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snostorm 2012-12-24 09:01

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Ok I am felling noobish for the first time in a lontime but I have spent the last week or so searching and hacking on getting this to work.
I had multiboot installed, uninstalled it then installed backup menu, backed up everything and did an rsync for good measure.

Then I repartitioned the emmc to have parts 1-6
I have power kewrnel and stock kernel working

I have tried
ITEM_NAME="NITDroid 2.6.28.NIT.07 split"
ITEM_CMDLINE="rootdelay=10 root=/dev/mmcblk1p5"
and many other nothing mounts root

peterleinchen 2012-12-24 12:48

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
This is more a question for NIT thread, but I guess you missed the ITEM_DEVICE and/or CMD params.

Here is my (working) item config file

ITEM_NAME="NITDroid 2.6.28.NIT.07 on mmcblk0p5"
ITEM_CMDLINE="snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=6 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p5 rw rootwait init=/init panic=30 debug"

, as already posted before.
Kernel image (here named uImage) needs to be present in / of specified device (0p5).
Do not forget to run u-boot-update-bootmenu!

But after reading again, you may have only misspelled CMDLINE.

ITEM_CMDLINE="snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=6 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p5 rw rootwait init=/init panic=30 debug"
Depending on what version of u-boot you are using and why your ITEM_KERNEL already points to a uImage (u-boot-update creates uImage from zImage for you in Mydocs/bootmenu.img.d)

MetalGearSolid 2012-12-25 17:06

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
I was using uboot version 2012-04 previously. All the kernels default/KP51/omapfb/arch was working correctly. I upgraded to 2012-10.rc3 and now I can only boot the attached kernel. I changed the KP51 item config file to use OMAPTAG and ran u-boot-update-bootmenu but still I cannot boot any other kernel other than the one attached with u-boot.

After this, I un-installed u-boot, re-installed it and and re-installed power-bootimage (KP51) but the situation is same. On booting any other kernel the device shuts down after the message "Starting kernel".

OMAP FB kernel gives the following error before shutting down.

sicelo 2012-12-25 18:07

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Uninstall (preferably with 'apt-get purge...') all u-boot versions.
Reflash stock kernel, preferably with USB + flasher-3.5. This will return you to a clean state, where you can install u-boot again, following carefully the first post in this thread

peterleinchen 2012-12-25 20:08

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
And (maybe) set up your config files correctly (see OP), as I have seen that the one for NIT was not correct.
Or just omit CMDLINE param for stock/power kernel...

MetalGearSolid 2012-12-26 17:56

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Uninstalled U-Boot version 2012-10.rc3 Flashed KP51 kernek re-installed. Same error.

Purged U-Boot reverted back to U-Boot 2012-04. mkimage error during u-boot-update-bootmenu.

Console output below -

Nokia-N900:~# u-boot-update-bootmenu
Default bootmenu entry is '/etc/bootmenu.d/20-Maemo5-KP51.item'
Adding bootmenu entry for: Internal Nand

Configuration file: /etc/bootmenu.d/10-Maemo5-2.6.28-omap1.item
Generating u-boot image for kernel 'zImage-2.6.28-omap1'...
Adding bootmenu entry for: 'Maemo 5 with 2.6.28-omap1'

Configuration file: /etc/bootmenu.d/20-Maemo5-KP51.item
Generating u-boot image for kernel 'zImage-'...
mkimage: Write error on /home/user/MyDocs/bootmenu.img.d/zImage- Success

peterleinchen 2012-12-26 23:10

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Are you sure your MyDocs is writable at all?
This would explain your problems.

MetalGearSolid 2012-12-27 01:11

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Yes MyDocs is writable. Just in case I also did a filesystem check before trying it out.

Although I tried manually copying zImage into /home/user/MyDocs/bootmenu.d/ folder and it gave an error. Elsewhere in MyDocs I can cut/copy stuff. Could it be that the permissions for /home/user/MyDocs/bootmenu.d/ have gone wrong ?

sicelo 2012-12-27 04:57

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
MyDocs is vfat, so linux permissions don't apply.

While you wait for help, maybe you could try out the previous u-boot at

MetalGearSolid 2012-12-27 05:38

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
I tried with 2012.04-1 and got the mkimage error I posted above. I did not test with 2012.04-2 because I read in the threads that it is not suitable for hw rev 2204.

Btw the command u-boot-update-bootmenu ... does it need to be run as root ?

peterleinchen 2012-12-27 22:33

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)

Originally Posted by MetalGearSolid (Post 1308067)
... Although I tried manually copying zImage into /home/user/MyDocs/bootmenu.d/ folder and it gave an error. Elsewhere in MyDocs I can cut/copy stuff. ...

This shows it seems you do not understand fully or just make small typo mistakes! Folder name is MyDocs/bootmenu.img.d
And copying will not work, as kernel image needs to be converted from z to uImage.


Originally Posted by MetalGearSolid (Post 1308093)
Btw the command u-boot-update-bootmenu ... does it need to be run as root ?

u-boot-update-bootmenu does not need root rights.


Originally Posted by MetalGearSolid (Post 1308093)
I tried with 2012.04-1 and got the mkimage error I posted above. I did not test with 2012.04-2 because I read in the threads that it is not suitable for hw rev 2204.

Maybe (just a guess) your zImage file (located in /boot) is not readable for user. Or it is already a uImage. Or ...
Please give output of
ls -l /boot
Smth like

~ $ ls -l /boot/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1783580 Mar 18 2012 zImage-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2045788 Jul 10 00:45 zImage-
You see the size difference? But, really, just a guess.

MetalGearSolid 2012-12-29 15:35

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Sorry about the typo .. I meant MyDocs/bootmenu.img.d

And I understand that the copy and convert part needs to be done by the script. I was just checking if that particular folder has i/o or access problem by manually copying something into it.

Output of ls -l /boot/

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1746688 Jan 16 2012 zImage-2.6.28-omap1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1770180 Jan 16 2012 zImage-2.6.28-omap1-fb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1785760 Jul 23 21:45 zImage-

peterleinchen 2012-12-30 15:11

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)

Originally Posted by MetalGearSolid (Post 1308067)
Yes MyDocs is writable. Just in case I also did a filesystem check before trying it out.

Although I tried manually copying zImage into /home/user/MyDocs/bootmenu.d/ folder and it gave an error. Elsewhere in MyDocs I can cut/copy stuff. Could it be that the permissions for /home/user/MyDocs/bootmenu.d/ have gone wrong ?

Sorry, running out of ideas what might be wrong.
Latest thing I could imagine you are running out of space on MyDocs?

Sourav.dubey 2013-01-02 06:18

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
can you make uboot+kp52 pkg
there is one with uboot+kp46 but that does not support thumbs and quit outdated
also I have cssu thumb installed so can I use uboot ?
Got in reboot loops

MetalGearSolid 2013-01-05 17:07

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Probably because CSSU-Thumb requires patches only present in KP51r1 kernel and up. All other kernels go into boot loop. I faced the same issue today.

Sourav.dubey 2013-01-07 06:36

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Afaik uboot doesn't come with kpv51r1
if you have thumb installed, install uboot-with kernel-cssu

MetalGearSolid 2013-01-08 01:55

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
I solved my U-Boot problem a few days back. Just reporting here in case it happens to anyone else.

Initial failure was due to FAM, it updated u-boot-flasher but not u-boot-tools. Second time around somehow my KP51 zImage in /boot was corrupted so mkimage failed to convert. I was able to resolve by manually deleting the corrupted zImage and reinstalling KP51 bootimage.

Also for CSSU-thumb KP51r1 and above is required. Don't forget to change default bootitem to KP51r1 as the attached kernel will not boot into Maemo with cssu-thumb installed.

Fabry 2013-01-20 14:36

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Hopes to see a N900 port for U-Boot v 2.0 (now called "Barebox bootloader") ?

elros34 2013-02-06 17:21

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Pali, could you tell me what file I should edit to u-boot can use boot.scr and bootmenu.img.d from sdcard?

pali 2013-02-06 17:29

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
@elros34: U-Boot on n900 is configured to use bootmenu "config" files from first fat eMMC partition = MyDocs. If you want to run your own uboot script from SD card, correct way is to create bootmenu item file with script file name.


ITEM_NAME="Script boot.scr from SD card"

Re-run u-boot-update-bootmenu and then you will have new menu entry in uboot for booting uboot script from SD card, first fat32 partition.

elros34 2013-02-06 17:33

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Ok but I've broken emmc

pali 2013-02-06 17:48

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
If you really want to use other mmc device and partition for bootmenu, edit uboot file include/configs/nokia_rx51.h and change what you want in "#define CONFIG_PREBOOT". Then recompile uboot and load it.

Default values are:

        "setenv mmcnum 1; setenv mmcpart 1; setenv mmctype fat;" \
        "setenv mmcscriptfile bootmenu.scr;" \

mmcnum - 1 - eMMC, 0 - SD card
mmcpart - partition (1-4)
mmctype - filesystem (ext2, ext4 or fat)
mmcscriptfile - signed hush uboot file which will be called

elros34 2013-02-06 19:03

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Thanks pali, now works perfectly.
So if it goes well maybe one more: I creat symlink kernel 51 item to /etc/default/bootmenu.item but u-boot still load omap kernel.
My fault I forgot to update bootmenu

starkwiz 2013-02-07 15:30

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
My N900 battery has drained and I can't figure out a way to boot it into maemo.
I have u-boot "2012.04"and power kernel51r1 installed.
I can see the boot menu and can access it's console.
But when I select boot entry.
It shows the dots then reboot. :(
Also, when the charger is connected, the amber led stays on. So, I do think it's charging.

Any trick to get it to boot ?

pali 2013-02-07 15:43

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
@starkwiz: Press power button after uboot is loaded. Then connect wallcharger and boot attached kernel (= default nokia). If you did not broke Maemo rootfs system, charging should start.

Other solution is to charger battery in another n900/phone or external charger.

starkwiz 2013-02-07 16:09

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
@pali: Thanks for your response. After booting into internal nand which I believe is the original maemo firmware. I can see the amber led blinking instead of it staying just on.
But it restarts after a while still.

reinob 2013-02-08 13:10

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)

Originally Posted by starkwiz (Post 1321427)
@pali: Thanks for your response. After booting into internal nand which I believe is the original maemo firmware. I can see the amber led blinking instead of it staying just on.
But it restarts after a while still.

Well at least your USB port is working :), so go and turn on R&D mode. With some luck you'll be able to boot and fix whatever is broken (did you do anything -- that could have broken your rootfs -- lately?).

If R&D mode doesn't save you, you would need to reflash your rootfs.

starkwiz 2013-02-13 15:40

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Sorry for the not updating here immediately. I got busy with things.
Pressing the power button and booting into attached kernel helped.
This happened again today. :D and this trick worked.

pali 2013-02-13 15:46

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
@starkwiz: I attached stock nokia pr1.3 kernel into uboot binary to solve these problems.

starkwiz 2013-02-13 15:51

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
I'll update to latest version of u-boot.
Thanks for the information and u-boot :)

peterleinchen 2013-02-13 23:10

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Pali, one noob question:
How does a u-booted kernel know where to take the modules from?
Is the link to current changed by u-boot? This is not part of config. Our just changing current to uname -r?

pali 2013-02-14 07:15

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
On linux, modprobe loading modules from directory /lib/modules/`uname -r`/. Insmod needs full path to module. On maemo more parts using insmod and using /lib/modules/current which is symlink to some kernel directory.

Problem is that this symlink is changed only after (re)installing -modules package. Kernel power has postinst script which replacing current with `uname -r` in /sbin/preinit which seems to fixing these problems.

peterleinchen 2013-02-14 07:51

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Ah okay, I see.

As I have a multiboot preinit, I thought this is multiboot related (link changed on every boot) and asked myself how u-boot handles this. But now it is clear.

Thanks for explanation.

hamil_hamster 2013-03-02 20:23

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Is there a way to load different key mapping (automatically) at start of u-boot?
I damaged my hw keyboard, whole first left key column is gone (sym, fn, shift) + right and down arrows.
So basically if something would go wrong there is nothing I can do now, including choosing another kernel in u-boot.

pali 2013-03-02 20:41

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
keys functions are in uboot rx51.c code

hamil_hamster 2013-03-02 21:16

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Thank you very much for quick reply.
Keep up the good work!

hamil_hamster 2013-03-04 12:09

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Oh well, after some reading it became obvious to me, that task of remapping modifier keys and what more important making it into my own working u-boot image is beyond me. :(

Would you please include in next update ability to navigate through selection menu using only one arrow key, like in bootmenu?

BTW> USB Host support in u-boot with ability to run images from external drive and type commands from full sized keyboard would be most awesome feature ever :)

Alecsandru 2013-03-04 18:15

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
can you use u-boot with multiboot? it seems that after i install u-boot the multiboot takes it's place , the u-boot screen dissapear after the second reboot , any fix to this?

peterleinchen 2013-03-04 21:02

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Oh dear, this has been discussed a zillion times.
multiboot flashes kernel onto NAND.
u-boot loads kernels from any partition.

In that moment you select a kernel from multiboot, this kernel is flashed and the u-boot attached kernel is gone for good.

You should decide to use u-boot only.
You may boot all Maemo kernels, other OSes and also nitdroid (see

There is also a possibility to have u-boot combined with multiboot (like I still have, manual edit of /sbin/preinit necessary), but it is not really an option when you do not know what each of the systems does.

Alecsandru 2013-03-04 22:14

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
it seems that i cannot download the last version , after clicking the deb it keeps loading and stays like that
"The connection has timed out
The server at is taking too long to respond."
any secondary links?
fixed with skeiron links
could someone help-me with zimafe and ,config for android on emmc ,read the latest 20 pages ,and i can't make it boot , i ssee the android logo , and after that ithe phone it's closing itself
thank you:)

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