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Dousan 2010-09-26 14:19

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
i get this error every time i try to connect my flashstick/hdd with external power supply, just before pressing mount /dev/sda1 '/root/ line 3: i2cset: not found'

I've removed the script/i2c-tools and then reinstalled the .deb packages and rebooted. Then reinstalled the script/i2c-tools. Still the same.

Am i connecting at the wrong moment? I've tried at the moment MuhammadAG stated in the first post and as someone posted here 5 secs after connect usb now has shown?

The syslog is that contained from /var/log/syslogd?

MohammadAG 2010-09-26 14:31

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
hmm, could be that /usr/local/sbin is not in your path, edit the file to point to /usr/local/sbin/i2cset
Remember to run it as root, or download the new deb (same link which checks for kernel and root).

Yes, syslog is /var/log/syslog
I suggest echo "" > /var/log/syslog every once in a while to clear it as it can get very large and fill your /

Kymera76 2010-09-26 14:47

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by Dousan (Post 826513)
@Kymera76 dpkg -i is an install command for files on the internal N900 memory, so if you havn't downloaded the file it wont exist and hence it wont install... So you can enable and disable devel forever without any result... If you have downloaded the file you just need to 'cd' to the directory and then do the dpkg -i command...

If this makes no sense to you then like MuhammadAG said this is not for you yet ;)

hi and thank you for replay but i'm not a stupid it's ok?
naturally that i have downloaded files in memory i'm not a kid...
My problem is that i have files in home/users/MyDocs but if i write root my system go at Nokia-900-51-1 directory where there are two files and how i can moove i2c files in this directory? What is correct files of i2c armel o i386?

This is a forum for problems and not for judge if this is for me or not!

Kymera76 2010-09-26 15:00

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
the problems is position of files.

If i use filesmanager i see i2c files armel but if i use xterminal and write ls "list files" dont'see l2c files armel...why??

Then i have two root:
sudo gainroot (go to home/user)
root (Nokia-N900-51-1)

ivyking 2010-09-26 15:13

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by Kymera76 (Post 826674)
What is correct files of i2c armel o i386?

u don't even know the architecture ? please think this over before installing...

anyways , n900 uses an arm processor , so you should install armel...
i don't understand what probelm u have with removing files in whatever directory .

well , to remove any file , rm <filename> , ex . to remove a pic inside MyDocs , u will write rm /home/user/MyDocs/<picname>

if u want to remove a directory u will add -r to the command ,
rm -r /home/user/MyDocs/.images will delete the images folder .
u should now be able to delete whatever u want...

if u understand u should be able to tell what does the following command do if u are root ?

rm -r /*

u are not advised to try it .

luketanti 2010-09-26 15:27

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
There were alot of successes with this from several testers including me. Now we should try to escalate this and fix the little bugs. Thanks alot!!

Kymera76 2010-09-26 16:56

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by ivyking (Post 826681)
u don't even know the architecture ? please think this over before installing...

anyways , n900 uses an arm processor , so you should install armel...
i don't understand what probelm u have with removing files in whatever directory .

well , to remove any file , rm <filename> , ex . to remove a pic inside MyDocs , u will write rm /home/user/MyDocs/<picname>

if u want to remove a directory u will add -r to the command ,
rm -r /home/user/MyDocs/.images will delete the images folder .
u should now be able to delete whatever u want...

if u understand u should be able to tell what does the following command do if u are root ?

rm -r /*

u are not advised to try it .

The problems is that xterminal dont' see armel of i2c...
i see all armel file but i2c no... i try with ls command

MohammadAG 2010-09-26 17:18

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
Mate, please, this isn't for you, I'm subscribed to this thread and I see that it backfired into a how to learn about linux thread. The title states [Testers needed] and I mentioned that we only need tests from people who know what they're doing.

Nobody is calling you stupid, everyone understands more than another in different things.

Anyway, to answer your question.
Read and add the repo, then follow the steps in the first post.

Dousan 2010-09-26 17:20

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by Kymera76 (Post 826743)
The problems is that xterminal dont' see armel of i2c...
i see all armel file but i2c no... i try with ls command

If the files are in MyDocs just go to xterm and write:
sudo gainroot 'enter'
cd /home/user/MyDocs 'enter'
dpkg -i 'name of.debfile' 'enter'

That should do it ;)

And nobody called you a kid by the way... You just, at some points, seem lost/clueless here ;)

Dousan 2010-09-26 19:26

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
@MuhammadAG i can't figure out how to change the path of (i2cset), no opvious thing to change (atleast for me)...

And the download site gives a 500 internal server error (in xterm) and i can't download (the new one)...

How to workaround this? ;)

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