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mscion 2012-09-04 14:00

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Seems like HydraKernal is still a bit developmental for me at this point so I might wait a bit before taking the plunge... There are two main sources of lag for my GNote. One is that if I have a lot of shortcuts set up it seems to slow things down a bit when swiping from screen to screen. This is annoying because I like to organize many apps on the different screens, roughly, by use and category. The second is that, sometimes in the course of the day any browser I use has difficultly loading a new page. This problem goes away if I do a restart. Perhaps using HyrdaKernal may help here?

Kangal 2012-09-04 15:52

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1260917)
Seems like HydraKernal is still a bit developmental for me at this point so I might wait a bit before taking the plunge... There are two main sources of lag for my GNote. One is that if I have a lot of shortcuts set up it seems to slow things down a bit when swiping from screen to screen. This is annoying because I like to organize many apps on the different screens, roughly, by use and category. The second is that, sometimes in the course of the day any browser I use has difficultly loading a new page. This problem goes away if I do a restart. Perhaps using HyrdaKernal may help here?

Sounds like a governor issue.
I think its forcing the CPU to stay at low clockspeed (300MHz?) when it should really be clocking it higher (500MHz). I would change the governor before I start changing the kernel.

Ondemand and the like seem to work best (OndemandX, InteractivX, Interactive, Abyssplug, Hotplug).

I would also check the memory scheduler. You should be on SIO or at least on Noop. If you're on VR that normally lags.

And lastly, maybe your low frequency may be "too low". If its 100MHz, try bumping it upto 250MHz. Experiment a little and see if anything gets solved, see if the issue is repeatable.

Dave999 2012-09-04 16:21

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
You can buy two notes or one note II. Why do you need the extra power?

Dousan 2012-09-04 16:30

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
In Denmark the N1 is still pretty high in price, you wont get two for one N2 here. It might change when the N2 hit the stores.

Will get the N2 mostly part to the higher pressure sensitivity in the s-pen, it's slightly thinner (better for me/medium hand size), some small but cool things and it looks to be more future proof.

Let's see when I actually test it in a shop ;)


Dave999 2012-09-04 16:39

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Yes, the spen is not uber great for note one. That brings me to my other question. Lots of products has pen now and high sensitivity. Let's say note vs surface. What pen is best? Do they use same technology or every vendor has its own panel?

qwazix 2012-09-04 17:02

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
The pen from my years old wacom tablet and the pen from my hp convertible both work on the note, and the hp one is much better than both s-pen and wacom.

Anyway, do you know a good pressure sensitive mypaint alternative? does linux on android pass sensitivity values through to mypaint via vnc?

sconf 2012-09-04 20:50

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 1259545)
Whatever ROM you're using, try Gavin Lewarne's HydraCore kernel.

Thank's everybody for tips and todo-lists for making Note experience better, even though I wish we could have Real Linux in this great HW. I have been especially using Kangal's advice on updating my note. Keep them coming.

A word of warning, yesterday I tried updating HydraCore kernel with CWM, and got problems creating Nandroid backups. I just could not get working backup when running HydraCore. When restoring, either MD4 sum failed, files were missing from backup, or rebooting got stuck in flashing "SAMSUNG" or "android".

I got back GL_NOTECORE_v14-1_STD with stock ICS 4.0.4 from backup and don't seem to have problems with backup/restore anymore.

Kangal 2012-09-05 02:19

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Hmm I've heard of issues like yours.
I would do a MD5 checksum on the kernel you downloaded. Its a 5MB file this means a small error in downloading can cause a big error in installation and functionality.

The other point is to make sure you have the right file type.
Recovery files are in .zip format not .tar which is for adb/Odin installation.

Try downloading it again. And before installation wipe cache, dalvik, factory. After installation do “fix permissions “.

Let me know how it goes.
Oh and a handy tip, I recommend not making nandroid backups of custom firmware. I know its practical but u could mix it up with ai nandroid from your stock build. And doing the wipes, installing the from and then the kernel is, for some reason I don't know, much quicker than doing a nandroid restore.

Dousan 2012-09-05 04:49

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1261068)
The pen from my years old wacom tablet and the pen from my hp convertible both work on the note, and the hp one is much better than both s-pen and wacom.

Anyway, do you know a good pressure sensitive mypaint alternative? does linux on android pass sensitivity values through to mypaint via vnc?

The only one I know of is 'sketchbook mobile' wich offers some pressure sensitivity to note 1 users and I hope that will get an update to match the new s-pen for note 2.

Don't know about your question regarding vnc?


e: I've seen some pretty awesome work done with that app, with or without pressure sensitivity. So it should be a good alternative to my paint.

mscion 2012-09-05 13:45

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1261068)
The pen from my years old wacom tablet and the pen from my hp convertible both work on the note, and the hp one is much better than both s-pen and wacom.

Anyway, do you know a good pressure sensitive mypaint alternative? does linux on android pass sensitivity values through to mypaint via vnc?

I am currently using ubuntu 12.04 with LXDE via linux on android. In this case I was unable to get the s-pen to draw using mypaint (it still does some other things like I was able to set up a screen capture). On the other hand, I was able to draw by just using my finger. However I did not notice any pressure sensitivity. If someone knows how to get it to work or suggest another stylus to try please do chime in!

Anyways that two strikes against VNC route for Note.

1) s-pen does not work effectively
2) Does not transmit sound

Hopefully another approach can be used in the future.

I did try the sketch mobile app. It is pretty easy to use, perhaps not as feature rich as mypaint but S-pen worked fine and pressure sensitivity seemed adequate (although I'm not an artist!)

EDIT: For the case of Android VNC, I just noticed if you do a long press with the S-pen when in mypaint it does draw! But if you use Jump instead of android VNC the S-pen did not work. However I also tried a different stylus (Bamboo Stylus) and it worked pretty well in mypaint as well as in controlling menus and other programs in Ubuntu using Jump. You have to do a double tap on the screen with the Bamboo stylus to start writing. Still no pressure sensitivity but you can make lines darker by repeatedly writing over an area. I think overall using Jump with the Bamboo stylus was the best experience. Perhaps folks can recommend other stylus brands.

Virtuality 2012-09-05 21:39

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

I like the new launcher that is found in the s3.
But, hope that this update is not loaded with the super brick bug like the earlier updates.

sconf 2012-09-06 18:53

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1261323)
Hmm I've heard of issues like yours.
I would do a MD5 checksum on the kernel you downloaded. I

I could not find the v3 kernel anymore (or MD5 sums), there is already v3_5. The md5sum of my downloaded v3 is



Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1261323)
Try downloading it again. And before installation wipe cache, dalvik, factory. After installation do “fix permissions “.

Let me know how it goes.

Thanks for the tips, I'll try again new one soon. I'm now using CWM and zip, original ICS update was according your instructions in earlier post, Odin with tar.

Dave999 2012-09-07 07:18

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Galaxy note got a new update(still 4.0.4):

- Direct Call from S III
- Resizable Pop Up Play from Note II
- New Gallery taken directly from Note II (without Air View)
- Lockscreen Rotate to Camera from S III
- New TouchWiz Launcher taken from S III. Improves performance dramatically.
- New Setup Procedure
- New Backup to Samsung Account (SMS etc)
- Slightly changed contact list layout
- Performance improved!
- Added S-Cloud (there is no dedicated App but after flashing you will be asked if you want to sync all your settings with samsung)
- Added new motion: call contact currently displayed if you raise the phone
- Added bloatware (NTV, Lieferheld, ChatOn, myTaxi)

gregoranderson 2012-09-07 07:56

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1258291)

Good question, I've asked the same thing.

Is a large screen better than a qwerty for typing?
-No, but it's close enough with Swype and SwiftKey.

Is a large screen better for gaming than a smaller one with qwerty?
-Not really. Maybe in some instances, but qwerty tactile is awesome.

Is a large screen better "in general" than a smaller one with qwerty?
-Yes, slightly.

Now what about a large screen with a PEN ?
-Yes, it's even better, no doubt.

Frankly a hardware keyboard wins every day of the week. Even my 10" Touchpad, with Hackers Keyboard isn't as nice to use as my N900. Just missing that tactileness ...

... however once you get used to it and are trustworthy of it, then it does end up quicker - especially with all the keys available onscreen with "Hackers Keyboard".

One items worth considering is:

Not as nice as the slideout keyboards cases that folk have been butchering for the N9, but still a useful idea.

Dave999 2012-09-07 08:44

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I think the biggest issue with even the greatest on screen keyboard is that it covers about 70% of the screen. If you working with any type of input fields off screen gives a superior user experience.

mscion 2012-09-07 14:17

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1262505)
I think the biggest issue with even the greatest on screen keyboard is that it covers about 70% of the screen. If you working with any type of input fields off screen gives a superior user experience.

Actually it is not quite as bad as you say because on the GNote you can adjust the size of the keyboard such that you can type fairly easily when it covers about 40% of the screen when in portrait and about 50% in landscape (of course you have to get used to it and nothing beats a HWKB but...) . In both cases you will still have more area on GNote screen that is not covered by keyboard than the total screen area of N900.

Hmmm... I see a running joke here.

The Galaxy Note screen is sooo big you can "fill in the blank" ...

gregoranderson 2012-09-07 14:37

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I'm on vanilla CM9 now. CM10 (both vanilla and PA1.99) appeared to have some chronic memory leak which required either a forced reboot daily, or diligint rebooting in the morning to ensure it didn't happen.

With this, I'm using
  • Hackers Keyboard - with full keyboard setting on landscape and 5 row gingerbread on portrait
  • Markers - for scribbling and quickly sending stuff
  • Memo Beta to replace S-Memo - note, this includes S-pen functionality. Note there is also a homebrew called G-Note available on the note forums on xda, but I prefer memo from Google Play - it's neater.
  • Fast Dormancy Toggle for i9300 - to improve battery life due to iffy VF data connections
  • Freenote - for detailed notes (install it - superb piece of software)

Being left-handed, I also struggled with the fact that CM has no configuration for changing the dominant hand ;



echo "0" > /sys/class/sec/sec_epen/epen_hand
for left hand dominant



echo "1" > /sys/class/sec/sec_epen/epen_hand
for right-hand dominant.

Just save this as a script in /data/local/ so that it is loaded at boot-time.

And ... I'm very happy with my beast of a smartphone.

sconf 2012-09-07 18:27

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Does anybody happen to have environment to compile new wpa_supplicant for Note and ICS 4.0.4? I would love to connect to N9 hotspot but Android seems to filter out ad-hoc hotspots.

Kangal 2012-09-08 00:07

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I found the touchscreen typing to be more than bearable on the NOTE. Frankly, when you have 5in of screen, the buttons just align properly.

I think the best screen typing is on a 7in screen in portrait mode. On a 10in device its horrible and shouldn't be used for comparisons.

Touch screen Typing isn't perfect, but its better than dedicated QWERTY which is going to make the device thicker, introduce a moving part and can't change layout for other characters and languages.

For games, the keyboard doesn't work well until you have something like GameGripper. But then you don't have any thing to control movement or camera like a Joystick, or to a lesser extent Nubs, trackballs, track pads, touch pads. With most Apps you have "virtual touchpads“.

At the end of it, its a compromise. It just depends on you and what your willing to compromise. For instance, this post took 3min to type from NOTE.

PS. That attachable keyboard for the Note, is horrible. If your going to get a device like that look for Logitech Dinovo Mini, its pricey but its worth it.

Cue 2012-09-08 10:20

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1262861)
I think the best screen typing is on a 7in screen in portrait mode. On a 10in device its horrible and shouldn't be used for comparisons.

On my old Q1 tablet I had a rounded transparent keyboard which helped thumb typing on larger screens. I'm not sure why samsung don't introduce it to their bigger 10inch tablets.

Is there perhaps one you can get from the Play store?

Virtuality 2012-09-15 00:36

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I was just thinking of buying a microsd card for my galaxy note and I need some advice. Have anybody of you guys tried a 64 gb microsd on their galaxy note and had you faced any problem with that?

Besides, any advice on what trademark should I choose?sandisk?

Kangal 2012-09-15 03:04

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
There's a thread in N7000 > General Section on xda.
I'm actually not sure, but I know it support some (most?) 64GB microSD's.

I've been stuck using my 32GB from last year, serves me well.

Frappacino 2012-09-15 10:06

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
sandisk class 6 64 gb no problem

qwazix 2012-09-16 06:12

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Quick question: Can I use S-Memo and S-Note if I install a custom rom? Or I have to stick with samsung?

debernardis 2012-09-16 07:29

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1267196)
Quick question: Can I use S-Memo and S-Note if I install a custom rom? Or I have to stick with samsung?

I read that there is a Touchwiz framework installable for the Cyanogen ROM which should provide them, but I have no direct experience of it. Remember you can't use HydraCore kernels if you install it, because presently there is an incompatibility.

I am back to the SpeedMod kernel, because the HydraCore kernels have proved unstable on my setup, and after one day uptime show stuttering and freezing.

qwazix 2012-09-16 07:47

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Hm, but I don't want the whole touchwiz, just the s-note/memo. Or even another note taking app with pressure sensitivity (sketchbook mobile doesn't have pressure sensitivity for the wacom, just a faked one based for the capacitive screen).

Anyway, I could try extracting the apk and trying to install it, but I'm not very much into Android modding. I wish mer could work on the Note.

Kangal 2012-09-16 09:22

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
S NOTE App = TouchWizz ROM + TouchWizz Kernel.
Custom ROM + TouchWizz Kernel =/= S NOTE App.
TouchWizz ROM + Custom Kernel =/= Non-working phone.

Try this one:

It's 90% S NOTE App, except the "double tap to show" feature, and difference in widget. But a great App nonetheless.

Highly recommended with Custom ROMs!

mscion 2012-09-18 14:31

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
You know, I'm still a little on the fence about the GN2. But I really like the S-Pen functionality, 2GB ram (I often get close to maxing out the 1GB on GN1) and 64GB internal+64GB expandable memory (which I could really use). Anything coming down the pike that would give me buyers remorse if I got the GN2?

lsolano 2012-09-18 16:14

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I'm decided. My current Note is in perfect shape, so I'll sell it and add some money for the Note 2 just for the processor and RAM.

Dave999 2012-09-18 20:36

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I got a five 5,x mb update to note today. I wonder what that was all about. Any one else?

Virtuality 2012-09-18 21:42

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Yeah me too, I also got a new update which is LRT. But, still I don't know what is this update.

lsolano 2012-09-19 02:41

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Got it too, but I've seen no difference yet.

Dousan 2012-09-19 15:13

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
It's @daves final count down virus spreading to the OG ;)

No more Notes after 31/12-12 for you guys :p


Kangal 2012-09-20 04:40

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

What do you mean?
You mean Samsung won't be manufacturing anymore OG NOTE-1's after that date?

Dousan 2012-09-20 06:58

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1269396)

What do you mean?
You mean Samsung won't be manufacturing anymore OG NOTE-1's after that date?

Nahh it's just a joke on @dave about his final count down thread ;)


Kangal 2012-09-21 02:18

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
In that case it doesn't matter.
The apocalypse arrives 21/12/12 a week before "the final countdown".

After that the planet will be renewed with only cockroaches, twinkies and Old Nokia 3315's left working.

mscion 2012-09-22 12:59

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Assuming source is reliable, GN2 to be released in less than a week in some areas. I'd like to know what people think. Check out video. Not bad for cheap plastic...

Dave999 2012-09-22 13:11

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Who is gonna buy a note 2? I have 1,5 note 1 and thats is better than one note II. The only thing I would want is the led notifcation. no notification is annoying.

Frappacino 2012-09-28 06:37

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Galaxy note 2 will now have "multitasking" ("" cause i know some ppl are anal about what multitasking is)

Galaxy note 2 will now have a SPLIT screen function, basically you can browse the web while watching video etc. This is supported in default samsung firware that comes with the phone i think.

Confirmed its on international version of note 2 and not just korean version (hk newspaper confirmed)

Seen a video where it works in note potrait mode and the top half was web browser and bottom half was video.

Also top half browser and bottom half smemo etc

You have a side bar (hides itself when not used) where you can switch apps between windows etc

For links just google or check youtube.

This means "official" multitasking support by samsung i guess, although I have been able to do some of this by overskreen browser. Official suport is nice.

I dont see any other phone in android or ios doing this, so wonder if this is a 1st ?

mscion 2012-09-28 17:27

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Frappacino (Post 1273238)
Galaxy note 2 will now have "multitasking" ("" cause i know some ppl are anal about what multitasking is)

Galaxy note 2 will now have a SPLIT screen function, basically you can browse the web while watching video etc. This is supported in default samsung firware that comes with the phone i think.

Confirmed its on international version of note 2 and not just korean version (hk newspaper confirmed)

Seen a video where it works in note potrait mode and the top half was web browser and bottom half was video.

Also top half browser and bottom half smemo etc

You have a side bar (hides itself when not used) where you can switch apps between windows etc

For links just google or check youtube.

This means "official" multitasking support by samsung i guess, although I have been able to do some of this by overskreen browser. Official suport is nice.

I dont see any other phone in android or ios doing this, so wonder if this is a 1st ?

Pretty cool. It is nice how you can bring up apps from a side panel and is integrated with the s-pen. I wonder if all apps will work in the dual screen. For example, can you do something useful like watching gangnam style on youtube in one panel and playing angry birds in another?

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