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nicolai 2010-07-30 09:31

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
The content of the bookmarked pages or
to find a bookmark by name?

evad 2010-07-30 09:34

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 770071)
The content of the bookmarked pages or
to find a bookmark by name?

Bookmark by name and (ideally) its URL.

apvanloo 2010-07-30 17:24

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
How about tabs for each of the categories? Enter the word in the general screen to search for and then hit a tab which opens that particular screen and starts the query for that particular category and shows the results for that category. 1 tab should be "query all", like you present the info right now. In all screens the word searched for should be visible and editable.

You can then "tab" through the results and minimise the amount of scrolling.

paul42 2010-07-30 21:03

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Thank you so much for this app. As an ex palm user wiith a calendar back to the 90's i can at last search again.

I prefer the settings as they are or maybe down the side.

Is the search quicker by just searching say calendar, rather than all options or does the setting selection just control the results display? Its not bad took just under a minute to bring up around 50 entries from 1994-2009.

Can you make the keyboard arrow up/down keys work for scrolling the results list?

Keep up the good work!

sony123 2010-07-30 23:08

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by Helmuth (Post 769934)
Oh, YES! :)

Hmm... what about to view this buttons only after the search to simply quickfilter the result list and not before the search has began? :rolleyes:

Second the idea, this seems more streamlined to use then the other way around.

apvanloo 2010-07-31 08:33

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Would this not unnecessary increase the query time? That was at least my idea when proposing hitting a tab to start the query for one of the categories.

nicolai 2010-08-09 23:29

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

I need one additional vote in extras-testing. The current
version in extras-testing is the same as in extras-devel.
Please (test and) vote if you think this application is ready for extras.


edit: That was fast :-)
Now promoted to extras.

Berserk 2010-08-09 23:36

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 780934)
I need one additional vote in extras-testing.

Done! :D

This app has gone through great improvements, thanks again ;)

apvanloo 2010-08-23 18:58

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Hi Nicolai,

Any chance for addtional features in Scout in the nearby future?

nicolai 2010-08-23 19:46

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Yes, work for the next update is mostly done.


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