n900 and it hasnt even arrived yet, and this Meego stuff happens.

wtf is Nokia thinking? if they knew about the meego plans a while back, why release n900 at all if they had no plans to support it ?

yes i researched alot on n900 but i thought the next iteration will be progressive and so ppl will be much less inclined to "hold off" for the next device (i.e. there will alwasy be a next device, so buy the one u need now) and so community work will be done

this meego has a "big bang" perception that will make ppl wait before committing time effort and $$$ to the n900 (oh wait for this big one, because this change may be huge and if we early adopt we might as well early adopt after the big change)

are Nokia too clueless to realize what they are doing ? they have effectively shafted all existing buyers of n900. Yes I have read Ari's blog but his fancy verbal wording has convinced me there will be no official meego for n900 - let the community pick up the pieces yea cause the community works for free

unless some miracle annoucement happens, i will be returning my n900

yes this is a whine and ***** and yes its my fault i bought the device, but seriously I have 0 confidence in Nokia's common sense right now. At least google knows not to shaft ppl this badly

I agree however let's not forget Nokia is a buisness and what are all big buisness after? Simple, it's money. Providing Nokia can take money from your pocket and place it in their banks they at the end of the day could care less about N900 and Meego.

It's sad really beacuse we all expect a certain level of customer service and explination why X company is doing Y things to it's customers. Which doesn't appear to be the case here because we have all seen the Nokia song and dance before, it's nothing new.

I really wish Nokia would invest more in quality and customer service because at the end of the day there would be a lot less end user complaints. Heck when the N900 ordering system was messed up I spent like 8 hours on the phone trying to order and that is just unexceptable.

zwer 2010-02-17 10:38

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by Frappacino (Post 531768)
are Nokia too clueless to realize what they are doing ? they have effectively shafted all existing buyers of n900. Yes I have read Ari's blog but his fancy verbal wording has convinced me there will be no official meego for n900 - let the community pick up the pieces yea cause the community works for free

How exactly did Nokia shaft you by announcing MeeGo? Here is how Nokia shafted me in the past. Now I don't feel shafted at all, there is nothing better for my needs out there than the N900, period. MeeGo on N900 would be nice, but even if it wont be there, I don't see how I am shafted - it will still do the job it does now, and does it flawlessly at that. That's from user stand point, from developer's perspective I'm waiting to see how well will Qt 4.6 fare on N900 with the PR1.2, but so far it seems promising so no shafting there either...

Shervin 2010-02-17 11:06

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by geohsia (Post 531300)
Well, the $200 is subsidized so in the end you pay way more than the $500 unlocked N900.

Personally can't stand running one app at a time. I haven't done that since my old Palm III days, but to each his own. I'd rather throw in my lot with Linux / Noktel even though they're being lame about the N900 future. If QT is all its cracked up to be we'll soon rule the world!

You forgot... Apple do not include flash support because they want you to watch/buy/listen/play everything from their costly iTunes. Not from some website with flash video, game, or music player.

Also for n900.. I am ANGRY because I am used to my HTC WinMo phones where I could load the updated OSs... I ran WinMo 6 on my HTC Tytn II....

mccwho 2010-02-17 11:14

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
Well it looks like Nokia is not even waiting for 1 year to pass before killing the N900, I think I am going to return mine, it cost to much to be jurked around like this.
There is no security in this purchase (like the N800, N810 wasn't) or stability of the product.
If customers feel that a N900 purchase will result in the same situation that the N8XX customers are going through then they just killed the N900.
I feel NO confidence in my purchase. I am going back to Palm.

I just saw this video,

The guy said we will see the first MeeGo devices this year, What does this tell you?? Then he says devices that we already have.
So I see thsi as they plan to put out some stuff for the N900 but their real focus is the new stuff NOT the N900. So I am still going to return mine and get a palm and a "Always Innovating" tablet.

Maybe this helps explain why there has been NO flash 10 update yet.
I don't trust Nokia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Well, it was a nice idea, like so many of their other phones that failed.

russo_br 2010-02-17 13:23

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
I am one of the N900 owners who are worried about its future. The reason is simple, most consumers want to know if Nokia will support upgrading N900 to Meego in an official way, not just using the excuse "the community can do it, it is open".

Nokia refers to N900 as a pocket computer, but they are behaving like Apple with this excuse. You can install Linux or Windows on a Macbook, it is just not supported by them... The big difference is that Apple only develop OSX, and Nokia will offer both Maemo 5 and Meego.

I followed the news and Nokia just didn't assume that will or will not support an Meego upgrade on N900, but I hope they decide to support it. The argument about N900 benefit from Meego devices due to Qt application portability won't convince me, since Symbian users will benefit as well.

In case Meego is not officially supported I am sure there will be a community ported version, but all closed source applications also won't be officially supported on N900 running a hacked Meego (even Ovi Maps is a good example, since Nokia set the milestone to offer free turn-by-turn navigation to Harmattan, aka Meego now).

Come on Nokia, please make up your mind and tell us soon if you will support Meego on N900!! Don't ask for all the Maemo community to join Meego if you plan to let N900 early adopters on their own...

felbutss 2010-02-17 14:12

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
1 Attachment(s)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

ummm guys if you goto you will see this on the front page.

its a n900, im not getting excited yet BUT IT LOOKS LIKE THE N900 IS GETTING MMeeeeeeGGGGGGGGOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EMAD 2010-02-17 14:25

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
It only looks like the N900... but it could the upcoming N9xx

The picture is blurry and you cannot see at all if the device says N900.

I am hopeful still :cool:


Originally Posted by felbutss (Post 532189)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

ummm guys if you goto you will see this on the front page.

its a n900, im not getting excited yet BUT IT LOOKS LIKE THE N900 IS GETTING MMeeeeeeGGGGGGGGOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

felbutss 2010-02-17 14:30

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
i think it could be the n900. doubt nokia will release a major new device which looks the same as the n900

Frappacino 2010-02-17 14:34

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
how did they shaft me?

by effectively pushing the community forward leaving n900 owners behind

with meego, if you were an app developer, would you develop now for m5 with Meego on the horizon ? fix a few bugs maybe, but major work?

compatibility ? i will believe it when i see it, suffice to say i have 0 confidence with Nokia due to its astounding lack of common sense. i have 0 confidence in meego going forward

the common sense thing to do is to either delay n900 to after meego, or made sure its supported, or announce meego, then release n900 and say UP FRONT that n900 will not have meego

you can argue otherwise, but at the end of the day, MANY n900 owners are feeling totally shafted, and we will not buy a high end nokia, and we will tell our friends not to buy a high end nokia (low end is fine, who cares about support there)

eikido 2010-02-17 14:42

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
And what if Nokia themselves don't know if they will bring meego to the N900? That is what i think.

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