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qwenjis 2010-11-02 14:49

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
HW keyboard still doesn't work.

stevomanu 2010-11-02 14:50

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I never managed to get this working once !gutted

qwenjis 2010-11-02 14:53

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
That's pretty simple and takes less than a minute.

Instruction for Win7 users(the one I use)

stevomanu 2010-11-02 14:55

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by qwenjis (Post 861026)
That's pretty simple and takes less than a minute.

Instruction for Win7 users(the one I use)

thanks but i use xp , an was using it on my friends ps3 an nothing would happen !

turbowei 2010-11-03 04:51

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by stevomanu (Post 861032)
thanks but i use xp , an was using it on my friends ps3 an nothing would happen !

same here. I connected to my PS3 just fine, discovered devices and all that. But it didn't do anything once I chose PS3 control in bluemaemo interface.

mele 2010-11-08 15:18

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Bluemaemo and PS3 works for me, but i have to pair PS3 and N900 everytime again. That kinda sucks!

paddyc1988 2010-11-15 14:46

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I'v been looking through the forum for a while now and I cant seem to find any solution to fix the libeina0 problem so I was wondering if anyone has come up with a way of installing bluemaemo with pr 1.3.

Any help would be appreciated

nokiaisthenwreligion 2010-11-16 22:53

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
guys is the any way to use nokias keybord instead of using the touch screen for blue maemo???

cipper 2010-11-25 16:24

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by paddyc1988 (Post 874103)
...I was wondering if anyone has come up with a way of installing bluemaemo with pr 1.3.

I have installed bluemaemo since PR1.1 and it worked fine until I recently upgraded to PR1.3; now it disconnects just after I try to use it. So even if you manage to install it, there's a good chance it would'n work :(

MaddogG 2010-11-27 19:53

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by cipper (Post 883061)
I have installed bluemaemo since PR1.1 and it worked fine until I recently upgraded to PR1.3; now it disconnects just after I try to use it. So even if you manage to install it, there's a good chance it would'n work :(

I have exactly the same problem...

lordnibbla 2010-12-02 04:30

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Its funny, I was shopping online for about an hour for compact htpc keyboard/mouse combos and I completely forgot about this app!

I am very impressed with the mouse performance, but I am surprised that the hw keyboard desnt work for me out of the box.

After skimming through this thread I had read many posts of a fix for the earlier versions that involved opening up the power menu and closing it to enable the hw keyboard, then later posts explaining that the issue was fixed and even on the changelog for 0.3 it states that:

"BlueMaemo v0.3 Changelog:

* Added support for the hardware keyboard in all profiles"

Anyways, I would really appreciate if anyone could explain how to get the hw keyboard function working.

As well, I couldn't seem to use the volume keys for the left and right clicking, is this function available? Otherwise how can you drag or highlight?

Again this is a very impressive app! Saved me about 50 bucks :)

Thanks for such a great app!

Joseph.skb 2010-12-02 05:39

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Is bluemaemo already on the standard application list? or still on dev?

Cue 2010-12-02 06:03

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Joseph, it's still in devel I'm afraid. Lordnibbla, the power button hw keyboard fix was a general keyboard focus fix for many apps that no longer works since PR1.2 I think.
Take a look at my dead thread for a workaround if you have easy debian it's a lot easier to fix:

P.S. You can use the "hold" button at the bottom of the screen if you want to drag

Joseph.skb 2010-12-02 07:52

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by Cue (Post 887324)
Joseph, it's still in devel I'm afraid.

Thanks. Do we know when Bluemaemo could be released to standard application? Or, how complex is it to install devel level for someone who has no programming knowledge?

stevomanu 2010-12-02 08:28

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
i wouldnt mind it workin in the first place never managed to get it going with my ps3 , never tryed it with any other bluetooth stuff . .

Cue 2010-12-02 08:35

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I'm not sure I understand?
Blue-maemo is already an application that you can install easily via the app manager but it is in the devel repository so it isn't actually meant for general use yet. I'm not sure when the author plans to move it to testing.

It already works relatively well but as with anything in the devel repository it comes with a warning that it may break things forcing you to reflash your device. If you still want to go ahead with it, the instructions to enable the extras-devel repository are here

F2thaK 2010-12-02 08:36

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
any chance you can add wifi connection to this app? wud be sick

Cue 2010-12-02 08:40

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by stevomanu (Post 887366)
i wouldnt mind it workin in the first place never managed to get it going with my ps3 , never tryed it with any other bluetooth stuff . .

I've managed to make it work for the PS3 but I've noticed that I have to pair it every time for it to connect successfully. This may be related to the same problem with my linux box where the bluetooth must be set to "visible" for it to connect. AFAIK the PS3 isn't visible unless you're pairing a device, so that may explain it, but I may be wrong.

MaddogG 2010-12-02 08:46

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by Joseph.skb (Post 887352)
Thanks. Do we know when Bluemaemo could be released to standard application? Or, how complex is it to install devel level for someone who has no programming knowledge?

It is not complex, you only have to add Extras-devel repository. If you want to try, I suggest you to add the repo, install BlueMaemo and then remove the repo.
I can't get BlueMaemo to work anymore after PR1.3, maybe you will be more lucky...

lordnibbla 2010-12-02 14:33

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by Cue (Post 887324)
Lordnibbla, the power button hw keyboard fix was a general keyboard focus fix for many apps that no longer works since PR1.2 I think.
Take a look at my dead thread for a workaround if you have easy debian it's a lot easier to fix:

P.S. You can use the "hold" button at the bottom of the screen if you want to drag

Thanks so much for the reply Cue! As for your fix, I need to install easy debian over again as I had just recently received my refurbed N900 from Nokia and had to start from scratch. But I will try it when I do install that.

But as for the script that your other post mentions:


Originally Posted by Cue (Post 883543)
if you have easydebian installed, qole even made a nice script which you can use to fix bluemaemo too. just open bluemaemo connect to your pc then open a terminal on the n900 and do

I read the topic X keyboard input focus on N900 and from what I could understand this fix needs to be applied every time you want to use the hw keyboard on bluemaemo? please correct me if I'm wrong, because I would love to be wrong in this case :)

Other than that, I only mentioned the volume toggle because in researching this app I thought that I had read somewhere that it could be used as the left and right click. But of course I could be mistaken.

Thanks again for all your help.

Cue 2010-12-02 15:22

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by lordnibbla (Post 887565)
Thanks so much for the reply Cue! As for your fix, I need to install easy debian over again as I had just recently received my refurbed N900 from Nokia and had to start from scratch. But I will try it when I do install that.

But as for the script that your other post mentions:

I read the topic X keyboard input focus on N900 and from what I could understand this fix needs to be applied every time you want to use the hw keyboard on bluemaemo? please correct me if I'm wrong, because I would love to be wrong in this case :)

Other than that, I only mentioned the volume toggle because in researching this app I thought that I had read somewhere that it could be used as the left and right click. But of course I could be mistaken.

Thanks again for all your help.

That's correct you will need to do it every time you start bluemaemo but what you could try to do is edit
to point to a script instead, which will launch bluemaemo and apply the fix automatically. That way you don't need to do anything just click the bluemaemo app and everything is done.

The good thing is that even if you multitask on the n900 when using bluemaemo you do not have to keep applying the keyboard focus fix.

casper27 2010-12-02 18:04

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Has anyone got this working with PR1.3? I keep getting dependancy issues and conflicting packages with efl-core. Tried downloading and installing efl-core directly from project page but get incompoatable package.
Seems it may be a python version confliction??

casper27 2010-12-04 17:28

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Anyone got this working with PR1.3 without conflicts?

zimon 2010-12-04 17:38

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Doesn't work for me in PR1.3
Was difficult to get it connected, until I paired again from scratch.
HW-keyboard is not working (I haven't tried to the fix script) and mouse movement is very slow and unusable.

I consider this application broken currently with PR1.3

randomdood 2010-12-04 17:55

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Using PR1.3, can't use hw keyboard, otherwise seems to work ok for me.

Possible to have say, two different setups for the media controls (i tend to use one app for music and another for videos and would prefer if i didn't have to change keyboard layouts in those applications)

Cue 2010-12-04 18:14

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I'm using PR1.3 too,installed without a problem.

casper27 2010-12-04 18:30

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by Cue (Post 889260)
I'm using PR1.3 too,installed without a problem.

Very strange I must have installed something thats conflicting with it as I cannot even install due to efl-core conflict.

Cue 2010-12-04 19:31

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
strange indeed.
what apps have you installed?
You could remove the conflicting packages and install bluemaemo but then I'm not sure what apps you have that depend on them. The other app can break/be removed if you do remove the package.

casper27 2010-12-04 20:16

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by Cue (Post 889296)
strange indeed.
what apps have you installed?
You could remove the conflicting packages and install bluemaemo but then I'm not sure what apps you have that depend on them. The other app can break/be removed if you do remove the package.

I got it working. In the end it was conflicting packages from different repos. Disabled everything except extras and installed fine. Must have been trying to pull in different versions from each repo.
Just a side note I have it working perfect with Windows7 following the guide on page 49 of this thread. If anyone needs help give us a shout.

ThePooBurner 2010-12-25 07:32

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I have finally managed to get the the N900 to pair with my win7-64bit install. Very hard to do. I've been messing with it for hours. However, now that i get it to connect, i can't use it. If i go into any of the profiles and try to issue a command it immediately disconnects me from the computer. So right now it's effectively useless.

Does anyone know why, or how to fix, the instant disconnect problem? I would really like to be able to use the keyboard to control my media center.

Joseph.skb 2010-12-25 07:34

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by ThePooBurner (Post 903894)
I have finally managed to get the the N900 to pair with my win7-64bit install. Very hard to do. I've been messing with it for hours. However, now that i get it to connect, i can't use it. If i go into any of the profiles and try to issue a command it immediately disconnects me from the computer. So right now it's effectively useless.

Does anyone know why, or how to fix, the instant disconnect problem? I would really like to be able to use the keyboard to control my media center.

I envy you guys...I'm not a tech savvy guy, so I don't get to tweak with the development stuffs.

arm-c 2011-01-05 01:16

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Has anyone figured out how to fix the issue with slow and unuseable mouse movement? I have considerable issues with that and it appears to be an issue with the phone app as it exhibits the same issues on both windows7 and linux (ubuntu 10.10).

Help Please

velazcomiguel 2011-01-05 04:06

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
hi i tried to download this application on my n900 and I couldnt ...well really I have a problem with the bluetooth one day at the office i looked my n900 it was connected to facebook skype and the bluetooth enabled... well i turn off the bluetooth put on disable it and erase the name of bluetooth to save energy and now i cant turn on the bluetooth to send files or pics well i think is a driver problem but i can configure it now i put th name i turn on on the bluetooth congigures and doesnt happen anything please i tried a lot of things but nothing pleaseeeee heeeeeeeeeeelp:(

evan108108 2011-01-09 20:44

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by cstryon (Post 722333)
I'm having trouble. I have windows seven, and an N810. they can pair over bt just fine, but when I open bluemaemo, I get 'waiting for connection', and it never connects. I tried searching through this thread but it's long. Is there an order I need to follow, or a process? If so can anyone help me to know what it is?

I have this exact same problem did you ever find the solution?

park 2011-01-10 20:47

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by arm-c (Post 911865)
Has anyone figured out how to fix the issue with slow and unuseable mouse movement? I have considerable issues with that and it appears to be an issue with the phone app as it exhibits the same issues on both windows7 and linux (ubuntu 10.10).

Help Please

I have the same problem since PR 1.3 came out.
Also wiicontrol, which connects the wiimote through bluetooth has become very unresponsive. Wonder if these problems are related? Any ideas how to figure that out? Both worked fine before PR1.3.

Temporal 2011-01-29 09:30

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by arm-c (Post 911865)
Has anyone figured out how to fix the issue with slow and unuseable mouse movement? I have considerable issues with that and it appears to be an issue with the phone app as it exhibits the same issues on both windows7 and linux (ubuntu 10.10).

Help Please

+1 to this one. Looks like I'm not alone (as others are quoting you |:P)

Sometimes rarely I'm able to get the mouse working as it should, but only after lots and lots of
1)Start bluetooh on computer;
2)start bluemaemo
3)look for bluetooth device
4)Configure n900
5)SEE if the mouse is working (and everything else). If it is not working looks like it takes forever to transmit the mouse position (and then the mouse keeps bouncing around the screen) and every letter typed takes forever to go.
6)remove n900 as recognized
7)stop Bluemaemo
8)Stop bluetooth on computer;
9)Give up OR go to 1.

hawaii 2011-01-30 03:45

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I'd really love for PS3 support to be "fixed" for this so constant pairing wasn't necessary. Awesome application though.

jmc8501 2011-01-30 04:02

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by arm-c (Post 911865)
Has anyone figured out how to fix the issue with slow and unuseable mouse movement? I have considerable issues with that and it appears to be an issue with the phone app as it exhibits the same issues on both windows7 and linux (ubuntu 10.10).

Help Please

I've also had this problem, and I agree that it is the app. Using a similar app on the iPhone doesn't have this problem, so hopefully it isn't a hardware problem. A long time ago I contacted Valério (bluemaemo creator) who said that development was being held up temporarily; perhaps someone else could contribute?

F2thaK 2011-01-30 04:04

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
this app needs wifi support!!

hawaii 2011-01-30 04:23

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Why the HELL would a bluetooth RC application need WiFi?

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