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x-lette 2010-11-23 10:28

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
Yes, that's the right one. Did you run it? Or did you just install it? Because when it's not running everything is fine.
I'm just trying to figure out whether there is a d-bus command to close the app, because the shown error appears when it is to be started but there is already an instance running. So looks like it was not closed before.

d-iivil 2010-11-23 10:44

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by x-lette (Post 880945)
Yes, that's the right one. Did you run it? Or did you just install it? Because when it's not running everything is fine.
I'm just trying to figure out whether there is a d-bus command to close the app, because the shown error appears when it is to be started but there is already an instance running. So looks like it was not closed before.

Yep, I'm running it and actually was now able to reproduce your situation. Clearly dsmetool wasn't powerfull enough to shutdown mycontacts, but luckily "killall mycontacts" seems to be working. Uploading next version soon :)

dagee04 2010-11-23 14:49

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
love the app men. Kinda had a suggestion. Is it possible to integrate a way of changing the theme using the customizer because after we change themes especially the ones saved using theme customizer we still have to reboot to get all the changes to show. Would be easier if we could just change it in the program and reboot from there. Just a thought. Good job men...just one of your many great programs.

s4br0s0 2010-11-23 15:08

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
Finally this app is in extras, waiting for this one almost forever.

Thanks a lot to d-iivil and who participate in this, really.


x-lette 2010-11-23 16:39

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by d-iivil (Post 880962)
Yep, I'm running it and actually was now able to reproduce your situation. Clearly dsmetool wasn't powerfull enough to shutdown mycontacts, but luckily "killall mycontacts" seems to be working. Uploading next version soon :)

Allright, author of MyContacts answered here:

Probably there is a way to not stop MyContacts but to just close all open windows? In case this really works (not yet tested) this would be a compromise, as MyContacts is quite slow when starting. Will test and report.

:o Doesn't work too. After restart of desktop it behaved differently from before but in the end it was the same. I could tap on the dialog with the dbus message (e.g. confirm it) but it just re-appeared. So I was left in a loop of dbus messages and then device rebooted by itself. Maybe it would have worked with an earlier version but I just don't have time to get older package files and test them too. So, let's kill all instances of MyContacts and user will have to restart it again, that's OK for me. :)

x-lette 2010-11-23 16:45

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by dagee04 (Post 881158)
[...]we still have to reboot to get all the changes to show. Would be easier if we could just change it in the program and reboot from there.

First: you don't have to reboot anymore to see changes. Normally you apply changes and after a while desktop gets restarted and you see all new.
Second: there is the ability to reboot directly from the app. On bottom of settings page you can enable "Auto-reboot after saving settings" and device will automatically reboot.

Q: when did you update the app last time? Which version are you running?

d-iivil 2010-11-23 17:29

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by x-lette (Post 881264)
Allright, author of MyContacts answered here:

Probably there is a way to not stop MyContacts but to just close all open windows? In case this really works (not yet tested) this would be a compromise, as MyContacts is quite slow when starting. Will test and report.

:o Doesn't work too. After restart of desktop it behaved differently from before but in the end it was the same. I could tap on the dialog with the dbus message (e.g. confirm it) but it just re-appeared. So I was left in a loop of dbus messages and then device rebooted by itself. Maybe it would have worked with an earlier version but I just don't have time to get older package files and test them too. So, let's kill all instances of MyContacts and user will have to restart it again, that's OK for me. :)

Yeah... my tests led to this compromise which seems to be working:
- I'll kill the mycontacts before restarting other services
- user must manually launch mycontacts afterwards

This combo seems to work now every time I test it.

So go ahead and install v. 0.9-59 from devel and REBOOT before use it for the first time or you'll probably end up in loop of dbus-errors by MyContacts :P

d-iivil 2010-11-23 17:32

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by dagee04 (Post 881158)
love the app men. Kinda had a suggestion. Is it possible to integrate a way of changing the theme using the customizer because after we change themes especially the ones saved using theme customizer we still have to reboot to get all the changes to show. Would be easier if we could just change it in the program and reboot from there. Just a thought. Good job men...just one of your many great programs.

Will add "choose which theme to use" -option in the near future. Already coded it in my head, just needs to type it out for real :)

s4br0s0 2010-11-23 17:38

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
Some questions:

The conversation, email and foreca widget are not supose to going opacity?

Media player and calendar going opacity.

Did you add spanish traduction?

Extras version by the way.


d-iivil 2010-11-23 18:21

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by s4br0s0 (Post 881327)
Some questions:

The conversation, email and foreca widget are not supose to going opacity?

Media player and calendar going opacity.

Did you add spanish traduction?

Extras version by the way.


Some answers:
#1, no, they aren't affected by opacity slider. I can allthough add those if they use just png images as background, will look into those

#2, yes, all built-in widgets will change opacity (exept email widget which I don't know where it stores it's bg image)

#3, spanish translation is only partly done, feel free to continue the translation, language files to edit (.ts) are under:
Those .ts files are plain text files and easy to edit with almost any text editor. Just open one and see who it's made. Once finished, send me the .ts file and I'll include it in next version :)

Currently fully supported (and enabled) translations are:

dtergens 2010-11-23 18:57

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
Installed extra version, awesome job man ! That's what I was waiting for change wallpapers and others good things.

Thank you so much !!!!

s4br0s0 2010-11-23 19:03

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
Just an idea, i would be cool if you could change things individually, not all at same time.

For example: Change X icon to Y size, but W stay at Z size.


cipper 2010-11-23 19:12

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by s4br0s0 (Post 881404)
Just an idea, i would be cool if you could change things individually, not all at same time.

For example: Change X icon to Y size, but W stay at Z size.


it seems too much complicated imo...

s4br0s0 2010-11-23 19:19

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by cipper (Post 881419)
it seems too much complicated imo...

I know but just an idea.

Like do an option that you can "edit" every desktop individually.

Other idea is you can change icons, i mean for example:

In the clock, you can change background, bur not the icons (unless you have a theme wich include the icons).

Maybe add something like import/export icons.


d-iivil 2010-11-23 19:39

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by s4br0s0 (Post 881431)
I know but just an idea.

Like do an option that you can "edit" every desktop individually.

Other idea is you can change icons, i mean for example:

In the clock, you can change background, bur not the icons (unless you have a theme wich include the icons).

Maybe add something like import/export icons.


You know you can change icon theme with customizer and there's already few icon themes in repos (in testing and devel) ;)

s4br0s0 2010-11-23 19:46

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by d-iivil (Post 881450)
You know you can change icon theme with customizer and there's already few icon themes in repos (in testing and devel) ;)

My bad, sorry.

Well don't like to use testing or/and devel, personal choice.


d-iivil 2010-11-23 20:15

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by s4br0s0 (Post 881457)
My bad, sorry.

Well don't like to use testing or/and devel, personal choice.


Understand :)
They will get to the extras eventually. Icon themes are quite new thing since changing those wans't easily possible until I implemented it into Theme Customizer.

If you however have themes installed (from extras) with custom icons, you can now use those with any theme you want.

x-lette 2010-11-24 11:44

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by d-iivil (Post 881317)
Yeah... my tests led to this compromise which seems to be working:
- I'll kill the mycontacts before restarting other services
- user must manually launch mycontacts afterwards

This combo seems to work now every time I test it.

So go ahead and install v. 0.9-59 from devel and REBOOT before use it for the first time or you'll probably end up in loop of dbus-errors by MyContacts :P

:D Works great now! Thanks for your effort to fix this issue! As I read in MyContacts' thread it's a problem of QT and not of this special app so there might be other apps around which also break the correct restarting of the desktop. Damn, will we really end up with messages like those M$ Windows-alerts telling "hey, close all running apps before moving the mouse because anything you do might break the system" :o

d-iivil 2010-11-24 12:29

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by x-lette (Post 881969)
:D Works great now! Thanks for your effort to fix this issue! As I read in MyContacts' thread it's a problem of QT and not of this special app so there might be other apps around which also break the correct restarting of the desktop. Damn, will we really end up with messages like those M$ Windows-alerts telling "hey, close all running apps before moving the mouse because anything you do might break the system" :o

Yep... allthough there's not that many other programs that are constantly running in the background.

I wish I could find out how the built-in theme chooser does the restarting of the hildon-desktop among other things it does when changing theme (clears theme caches etc). Unfortunately that piece of app is closed source :-(

DenzelFenzel000 2010-11-24 16:03

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
I have recently installed Theme customizer its a good app changing my themes around but now my phone is restarting like no yesterday what should i do to get my phone back to normal

d-iivil 2010-11-24 17:18

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by DenzelFenzel000 (Post 882180)
I have recently installed Theme customizer its a good app changing my themes around but now my phone is restarting like no yesterday what should i do to get my phone back to normal

Could you please be more specific; what do you mean by "restarting like no yesterday"?

mcastro 2010-11-25 18:10

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
Hi, thx for the app.
How delete a theme created for the app?

d-iivil 2010-11-25 20:32

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by mcastro (Post 883137)
Hi, thx for the app.
How delete a theme created for the app?

I guess you ment to ask how can you delete themes saved by the Theme Customizer?

That's easy; just tap top menu and choose "delete saved themes". It will then display list of themes you have saved using Customizer and you can choose which ones you want to delete.

mcastro 2010-11-26 16:47

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
d-iivil.. thx. nice

anismistry 2010-11-27 02:10

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
Hi D-iivil
is it possible to make the contact we add on the desktop be made smaller in size just like icons and bookmarks.

Also in the same vien can the widget size me made smaller such as the music widget etc

Thanks for this app


d-iivil 2010-11-27 06:03

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by anismistry (Post 884159)
Hi D-iivil
is it possible to make the contact we add on the desktop be made smaller in size just like icons and bookmarks.

Also in the same vien can the widget size me made smaller such as the music widget etc

Thanks for this app


Those are closed source apps, so the answer is no, there's no way to manipulate those.

Just to inform you guys:
I'm almost finished with version 0.9-60 which will include option to change the current theme directly from Theme Customizer :)

d-iivil 2010-11-27 07:13

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
Version 0.9-60 uploaded to extras-devel with following changes:

* source of modified hildon-home is now included in source package
* huge speed improvement to font import tool
* added option to change current theme

d-iivil 2010-11-27 11:51

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
Hi guys.. now there's starting to appear more and more homescreen widgets created with Qt and they all suffer the same "bug" as the MyContacts app does (application freezes / turns into zombie when hildon-desktop is restarted). I'm beginning to think giving up restarting the hildon-desktop when not choosing to auto-reboot. This means that when user changes his icon theme and chooses NOT to reboot, he won't see changed icons @ application launcher menu until he manually restarts the phone.

Random_Nokia_Hero 2010-11-27 15:27

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
excellent program, and it works very well

x-lette 2010-11-28 12:12

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by d-iivil (Post 884320)
Hi guys.. now there's starting to appear more and more homescreen widgets created with Qt and they all suffer the same "bug" as the MyContacts app does (application freezes / turns into zombie when hildon-desktop is restarted). I'm beginning to think giving up restarting the hildon-desktop when not choosing to auto-reboot. This means that when user changes his icon theme and chooses NOT to reboot, he won't see changed icons @ application launcher menu until he manually restarts the phone.

That's sad to hear but when there are so many apps having the same behaviour it might be better to not restart desktop.
I guess it would not be an option to build a list of "broken" apps that need to be restarted and to check if any of the listed apps is running? Kind of "killallbrokenqtcrap" ;)

d-iivil 2010-11-28 12:32

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by x-lette (Post 884924)
That's sad to hear but when there are so many apps having the same behaviour it might be better to not restart desktop.
I guess it would not be an option to build a list of "broken" apps that need to be restarted and to check if any of the listed apps is running? Kind of "killallbrokenqtcrap" ;)

That kind of list would be impossible to keep up-to-date....

x-lette 2010-11-28 12:40

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
Question about the current version: I just updated from ...58 (or 59?) to ...62. The changelog says it would not restart desktop and advises to manually reboot after changes if not auto-reboot selected. But after doing some changes and applying them it showed the message that a reboot would be necessary to see all changes but nevertheless the desktop restarted. Changes not yet made to current version?

d-iivil 2010-11-28 12:41

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by x-lette (Post 884940)
Question about the current version: I just updated from ...58 (or 59?) to ...62. The changelog says it would not restart desktop and advises to manually reboot after changes if not auto-reboot selected. But after doing some changes and applying them it showed the message that a reboot would be necessary to see all changes but nevertheless the desktop restarted. Changes not yet made to current version?

You're mixing hildon-desktop and hildon-home. hildon-home IS restarted, that's not the problem causer, instead hildon-desktop isn't now restarted.

x-lette 2010-11-28 12:45

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
Oh, I'm sorry. So hildon-home is the one which draws widgets on the desktop and desktop is .... something else. Allright. ;)

d-iivil 2010-11-28 12:49

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by x-lette (Post 884943)
Oh, I'm sorry. So hildon-home is the one which draws widgets on the desktop and desktop is .... something else. Allright. ;)

Exactly! :)

Big Ash 2010-11-28 13:27

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
this app is already legendry and a lot of praise goes to d-iivil and everyone else who has supported...

to take this to the next level however, it would be awsome if there was some sort of interface (similar to how you change backgrounds in theme customizer) to change each individual application icons.

So... my idea would be to if possible use sketches from mypaint or use actual photographs depending on the image format required

would it be possible to make something like work

leetut 2010-11-29 02:46

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
any chance of adding a feature to use more desktops like desktop+ did, theme customizer is already the backbone of my phone but this would make it even better

d-iivil 2010-11-29 11:29

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by leetut (Post 885321)
any chance of adding a feature to use more desktops like desktop+ did, theme customizer is already the backbone of my phone but this would make it even better

Sounds like it's not exactly "Theme" related thing, so it's not on my "roadmap". Sorry :)

zvogt 2010-12-01 05:05

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed
So now that there is a "Select a theme" drop down list at the top of the Theme Customizer screen, any chance that you can force that list to sort alphabetically? I realize the problem is not specific to Theme Customizer, of course. The normal way of setting themes from the desktop is also out of order. It used to be in alpha order back in PR1.1, but has been sorted in an arbitrary order in PR1.2 and PR1.3. It would be appreciated if you could find a solution.

d-iivil 2010-12-02 08:39

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - testers and votes needed

Originally Posted by zvogt (Post 886658)
So now that there is a "Select a theme" drop down list at the top of the Theme Customizer screen, any chance that you can force that list to sort alphabetically? I realize the problem is not specific to Theme Customizer, of course. The normal way of setting themes from the desktop is also out of order. It used to be in alpha order back in PR1.1, but has been sorted in an arbitrary order in PR1.2 and PR1.3. It would be appreciated if you could find a solution.

I'm sorry but that application is closed source so I can't fix the sorting issue that Nokia should have done in PR1.3...

Then to another topic: version 0.9-63 needs votes! Test and vote here so I can push the updated version to extras:

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