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MoritzJT 2013-08-13 00:14

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.1.5]
As the vibrate feature follows global device feedback vibration setting from phone profiles & ringtones section which I have disabled since it's annoying while using Swype (but only there as I'd love to disable them only for Swype) is there a way to only disable vibration for Swype, so I can have vibrations for this?

Never mind, found the solution ;-)

One last bug: use only reboot and shutdown with legacy behaviour, you still need to cycle through four items, even though two are hidden... This should follow the item count that's activated. Legacy behaviour for profiles would be nice too :P

Very potent app, now that I could set delays to 100 500 1000 :D

Thanks a lot iCODeRUS!

joshyhouse 2013-08-13 01:22

Hi everybody...i'm trying to install power menu with debinstall but i have this problem...can Someone help me?

Aegis rejecting /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/power-menu-qml.deb: package 'power-menu-qml' already installed from '' -- not replacing it from unknown origin
aegis aborting dpkg -- all listed package files rejected
Compilation failed in require.

Mikkosssss 2013-08-13 07:49

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.1.5]
Do you have this:

And you need to switch trusted and press Dpkg.

coderus 2013-08-13 08:58

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.1.5]
btw, released v0.1.6 with bugfixies.

mcbook 2013-08-13 09:10

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.1.6]

I tried to uninstall power menu qml via the button in the settings window and it started to remove all of my applications (system apps as well!!!)

i shut it down and now my n9 is a brick -.-

coderus 2013-08-13 09:38

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.1.6]
@mcbook solve your QQ tweak problems in N9QT thread, not in my, please. Thanks :)

mcbook 2013-08-13 09:43

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.1.6]
this is not an n9twealks problem!

apps were removed after i tapped "remove application" in the power-menu-qml settings window!!!

Morpog 2013-08-13 09:45

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.1.6]
Because of QQ tweak in N9QT. Could have happened with another app you uninstall.

mcbook 2013-08-13 09:51

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.1.6]
makes no sense to me since n9qtweaks wasn't even open and i didn't use that tweak but....

coderus 2013-08-13 09:56

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML for Harmattan [v0.1.6]
@mcbook we all like your fable. continue please. i'd like to read about fairies and rainbow pony :)

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