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gnuite 2009-03-15 05:19

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by vtolkov (Post 271767)
I understand, but it could be a kind of scaling matrix or something like that to convert one set of numbers into another, which could be configured in repository info, so if we can match coordinates, we could use the repository. Are these numbers just hard-coded?

Not really. Most tile numbers are referenced from 0 degrees latitude, 0 degrees longitude. King County's tile numbers are referenced from some random point near King County. I could technically add another option to specify the reference point, but since King County is the only website (that I know of) to use such a reference point, it wouldn't make sense from a general standpoint. It would be useless for >99.99% of use cases.

If you feel strongly about it, feel free to modify the source code and make a .deb that understands King County's peculiarities. Or, if enough people care about it, then someone else will do so. That's the power of open source, after all.

vtolkov 2009-03-16 02:50

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by gnuite (Post 271787)
It would be useless for >99.99% of use cases....

Thanks for reply. I was not asking to do that for me. I was just asking if it is done already. From priorities point of view, sure, we need other things first. Personally, I want to return google terrain.

qole 2009-03-17 19:22

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by gnuite (Post 271750)
Google Satellite maps seem to be unavailable, perhaps indefinitely. They don't seem to be very accepting of satellite imagery being pulled off of their servers in an automated fashion, and I'm not inclined to fight that.

I both understand your reluctance to fight that decision, and wish that you would try. Is there some way to get a key for your app that would allow it to have automated access? Is there a bugzilla-style bugtracker that you could submit this to? Are there no strings to pull, no ears to bend?

And as I said, I understand your reluctance to fight this, so if you say "No," it will make me sad, not angry.

itschy 2009-03-17 20:05

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Just a note: Google Satellite is working alright over here.
N800, Maemo Mapper 2.6

Matan 2009-03-18 21:15

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 251996)
And now it changed again: 86 changed to 89:

google maps in Hebrew still works. Only need to increase version again from 2.89 to 2.92, so url is

Also for google satellite this URL appears to work:

bobbarker 2009-03-24 02:33

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Has anyone gotten the nexrad weather radar to work recently? I've tried it as both a layer and a map repo and neither work. As a repo it reports back "20 maps failed to download" and I never see anything. Neither were setup to have a cache db.

LoboGitano 2009-03-30 20:58

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
As I have already mentioned earlier in this thread, the largest newspaper of Costa Rica has a much more detailed map of the country than the regular Google street map, even though this map seems to be based on Google maps:

Sometimes a real good map would be a blessing in this country, where street signs are between rare and no existent.

I have tried to tinker with that map to use it in MaemoMapper, but to no avail. I simply do not know enough about that stuff. I wonder if one of the experts in this matter could have a look on the source of that maps in order to find out if there is a usable repository available.

I could, of course, ask the people at the newspaper. But I am pretty sure that they know even less about MM than I do.

branchingfactor 2009-04-16 20:29

Google Maps Layer for Webcams
Google Maps added a layer that shows webcams all over the world.

Any idea how to get this layer into Maemo Mapper?

hotaru 2009-04-28 10:52

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
two collections of nice orthophotography:

1 ft color orthophotography from the Ohio Statewide Imagery Program (march-april 2006):

2 ft color orthophotography from the West Virginia Statewide Addressing and Mapping Board (march-june 2003, april 2004):

uhale 2009-05-07 15:48

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Is google satellite (from above post) repository broken, or is it just me?

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