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wakkamis 2010-10-05 13:21

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
Darn. Saw the update for kmplayer today and it didn't do what I hoped it would. :/

atilla 2010-10-05 14:54

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
if i had a wish free it would be that the live wallpapers wouldn't rape my cpu and drain my battery.
damn this falling rain looks so nice :(

Bratag 2010-10-05 16:29

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread

Originally Posted by atilla (Post 833860)
if i had a wish free it would be that the live wallpapers wouldn't rape my cpu and drain my battery.
damn this falling rain looks so nice :(

How often are you sitting there looking at the desktop? Keep in mind the wallpaper only uses cpu while you are viewing it, any time its in the background it uses 0.

vasvlad 2010-10-05 18:02

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread

Originally Posted by wakkamis (Post 833779)
Darn. Saw the update for kmplayer today and it didn't do what I hoped it would. :/

Koss is rock.
He has applied my patch and has released new version of Kmplayer.

I've uploaded new adapted version of Livewallpaper (1.0.1) to extras-devel.


* Fixed problem with width of screen in theme 'Flash' (Thanks Koos)
* Fixed problems in theme 'Slideshow'
* Fixed problem with settings for theme "Flash"


mscion 2010-10-05 18:09

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread

Originally Posted by tokag (Post 832534)
great work you two. impressive stuff as usual, you don't disappoint. i love the new slide show feature and it seems to be working great on my device. my only critique would be to eliminate the "loading Livewallpaper scene" banner from being displayed while transitioning after the initial load. to clarify, text is displayed on the screen when you first active Live Wallpaper, which is good. however the same text is also displayed every time the wallpaper transitions, which is unnecessary. other than that i haven't yet explored much more of this versions other features so i'm going to do that now. again, good work guys. i thank you.

I also agree. Regardless, thanks for the very nice work.

Netweaver 2010-10-05 19:23

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
thanks for the new version, now the pictures in the slideshow mode are shown centered instead of left aligned.

Can I ask one thing now though, I'm using a Pleego theme (will probably happen with any theme) and in the space not filled by a photo (because it's not screen filling), I can see the original background peeping through.

Is it possible first to blacken the screen and then put the picture on it ? Now it's an overlay of the picture, over the 'normal' background image.

Thanks for the program and all effort so far. Loving it more and more ! :)
Actually I went for the new hilton desktop to allow more home screens so I could spread my icons out more and see more of the pictures :D

It's like a photo frame now (connected to the charger of course ...)

tokag 2010-10-05 19:29

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
just tried v 1.0.1. working great! thanks for quick update!

wakkamis 2010-10-06 17:16

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread

Originally Posted by vasvlad (Post 834015)
Koss is rock.
He has applied my patch and has released new version of Kmplayer.

I've uploaded new adapted version of Livewallpaper (1.0.1) to extras-devel.


* Fixed problem with width of screen in theme 'Flash' (Thanks Koos)
* Fixed problems in theme 'Slideshow'
* Fixed problem with settings for theme "Flash"


Great! Working perfectly now! :D

tanya 2010-10-06 17:50

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread

Originally Posted by bzbnd (Post 832862)
Excuse me i was wrong . It dosent shift pictures left . but it shows pictures in real size . it dosent maximaised them .

Images in slideshow scaled (to 800x480) proportionally, therefore some images don't occupy full screen.

mscion 2010-10-06 19:08

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
Hi, Last night I updated Live Wallpaper and it appears to have really
slowed down the n900 considerably. At times the screen was completely unresponsive
to the stylus and I had to reboot. I uninstalled Live Wallpaper and the n900 works normally
again. Any pointers on getting Live Wallpaper to work properly as I think it is very
nice to have? Thanks!

UPDATE: I reinstalled Live Wallpaper but not Xscreensavers for
Livewallpaper and it seems to run ok.

matthew maude 2010-10-12 02:56

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
can't install xscreensaver on N900 requires libxpm4 which isn't installable :-s,
i haven't looked too much into it yet tho but does anyone have the solution?

vasvlad 2010-10-12 08:09

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
Please show me output of command 'apt-cache policy libxpm4'
in xterm


matthew maude 2010-10-12 14:39

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
W: Unable to locate package libxpm

which repo is it in?

vasvlad 2010-10-13 04:53

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
See output in my device below:

Installed: 1:3.5.7-1
Candidate: 1:3.5.7-1
Version table:
*** 1:3.5.7-1 0
500 ./ Packages
500 ./ Packages
500 ./ Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

mscion 2010-10-13 15:18

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
HI, I happen to try the Berlin theme and noticed the shadow on the right building looks odd given the postion of the sun. I still like it anyways...

matthew maude 2010-10-13 15:49

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
1 Attachment(s)
keep getting this screen :confused::confused::confused:

thanks for your help tho :o

vasvlad 2010-10-14 10:39

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread

Originally Posted by matthew maude (Post 840164)
keep getting this screen :confused::confused::confused:

thanks for your help tho :o

See below my file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list

deb ./
deb ./
deb ./
deb fremantle-1.2 free non-free
deb ./
deb fremantle free
deb fremantle free
deb chinook release
deb fremantle-1.2 non-free
deb fremantle non-free


matthew maude 2010-10-15 22:31

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
got it thanks :-D

kamiwey 2010-10-18 14:35

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
hello, very nice aplication.
i would like to request a little thing for all the gurus of maemo
would be very dificult to create a live wallpaper like the wallpapers of the psp? i like the simplicity of the waves and to can select a diferent colour for each desktop would be very nice :)

AMLJ 2010-10-18 15:44

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
This is lovely! I'm using the Matrix now! Thanks!

elie-7 2010-10-19 18:41

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
guys i am having a small problem with this awesome app, i'm using xscreensaver (wormewhole), and the wallpaper keeps playing even when i'm out of the homescreen (i can see it playing behind the apps menu, and the apps taskbar), and i can confirme that in conky (7-8 % of cpu usage for womewhole), but this only happens in homescreen 2-3-4-5- and 6, everything is normal in homescreen 1, and the wallpaper stops playing when i'm out of the homescreen .
anyone else having this problem ? please how to fix it ????

zvogt 2010-10-20 07:19

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
Please forgive me if I'm just being stupid, but I did search for an answer to this question and couldn't find it. When I run conky as my wallpaper, not only will it not respect my custom conky.conf file, livewallpaper actually consistently over-writes my custom .conf file with a copy of the default .conf ! And I don't even understand where the default values are coming from, because I'm not finding any other conky.conf files anywhere else on the file system. This over-write behavior happens immidiately, if I touch the livewallpaper settings or if I reboot the device. It's like that .conf is hardcoded into the livewallpaper code, and step one is to immidiately force all configuration back to default (which kind of defeats one of the major points of conky if you ask me, or Linux for that matter). Surely I'm just missing something obvious. Please somebody tell me this is user error, and point out my mistake(s).

I still don't know what the deal was with the version of Conky I got from the maemo repo, but the new version I got from this post: fixed my issue (and also fixes another known bug with earlier versions of conky when using the $$ syntax in the TEXT section of the .conf, which was another limitation I was struggling with)

wakkamis 2010-10-28 17:02

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
Found a bug using the flash as backgrounds. If you choose "one theme in all views" the background displays in all views but only is animated in the original view.

Any way to fix this?

jeffaguilera 2010-11-01 08:29

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
Hi Vasvlad
i'm using live wallpaper 1.0.3 now with PR 1.3 firmware. i discover that when i used video as livewallpaper, the video file didn't play smoothy..its also didn't strecth to screen.

So what should i do?
thx before

Pencil 2010-11-02 06:34

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
Same here, pls. I wnt to play my favorite videos smoothy and full screen. Help me out, thanks.

vasvlad 2010-11-02 13:32

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
I just check up it on my N900(PR 1.3) and I havn't same problem with video. Please try to reboot your device and try it again.


F2thaK 2010-11-03 03:17

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
Love this app, use it for a long time now :D

Any way you could implement this app??


vasvlad 2010-11-03 04:39

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 861680)
Love this app, use it for a long time now :D

Any way you could implement this app??


I'm going to see this application tonight.


Pencil 2010-11-03 06:06

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread

I have tried to reboot my n900 a few times and the videos are still running not smooth. Could you pls. help, Thanks in advance.

jeffaguilera 2010-11-03 11:09

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread

Originally Posted by Pencil (Post 861767)

I have tried to reboot my n900 a few times and the videos are still running not smooth. Could you pls. help, Thanks in advance.

me too. still no smooth :)

vasvlad 2010-11-03 18:48

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread

Originally Posted by jeffaguilera (Post 861987)
me too. still no smooth :)

Hi guys.

I'm sorry. But I don't know how to fix this problem. Tell me your where I can get your video files for livewallpaper for test.


Pencil 2010-11-04 03:06

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
I get video files from youtube and convert them using "Pazera Free FLV To AVI Converter 1.2" into avi files with bitrate=1200 fps=30 resolution:width=800 height=480, just what you have suggested in the past. Thx for your help.

F2thaK 2010-11-04 03:24

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
its the videos not the app !!


Originally Posted by vasvlad (Post 861713)
I'm going to see this application tonight.


ooooohhhhh nice !!

Pencil 2010-11-05 03:39

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
I tried to use flash files as my livewallpaper but when I tried to save the settings once I chose the file under the flash theme, it tells me I haven't installed the flash package. It then asks me if I want to install the package through App. Manger and I press 'yes', n900 just said 'prepare to install, pls. wait' and nothing happen. What should I do? What packkage should I install? Can I install the package manually? Should the flash files that I want need to be in specific resolutions and setting?Thx in advance.

vasvlad 2010-11-05 08:33

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread

Originally Posted by Pencil (Post 863969)
I tried to use flash files as my livewallpaper but when I tried to save the settings once I chose the file under the flash theme, it tells me I haven't installed the flash package. It then asks me if I want to install the package through App. Manger and I press 'yes', n900 just said 'prepare to install, pls. wait' and nothing happen. What should I do? What packkage should I install? Can I install the package manually? Should the flash files that I want need to be in specific resolutions and setting?Thx in advance.

You need to install package Kmplayer


Pencil 2010-11-05 11:28

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
Is there any restriction on the flash video settings?

jeffaguilera 2010-11-06 00:03

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread

Originally Posted by vasvlad (Post 862485)
Hi guys.

I'm sorry. But I don't know how to fix this problem. Tell me your where I can get your video files for livewallpaper for test.


this is what happen on my device

the video file i used is from forum "ae particles.avi"

i hope you could help me...:)

vasvlad 2010-11-06 08:25

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread

Originally Posted by Pencil (Post 864232)
Is there any restriction on the flash video settings?

What did you mean?


Pencil 2010-11-06 09:10

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
He ment the video is running very not smooth and is not full screen. I have exactly the same problem and pls. help me out cause this is such a nice apps and it was doing great before.

F2thaK 2010-11-10 02:01

Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
with latest version when you are using a video file, you cannot connect phone to mass storage mode as storage is in use.... any fix for this? thanks



also, any progreess on this


Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 861680)
Love this app, use it for a long time now :D

Any way you could implement this app??


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