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matemana 2017-03-04 07:48

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1524704)
You can set the mac with 'ip link set dev wlan address $MAC'. But this is only a workaround.

You could try to put this with your mac in init.hammerhead.rc for example, nd try if this works.

That command does not work

I created this script

HTML Code:

ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:90:4C:E1:87:FF
and service

HTML Code:

Description=fixed_mac address



Now mac address is fixed but after reboot wifi still does not connect and asks password, after this it changes ip address.

matemana 2017-03-04 10:31

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Do anyone of you have aliendalvik rooted?

I tried and installed su binary and superuser app. It sees su bianry. I set to automatically allow su acces but it does not allow.

matemana 2017-03-04 12:19

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I tried different root checkers. some said i have root some said i did not. So i tried actual app "kernel auditor" which needed root access and it did not start.
Now i installed supersu app it asked for update. I mounted /system 'rw' mode, it updated su binary was ~95 KB now ~157 KB.

Then uninstalled superuser app because it does not give prompt and blocks requests. I see it in log.

I copied this su (~157 KB) binary in. Notice these 2 are the same file just renamed.


and shortcuts
/opt/alien/system/bin/su -> /usr/bin/aliendalvik-superuser-binary
/opt/alien/system/xbin/su -> /usr/bin/aliendalvik-superuser-binary
/system/bin/su -> /usr/bin/aliendalvik-superuser-binary
/system/xbin/su -> /usr/bin/aliendalvik-superuser-binary

and kernel auditor starts! Some root checker still says NOT ROOTED, but actual app that needs root does start :)

matemana 2017-03-05 11:53

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
For now i have 3 very annoying bugs.

1 On every shutdown/startup phone needs wifi password to connect to my network.
2 After call sometimes touch does not respond. The only way is to restart the phone or if it was connected to my wifi ssh to it and run 'killall lipstick'
3 Video recording sometimes works sometimes does not.

If these 3 bugs are fixed (video recording is not so important for me) i would appreciate it.

mautz 2017-03-05 12:09

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
1. This is because of the change of the MAC address, you could ask on sailfish-porters, aybe someone there can help you.
2. Do a three finger touch, most of the time UI is working again, you also could use powermenu2 to restart lipstick by doing a long press on the power button.
3. Didn' noticed that, but i barely record videos.

BluesLee 2017-03-05 13:15

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
3. As a workaround switch from main to front back to main camera for video recording.

m4r0v3r 2017-03-05 13:19

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by matemana (Post 1524798)
For now i have 3 very annoying bugs.

1 On every shutdown/startup phone needs wifi password to connect to my network.
2 After call sometimes touch does not respond. The only way is to restart the phone or if it was connected to my wifi ssh to it and run 'killall lipstick'
3 Video recording sometimes works sometimes does not.

If these 3 bugs are fixed (video recording is not so important for me) i would appreciate it.

the wifi thing I think I heard somewhere was fixed by updating connman, so maybe wait for the next update

matemana 2017-03-05 13:20

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1524800)
1. This is because of the change of the MAC address, you could ask on sailfish-porters, aybe someone there can help you.

I remember mac address, restart phone it changes i set previous mac address which i remembered, but after this wifi can't connect at all.
I'll ask on TJC. Can you link me sailfish porters thread?

waidler 2017-03-15 16:47

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Hi guys,
I just installed SFOS2 on top of CM12.1 on my Nexus 5 and love it. It has everything I need...except whatsapp. I tried to get some obscure inofficial alien dalvik running but had no luck.

When I try to install Fdroid from this post I run into the problem that I cant locate the on the phone memory in TWRP.

Or let me rephrase that:

I like SFOS a lot. I need Whatsapp. What is my best option at this point? Real Jolla phone? Is SFdroid running stable enough for a daily driver right now? I read through tons of pages already, but my linux skills and not everything makes sense to me. :o

matemana 2017-03-15 17:04

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by waidler (Post 1525469)
I like SFOS a lot. I need Whatsapp. What is my best option at this point? Real Jolla phone? Is SFdroid running stable enough for a daily driver right now? I read through tons of pages already, but my linux skills and not everything makes sense to me. :o

From where did you download aliendalvik? Did you try that package what i have posted?

waidler 2017-03-15 18:57

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I got it! I simply sideloaded the SFdroid Alpha via adb and it works! Now trying whatsapp, this would be so awesome....:D

matemana 2017-03-16 05:50

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
How does 4g work on your Nexus 5?
My connects to 4g network but SFOS browser does not open pages immediately. It takes ~20 sec to open first page. Then it works good, but if i open other page it takes the same 20 sec then works good while i am on that page. Every new page takes too much time. I noticed that when i switch 4g on i can't ping anything. Network does not work for some time at network connection startup.

minimec 2017-03-16 17:46

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by matemana (Post 1525503)
How does 4g work on your Nexus 5?
My connects to 4g network but SFOS browser does not open pages immediately. It takes ~20 sec to open first page. Then it works good, but if i open other page it takes the same 20 sec then works good while i am on that page. Every new page takes too much time. I noticed that when i switch 4g on i can't ping anything. Network does not work for some time at network connection startup.

4G is working very well in my country. I never had a problem with LTE on my Nexus 5 in combination with SailfishOS.

Right now I run the CM12.1 base with SailfishOS (Haapajoki).

I have the 'international variant' (LG-D821) of the Nexus 5, and my telecom provider is supporting LTE cat.3 for bands 20/3/7 and LTE cat.4 for bands 3/7.

The bands 20/3/7 seem to be kind of 'standard' in western Europe.

waidler 2017-03-16 17:50

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Yeah, same behaviour here on 4G. Very slow and unresponsive.

mautz 2017-03-17 19:54

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
No problems here, did you use the 2.04 image?

matemana 2017-03-18 07:25

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1525573)
No problems here, did you use the 2.04 image?


mautz 2017-03-20 09:20

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
If you are using multirom could you install 2.01.11 image of the first post and check if there is any difference?

maximilian1st 2017-04-06 08:07

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
What happened to this thread? It is so silent the last fortnight.

claustn 2017-04-06 18:37

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
maybe we are all very happy with ours Nexus 5 and Sailfish :) Anyway, I hope Mautz will release the new version soon, I'd like to test it

dubliner 2017-04-07 08:05

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I find myself in complete agreement with @claustn, I am extremely happy with that phone (Mautz-Kernel plus BT fix). It's truly the best thing that has ever happened to me since the N900 (which I still use as a secondary phone).

The only slight glitch I have been noticing recently is Bluetooth not coming up on startup once in a while. Even restarting the BT service from the command line wouldn't work. :confused: So, I'd need to reboot (nothing I'd worry about, though).

Also, BT handsfree still isn't working (distorted audio - see way above).

@mautz, all my hopes rest on you. :cool:

minimec 2017-04-07 15:03

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by claustn (Post 1526551)
maybe we are all very happy with ours Nexus 5 and Sailfish :) Anyway, I hope Mautz will release the new version soon, I'd like to test it


Originally Posted by dubliner (Post 1526582)
I find myself in complete agreement with @claustn, I am extremely happy with that phone (Mautz-Kernel plus BT fix). It's truly the best thing that has ever happened to me since the N900 (which I still use as a secondary phone).

The only slight glitch I have been noticing recently is Bluetooth not coming up on startup once in a while. Even restarting the BT service from the command line wouldn't work. :confused: So, I'd need to reboot (nothing I'd worry about, though).

Also, BT handsfree still isn't working (distorted audio - see way above).

@mautz, all my hopes rest on you. :cool:

I agree with both of you. I am really happy with my Nexus5 and SailfishOS. And 'Yes', the Bluetooth Fix is very good for battery life.


I see your 'bluetooth' problem and can confirm it. In some rare cases the script that I wrote after some discussions with Mautz hangs... Sometimes though it is the Bluetooth stack itself that fails, and the problem is not related to the script. You can try to recover bluetooth with the following commands...


/bin/echo 0 > /proc/bluetooth/sleep/lpm
killall dbus-monitor
systemctl restart bluetooth
./ &

Or use a script that you can start with one command, like 'devel-su

# Fix failing bluetooth connection in combination with the
# script
# usage: devel-su

/bin/echo 0 > /proc/bluetooth/sleep/lpm
killall dbus-monitor
systemctl restart bluetooth
sleep 2
./ &

# In the example and are located in my /home/nemo folder.

mautz 2017-04-07 18:29

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Hi everyone,

i am very busy lately so i wasn't able to post here. I found some bugs in my CM13 port.

I didn't had the time to investigate the bluetooth call issue, but i'll look into this next week.

Minimecs bt script isn't working on cm13 port at the moment, because hcitool doesn't show any connections when it is connected to a bt speaker, so it quits the connection after 120 seconds. Minimec could you check this on cm13?

Call volume is not adjustable on cm13, i don't know if it was adjustable on cm12.1, could anyone please give me feddback on this?

The screen freeze bug is still occurs on cm13, like on many other ports, but i found out, that sometimes if a three or four finger touch wasn't enough, a 8 or 9 finger touch will get the UI workin again.

How is battery life on cm12.1 with working suspend mode on cm12.1?

I'm trying to figure out the above issues and going to release the cm13 port, when 2.1 is released, so i can check if OTA is working.

Hopefully i'll find the time to get an sfdroid compatible build released, but i don't have the time to do this at the moment.

And it would be nice, if you could post if you want custom kernels for cm13 and if yes, which features i should include.

Have a nice weekend!

claustn 2017-04-07 19:27

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Call volume IS adjustable in CM12! My battery life is not as good as yours, I'm going to try the BT suspend mode tomorrow. But maybe the cause is the use of AlienDalvik.

maidis 2017-04-08 13:37

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1526620)
Hi everyone,

And it would be nice, if you could post if you want custom kernels for cm13 and if yes, which features i should include.

Have a nice weekend!

I'm not sure I understood correctly. But I wanted to tell you when I had the opportunity. Thanks for your porting works and is it possible to have double tap to wake up feature?

claustn 2017-04-08 16:40

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
There is already a sort of double tap, it turns on the screen with the proximity sensor and then you can unlock it just by tapping

mautz 2017-04-08 16:53

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
My custom kernel has double tap to wake feature, but since this is not an original feature of the Nexus5 it will cause a massive battery drain.

Better use the fake dt2w with LPM mode.

claustn 2017-04-09 11:22

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I've installed the kernel for BT sleep, installed the script with the chmod -x but it doesn't work, I still get 0 in suspend time. What do I have missed?

matemana 2017-04-09 12:30

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by claustn (Post 1526688)
I've installed the kernel for BT sleep, installed the script with the chmod -x but it doesn't work, I still get 0 in suspend time. What do I have missed?

did you mean chmod +x ? it gives scritp executable permissions. maybe this is an issue

claustn 2017-04-09 12:37

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Yes I mean that command, just copied and pasted from the post of Minimec to terminal. Maybe I didn't do it as root

Could someone tell me what commands do I have to run?

minimec 2017-04-09 17:53

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by claustn (Post 1526692)
Yes I mean that command, just copied and pasted from the post of Minimec to terminal. Maybe I didn't do it as root

Could someone tell me what commands do I have to run?

Let's debug your issue. First after boot, I would check that you have the 'bluetooth-sleep-kernel' by Mautz installed and running.


ls /proc/bluetooth/sleep/

The output should be this...

asleep btwake btwrite hostwake lpm proto
If you don't start the '' script in some startup script or systemd service, you have to start it manually. (I pretend that the script is in the /home/nemo folder)


chmod +x  # Needed only once
./ &

You should now be able to monitor the script and get the suspend stats

tail -f /dev/shm/bt-sleep-monitor.log  # <ctrl>c to stop
mcetool --get-suspend-stats

To recover borken bluetooth, you can try

killall dbus-monitor
/bin/echo 0 > /proc/bluetooth/sleep/lpm
systemctl restart bluetooth
./ &

If it's just the script that hangs...

killall dbus-monitor
./ &

Would be cool if others could give it a try too...
Kernel can be downloaded here.
The script can be downloaded here... including all relevant informations...

minimec 2017-04-09 20:54

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1526620)
Minimecs bt script isn't working on cm13 port at the moment, because hcitool doesn't show any connections when it is connected to a bt speaker, so it quits the connection after 120 seconds. Minimec could you check this on cm13?

Hi Mautz. I passed some tests with the cm13 build. Works as expected here. I used version: 0.3 of my script (link in the post above.). Could it be that we got a bug when removing the 'log function' in the version you have on git? Maybe somehow your speaker lost connection with the phone?

I will do another test tomorrow in my car.


| SailfishOS (Haapajoki) (armv7hl)
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ getprop
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ devel-su
[root@Sailfish nemo]# ./ &
[1] 11276
[root@Sailfish nemo]# exit
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ tail -f /dev/shm/bt-sleep-monitor.log
Sun Apr  9 22:21:31 CEST 2017: Log started
Sun Apr  9 22:21:31 CEST 2017: Set 'lpm=1' as default
Sun Apr  9 22:21:31 CEST 2017: Bluetooth disabled (starting bluetooth listener)
Sun Apr  9 22:22:11 CEST 2017: Action 'bluetooth on' (set 'lpm=0' for 120 seconds)
Sun Apr  9 22:24:11 CEST 2017: Device connected (listening for 'disconnect')
Sun Apr  9 22:24:24 CEST 2017: Device disconnected (set 'lpm=1')
Sun Apr  9 22:24:24 CEST 2017: Bluetooth enabled (starting 'display on' listener)
Sun Apr  9 22:24:42 CEST 2017: Action 'display on' (set 'lpm=0' for 120 seconds)
Sun Apr  9 22:26:42 CEST 2017: Device connected (listening for 'disconnect')
Sun Apr  9 22:27:01 CEST 2017: Device disconnected (set 'lpm=1')
Sun Apr  9 22:27:02 CEST 2017: Bluetooth disabled (starting bluetooth listener)
Sun Apr  9 22:27:41 CEST 2017: Action 'bluetooth on' (set 'lpm=0' for 120 seconds)
Sun Apr  9 22:29:41 CEST 2017: No connection after 120 seconds (set 'lpm=1')
Sun Apr  9 22:29:41 CEST 2017: Bluetooth enabled (starting 'display on' listener)
Sun Apr  9 22:30:22 CEST 2017: Action 'display on' (set 'lpm=0' for 120 seconds)
Sun Apr  9 22:32:22 CEST 2017: No connection after 120 seconds (set 'lpm=1')
Sun Apr  9 22:32:22 CEST 2017: Bluetooth disabled (starting bluetooth listener)
Sun Apr  9 22:32:36 CEST 2017: Action 'bluetooth on' (set 'lpm=0' for 120 seconds)
Sun Apr  9 22:34:36 CEST 2017: Device connected (listening for 'disconnect')
Sun Apr  9 22:35:34 CEST 2017: Device disconnected (set 'lpm=1')
Sun Apr  9 22:35:34 CEST 2017: Bluetooth enabled (starting 'display on' listener)
Sun Apr  9 22:35:46 CEST 2017: Action 'display on' (set 'lpm=0' for 120 seconds)
Sun Apr  9 22:37:46 CEST 2017: Device connected (listening for 'disconnect')
Sun Apr  9 22:38:09 CEST 2017: Device disconnected (set 'lpm=1')
Sun Apr  9 22:38:09 CEST 2017: Bluetooth enabled (starting 'display on' listener)
Sun Apr  9 22:38:14 CEST 2017: Action 'display on' (set 'lpm=0' for 120 seconds)
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$

maidis 2017-04-09 21:01

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1526659)
My custom kernel has double tap to wake feature, but since this is not an original feature of the Nexus5 it will cause a massive battery drain.

Better use the fake dt2w with LPM mode.

Thanks for the info. I got my wish. A few links to make it easier for newbies like me:

mautz 2017-04-09 21:11

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

I'll test with 0.3 version of your script in the next days, i have no bt hardware here since i am not at home at the moment, i'll report back. Have you tested the connection for more than 120 seconds and do you get any output when you are connected with hcitool?




ssu ar mer-tools
pkcon refresh
pkcon install mce-tools
mcetool --set-low-power-mode=disabled
mcetool --set-lpmui-triggering=from-pocket,hover-over
mcetool --set-low-power-mode=enabled

in terminal will do the same.

claustn 2017-04-09 21:20

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by minimec (Post 1526698)
If you don't start the '' script in some startup script or systemd service, you have to start it manually. (I pretend that the script is in the /home/nemo folder)


chmod +x  # Needed only once
./ &

Thank you minimec.
It works! I had tried to execute the script file with the command:
but it wasn't the correct way.

How to run the script at startup now? I'm trying to understand how systemd works but I'm not sure yet.

minimec 2017-04-09 22:34

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Yes I tested more than 120 seconds, sometimes even listening to some music.

In the script I check for an existing connection with this 'if' statement

if  [ "$(hcitool con | grep \>)" == "" ] ; then

I I do the 'hcitool' command in the terminal with an existing connection, I get ...

[root@Sailfish nemo]# hcitool con | grep \>
        > ACL 00:0D:44:AD:FF:E1 handle 11 state 1 lm MASTER AUTH ENCRYPT

And... You need to be 'root' to get some info with 'hcitool' ;)

minimec 2017-04-09 23:00

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by claustn (Post 1526710)
How to run the script at startup now? I'm trying to understand how systemd works but I'm not sure yet.

I created a systemd service that I use for all my 'tuning' during boot. The initial post can be found here...

With this you should be able to create your own service. The actual script would then look something like this...



## bt-sleep-monitor service script

start() {
    /home/nemo/ &

stop() {
    killall dbus-monitor

case "$1" in
        sleep 1
    *) exit 1

mautz 2017-04-10 06:07

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by minimec (Post 1526711)

And... You need to be 'root' to get some info with 'hcitool' ;)

Ah, not sure if i tried it with root :-D

nh1402 2017-04-12 19:17

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Yes I'm aware of Anbox, yes I'm looking into it, I'll be getting the sources and playing with it as soon as I get my dev machine sorted.

Bundyo 2017-04-16 08:00

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
There is an other OSes PR that mentions SFOS:

Though I couldn't find an Android image for ARM.

qoh 2017-04-19 12:37

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I've followed the entire thread. The amount of information is overwhelming.

Could we arrange to update the wiki?

Maybe someone can post links to the exact posts that handle certain parts of the install, and we compile them together.

What comes to my mind right now:
  • what to download & where
  • how to install (in multirom; how to skip tutorial)
  • how to apply all the fixes
  • all required workarounds (like 4-finger touch)
  • how to configure undervolting (including lowest voltages known to work)
  • screen wake up (lpm)
  • aliendalvik
  • anything else I might have overlooked

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