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Descalzo 2011-01-01 08:57

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
This is also a problem with iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4. Here's hoping Skype fixes it. As I understand it, the iPhone is capable of using h.264 but the client doesn't use it. Apparently FaceTime does.

ayos! 2011-01-01 22:44

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
tried video call between n900 and iphone4, video didn't work but voice did

kazuki 2011-01-02 00:34

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
same here, skype works fine iphone to pc or n900 to pc, but not n900 to iphone or vice versa

moester76 2011-01-24 00:15

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
has there been any updates on this topic.
trying to video chat n900 to iphone4 thru skype.

Russianhaxor 2011-01-24 07:11

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
I think its hilarious that we've all tried this with no success. Basically tried video chatting between the N900 and iPhone 4 as well, over 3G as well as WiFi to no avail. :(

only voice chat would work, and even that was troublesome.

x61 2011-01-24 19:31

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
Both Video and voice on the N900 does not work for me. I can hear the other party but they simply can't hear me... Anybody else experiencing this?

Descalzo 2011-01-24 20:31

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
No, my voice works great! Usually just like on the phone. The problem lies with the H.264 codec. iPhone doesn't. Last I checked, only the Windows and N900 versions use H.264. If anyone knows different, please let us know.

This knowledge doesn't really help us, though, unless there's a way we can find out which codec the iPhone 4 uses and we start using it on the N900.

rotoflex 2011-01-25 13:23

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
It really starts to sound like some typical iPhone control issue - setting up with Skype for the attractive feature, but specifying that the only mobile users that will work are other iPhone users.

EIPI 2011-01-29 03:15

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
Skype 5.0 for Mac OS X was released this week. Does this fix the video calling issue between N900 and OSX?

Descalzo 2011-01-29 03:47

Re: Video Calls with Skype N900
I can verify that Skype 5 for OSX works with video chat with N900. That was a very poorly-constructed sentence.

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