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adrianmilev 2011-07-06 10:15

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Please for one invitation - milev.adrian[at]gmail.


corduroysack 2011-07-06 10:33

Re: Google+ invitation requests
anyone want to join google plus pm me your email address :)

*Sonic* 2011-07-06 10:52

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Can someone try this one


brokensmile 2011-07-06 11:08

Re: Google+ invitation requests
plz send google plus invitation on dis

Buzrael 2011-07-06 12:05

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Done for adrianmilev, Brokensmile and *Sonic*

corduroysack 2011-07-06 12:13

Re: Google+ invitation requests
for everyone who pm'd me i've sent your invites :)
@Buzrael it was a fine stream mate lol

Tiger62651 2011-07-06 13:25

Re: Google+ invitation requests
how do ya invite, searched site cant figure it out.

corduroysack 2011-07-06 14:10

Re: Google+ invitation requests
you need to pm your email address to a member who is already on and they share a stream with you. i've just tried a hotmail address and it returned a message about being thoughtful who ya share streams with (LOL Ghostbusters Buzrael) if you have a gmail account try pm'ing that to me and i'll try with that :)

[Knuckles] 2011-07-06 14:32

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by *Sonic* (Post 1045314)
The age thing is apparently happening to a lot of people

One fix is to go to your gmail account settings and remove the youtube link,

I have a friend with this issue. Where did you see that removing the youtube link works?

Tiger62651 2011-07-06 15:30

Re: Google+ invitation requests
im already on google plus though. was trying to figure how to send invites out to other people. wasnt asking how to get on google plus.

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