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mornage 2010-05-21 10:47

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by aspidites (Post 669068) python

instead of just python?

It was the root issue!

mornage 2010-05-21 11:01

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by mornage (Post 669076)
...Now, I just need to work out what to do with the gitorious version so I can edit the beginning of my number and I'll have the functionality I need.

hmmmm, post 196 of the devel thread says backspace always deletes the last number no matter where the cursor is, but when I just tried I can move the cursor anywhere in the contact field and delete the number before. However, new digits entered always appear at the end :(

e: Bug report created to address issue with characters always appearing at end of message no matter where cursor is.

Jack6428 2010-05-21 15:39

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
Hm, downloaded, but it doesn't start. i'm using PR1.1.1

aspidites 2010-05-21 18:56

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by Jack6428 (Post 669475)
Hm, downloaded, but it doesn't start. i'm using PR1.1.1

"Doesn't start" isn't helpful. Backtrace please.

Actually, looking at the other posts I'm guessing it's a dependency issue. If so, wait for the next package release or me to update this post with instructions on how to install missing dependencies.

das_schlumpfie 2010-05-21 19:08

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
is anyone having the same problem as me?

everytime i open vertsms, it started to be vertical, then it immediatly turned into landscape mode.

any solutions please?


mornage 2010-05-21 19:11

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
sorry to harrass you all the time, but is there anyway to either create a desktop shortcut to my modified or to change the installed version to use the modfied one? at the moment I have to use x-term to run it which kinda defeats the object of 1 handed texting!

aspidites 2010-05-21 19:19

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

sudo gainroot
vi /usr/share/applications/hildon/vertsms.desktop

Change the Exec line appropriately

@das_schlumpfie: version info and traceback please


python /opt/vertsms/

mornage 2010-05-21 19:44

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

thanks again for your help. worked like a charm. i'll make a note of that as it's bound to come in useful some other time.


it is the whole app in landscape and not just the virtual keyboard appearing???

das_schlumpfie 2010-05-21 20:24

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
hi, the whole app is landscape. My virtual keyboard is disabled because i installed a chinese input app.

ossipena 2010-05-22 23:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
phew. I hope I just got the unable to send to certain numbers- bug fixed. and delivery reports should be working too.

and the backspace deletes the char left from the cursor, and new char appears right from the cursor.

this all is at latest git push so new version to be put to extras-devil should include those plus hopefully working implementation for holding backspace down.

e: so no new version until I get backspace working unless it takes a lot of time

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