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sixwheeledbeast 2013-08-05 22:41

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
Thank you for the update, again.
Any chance of having better laid out portrait support in car view?
I like the new now playing portrait screen BTW. ;)

artpra 2013-08-06 06:24

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by gidzzz (Post 1365051)
artpra, please check if the executable from the attached archive is locked down on startup too.

Edit: I think the method of launching OMP can be significant here, so the safest approach to perform the test would be to replace /usr/bin/openmediaplayer with the provided executable. And speaking of how OMP is launched, do you use modified D-Bus service (as described in the wiki) and stock player's icon?

Checked and it`s exactly the same, no improvements.

I`m launching OMP via desktop icon, no changes to d-bus, OMP .desktop file or an icon (so OMP is pure&clean straight from the repos).

gidzzz 2013-08-06 15:24

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by tuxsavvy (Post 1365057)
If I may add one feature request, that is to scale down the video (which the user is playing on the screen) to whatever size for hildon-desktop sets it as a background task. In other words, when say a user is playing and watching a video, all of the sudden they receive a message or some other notification. They want to be able to switch out of the Open Media Player and see the list of programs running in the background whilst Open Media Player is still playing that video. Some may recall this feature was once available in the Media Player (standard) but they have made it to pause the video once the user tries to switch task. This feature was also notable in the N900 teaser/trailer video where the user was playing the trailer video "9", switching out of the Media Player (stock) and then into hildon-home. Open Media Player can almost do the same thing except when viewing in the list of programs running, the video tends to be cropped instead of scaled down.

Do I understand correctly that the stock MP used to act exactly like in the N900 teaser? Can anyone else confirm this? Playback in the background is still possible even today, but the video is cropped, not scaled: Perhaps it is possible to implement if the geometry of minimized windows is available somewhere, but I have never heard of it.


Originally Posted by tuxsavvy (Post 1365057)
I just streamed a music from internet radio using Open Media Player, first time doing it and I realised there was no way to set the buffer size. Maybe another feature request (if possible) would be great!

OMP uses MAFW as the back-end to play all media and as far as I know it does not expose that for configuration.


Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast (Post 1365141)
Any chance of having better laid out portrait support in car view?

Uhm, there is portrait mode for the car view? :eek: If everything works correctly, it should be locked to landscape.


Originally Posted by artpra (Post 1365172)
Checked and it`s exactly the same, no improvements.

It seems that OMP on my device is locked down the first time it is started, but only when started in the way which I mentioned in my previous post and does not seem to occur in the version attached to that post (based on 2 reboots with standard 20130804 and 2 with modified).

I went through diffs once again, without noticing anything especially suspicious, but there is still hope in brute force. ;) If you are willing to dedicate some time to it, we could try bisection. There are 22 commits between 20121220 and 20130321, so I would provide 23 builds (that extra 1 as sanity check) and you would track down the commit which introduced the bug. 23 might not sound encouraging, but with binary search you should be able to find the problematic commit in about 5 attempts.

If anyone wants to give it a try on his own, I have added release tags to the git repository, so the versions are easy to locate.

sixwheeledbeast 2013-08-06 16:16

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by gidzzz (Post 1365274)
Uhm, there is portrait mode for the car view? :eek: If everything works correctly, it should be locked to landscape.

This maybe my doing, I am using old-school "forced-rotation" with a "blacklist".
However I have never noticed this before in previous versions. I am sure it has always been in landscape. Which is why I don't use it, due to having a portrait orientated car holder.
Either way if the text was smaller and reformatted it would work ok.

nokiabot 2013-08-06 16:28

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
i didnt find that background feature in omp and maemo 5 where the video plays as a layer everywhere in any app:) can this be done :):):)

tuxsavvy 2013-08-06 18:54

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by gidzzz (Post 1365274)
Do I understand correctly that the stock MP used to act exactly like in the N900 teaser? Can anyone else confirm this? Playback in the background is still possible even today, but the video is cropped, not scaled: Perhaps it is possible to implement if the geometry of minimized windows is available somewhere, but I have never heard of it.

The stock MP that I have (1.3-4+0m5) definitely will pause the video that is playing on the screen. However when switching back to the stock MP, it will continue playing the video.

OMP does still allow the video to be played whilst the user switches task but as said before (even you have confirmed it), that the video seems to be cropped and not scaled.

I guess that might be a difficult ask from my end :)


Originally Posted by gidzzz (Post 1365274)
OMP uses MAFW as the back-end to play all media and as far as I know it does not expose that for configuration.

Ahh bummer, would be nice if there was a way somehow to configure it. Oh well, thanks though.


Originally Posted by nokiabot (Post 1365294)
i didnt find that background feature in omp and maemo 5 where the video plays as a layer everywhere in any app:) can this be done :):):)

Yeah that is true that neither does the stock MP (in the latest version) as well as OMP allows switching tasks as an option. My way of doing it (and I think only people with CSSU enabled and/or use mhd) is via Sym/Ctrl + Backspace. This basically forcibly allows the task to go into those task switcher.

For those unfamiliar with what I am referring to:

If you see around 35 seconds in, or 1:03 in or even towards the last few seconds. You will see the stock MP still playing that video even though the user has either left it at task switcher or is going to other places (within the system).

artpra 2013-08-07 07:11

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player

Originally Posted by gidzzz (Post 1365274)
I went through diffs once again, without noticing anything especially suspicious, but there is still hope in brute force. ;) If you are willing to dedicate some time to it, we could try bisection. There are 22 commits between 20121220 and 20130321, so I would provide 23 builds (that extra 1 as sanity check) and you would track down the commit which introduced the bug. 23 might not sound encouraging, but with binary search you should be able to find the problematic commit in about 5 attempts.

If you provide me set of the omp binarys ready to copy/paste into /usr/bin - sure, I can test them.
Start with first (oldest) one - it will be (not)funny, if this version locks out too.

gidzzz 2013-08-07 15:20

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
I have written a script to compile the necessary versions, so I am posting all of them at once:

The archive contains 24 executables (not 23 because when counting I did not notice that git rev-list does not include the first specified commit):
  • 0 -- version 20121220, which according to your earlier report should be unaffected by the problem,
  • 1..23 -- intermediate commits between 20121220 and 20130321.

Start with 0 and if it works, try 12. If 12 works, try 18, otherwise 6, and so on, until you find the version which introduced the problem.

If 0 fails, I can provide even older builds (but first check if one of these works:, or we might have to start looking outside of OMP. After all, for some reason I am not affected. I wonder how many other people have or do not have this problem.

As the problem occurs even when launching OMP using its own icon, I guess you do not have to copy the executables to /usr/bin/. Running them from the terminal, straight from the extracted folder, should be sufficient, if you prefer it this way.

Sourav.dubey 2013-08-08 08:34

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
Gidzz this bug is still there
also I can confirm the lagging of openmediaplayer as mentioned by artpra

artpra 2013-08-08 09:31

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Alpha release of Open Media Player
Testing procedure:
1. Reboot, wait for the N900 to settle down
2. Place 0-openmediaplayer-5a5e8fe in /usr/bin
3. Launch OMP from desktop icon
4. Bug is gone, OMP starts without locked GUI
5. Delete working binary from /usr/bin
6. Reboot, wait for the N900 to settle down
7. Place 12-openmediaplayer-047bf2b in /usr/bin
8. Launch OMP from desktop icon
9. Bug is here, OMP GUI locked until number of the files appears
10. Delete affected binary from /usr/bin
11. Reboot, wait for the N900 to settle down

Points 7 to 10 were repeated with 6-openmediaplayer-bf969d5; 3-openmediaplayer-8ace8e5 and 2-openmediaplayer-afd396a: all of them produced the same results as 12-openmediaplayer-047bf2b, bug is here.

12. Place 1-openmediaplayer-99fa336 in /usr/bin
13. Bug is gone, OMP starts without locked GUI

So between 1-openmediaplayer-99fa336 (which is fine) and 2-openmediaplayer-afd396a (which is not fine) bug was introduced. Hope you can find it.

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