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liar 2013-06-11 10:30

Re: ApkEnv support module development
i've managed to get all the ipc stuff going, services like netd, installd, servicemanager work fine, i couldn't test my patched surfaceflinger yet, but there are many cases where it could fail. Zygote starts up fine, SystemManager initializes all the services until ConnectivityService which segfaults somewhere during initialisation and i am unable to figure out why

EDIT: i know that the crash is inside libnativehelper at address 0x20e58 (function start is at 0x20e34) (nitdroid alpha 4) which is actually inside libcore (i suspect), but unfortunately there seem to be no symbol names so i don't know what function that is and where it is called from
EDIT: found it, sockaddrToInetAddress
EDIT: the reason was a difference between bionic and glibc's addinfo
EDIT: so i got the main loop going, but rendering does not work yet

Just486 2013-06-14 10:25

Re: ApkEnv support module development
Just noticed that Plants Vs. Zombies only registers screen taps and as a result kinetic scrolling and drag&drop (for plants) does not work. This is something that should be fixed if possible. Liar, are you still interested in upgrading the marmalade, or you are now only focusing on this much bigger project with the Dalvik VM?

liar 2013-06-14 10:36

Re: ApkEnv support module development

Originally Posted by Just486 (Post 1351944)
Just noticed that Plants Vs. Zombies only registers screen taps and as a result kinetic scrolling and drag&drop (for plants) does not work. This is something that should be fixed if possible. Liar, are you still interested in upgrading the marmalade, or you are now only focusing on this much bigger project with the Dalvik VM?

i've tried implementing it but my version failed for every game but DrawSomething, it seems to be obfuscated code, and i haven't had the motivation to figure it out. i'm still gonna work on apkenv because it works so smooth. running dalvikvm + the android services causes a lot of overhead, and i don't think it will ever run 100% flawless.

nokiabot 2013-06-14 11:45

Re: ApkEnv support module development
Are you guys working on getting dalvik vm working to some extent:eek:

liar 2013-06-14 13:19

Re: ApkEnv support module development

Originally Posted by nokiabot (Post 1351962)
Are you guys working on getting dalvik vm working to some extent:eek:

just experimenting

nokiabot 2013-06-14 14:15

Re: ApkEnv support module development

Originally Posted by liar (Post 1351985)
just experimenting

keep on experimenting :) who knows you guys devlop one on your own :)

liar 2013-06-19 00:55

Re: ApkEnv support module development
surfaceflinger & egl mess (emulator strings are just because i used code from there)

liar 2013-06-28 15:33

Re: ApkEnv support module development

does somebody know how to contact the author of this?

Hariainm 2013-06-28 16:21

Re: ApkEnv support module development

Originally Posted by liar (Post 1355374)

does somebody know how to contact the author of this?

Is that a chroot? the name suggests so. (chroid)

liar 2013-06-28 18:24

Re: ApkEnv support module development
i suppose it's a chroot, propably a similar approach as paralleldroid

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