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WereCatf 2010-11-25 23:30

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?
Such a lame thread.

First of all, N900 did actually succeed pretty well in regards to their target audience: geeks and hardware enthusiasts.

Secondly, general populace was never the target audience and as such it was never optimized or designed with such audience in mind. Thus it's fairly obvious it would fail to appease to them.

Third, it was made clear from the get-go that N900 is more of an intermediary step and thus it would lack several features. The plan was to learn from N900 and whatever the community comes up with and use that experience in the making of a device actually aimed for more general usecases.

It's really simple and there is absolutely no point in even arguing about it. It wasn't aimed for Joe Sixpacks and thus Joe Sixpacks weren't really interested in it, and that's good IMHO. There's plenty of phones to suit such users, and while such phones may be inferior in our eyes the whole point of a phone is to suit its owner's needs, not to please all the rest.

EDIT: Fixed typo.

shockgiga 2010-11-26 00:40

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?
from where i come from, the n900 was not advertised as a geek phone at all. commercials on tv were showing shooting pics at a club party as if it was the next big thing in pop culture. lol

next time i won't believe tv ads anymore. heh

Joseph.skb 2010-11-26 00:59

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by shockgiga (Post 883390)
from where i come from, the n900 was not advertised as a geek phone at all. commercials on tv were showing shooting pics at a club party as if it was the next big thing in pop culture. lol

next time i won't believe tv ads anymore. heh

You could shoot pics anywhere with the N900. Check out really nice collection here

TV ads just try to sell a feature. If shooting pics at a club party is what most consumers expect to use a phone, then the TV ads just focus on that. 15 sec of airtime is NOT enough to sell all the N900 features and ways to use it! :cool:

9000 2010-11-26 01:59

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by shockgiga (Post 883390)
from where i come from, the n900 was not advertised as a geek phone at all. commercials on tv were showing shooting pics at a club party as if it was the next big thing in pop culture. lol

next time i won't believe tv ads anymore. heh

Well I'm not sure what you expect in clubbing, I'm not there to dance or listen to music. In my experience the N900 is the best pickup tag to start with. You don't look like an idiot carrying a N900 around (unless, of course you hang it up your neck like a cattle on bell). You just can't get the same effect with an iPhone. My friend tried to pickup a girl with his iPhone knowledge and turned out she taught him back how to expert an iPhone. That's the most awkward situation he ever experienced in his whole life.

WereCatf 2010-11-26 02:16

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by 9000 (Post 883422)
My friend tried to pickup a girl with his iPhone knowledge and turned out she taught him back how to expert an iPhone. That's the most awkward situation he ever experienced in his whole life.

Haha :D Good for her! \o/ It's similar to how my ex-boyfriend used to get both really annoyed and really embarrassed every time I lectured him about electronics or computers ^^

Men, and your lame pick-up attempts.. :P

Scottlfa 2010-11-26 04:05

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?
Never even saw an add for it in the US, ever. It was mentioned as a Zaurus alternative on OESF forums and so I took a look at it and fell in love.

kureyon 2010-11-26 06:56

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by benny1967 (Post 883293)
so that's why it needs to have sim-lock capabilities to be attractive to carriers.

Why? Doesn't the contract already provide enough safeguards for the operator? By signing the contract you have already committed to paying for cost of the phone and service for the term of the contract. Why the hell should they care if you choose to use different sim card?

benny1967 2010-11-26 07:14

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by kureyon (Post 883522)
Why? Doesn't the contract already provide enough safeguards for the operator? By signing the contract you have already committed to paying for cost of the phone and service for the term of the contract. Why the hell should they care if you choose to use different sim card?

I already explained that in detail, so I don't think repeating it would do any good. But again: The fixed monthly fees usually just aren't enough to make the whole deal profitable for the carrier. With most contracts the average monthly bill is a lot higher than the fixed costs. If a consumer who pays, say, €50-€70 per months could simply change his sim card, they'd be left with a monthly bill of €20 and another carrier would earn the remaining €30-€50.

Again, I don't see why we're even discussing this. Free phones are locked phones. Locking the phone is an additional step in the chain that costs money and that carriers would gladly avoid if they could.

slender 2010-11-26 07:16

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by lunat (Post 883305)
]all major companies do give you the n900 at least for free together with a contract. go to your next cellphone shop and choose the provider and get the n900 for $0 or €0 or whatever currency you have. all you say is plainly wrong.

EDIT: for most its not 0 but some amount they pay you. if you choose the n900.

[offtopic rant]
Srsly. Here in Finland selling phone as contract has been possible since 2006. It was forbidden because some consumer laws about locked phone number. I have to say that it might be the most stupidest thing ever. At least I and probably most of people who I know think that people who "rent" or buy phones with part payment are people who should not buy phones. If you do not have money now then why on earth you should let someone suck your blood slowly. It´s not too much money and if it´s too much then probably you have problems somewhere else and should not be even thinking buying smartphone.

Free? That pretty much reveals on what level person is when he/she is talking about contracts. Whenever I hear that word the maniacal laugher starts inside my head.

Hmmm maybe it was so that selling sim locked phones was forbidden and that is why we didn´t have same kind of contracts that e.g. UK operators have/had.

ossipena 2010-11-26 07:39

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by fergusso (Post 883347)
nokia failed on the consumer market because the device doesn't act like a user friendly device

my BS detector got wild when reading this.

not doing things like iPhone does is bad usability?

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