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qwerty12 2008-05-03 12:35

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by gemniii42 (Post 177466)
As much as I respect your posts you have it all wrong -
It is not whether it will wash -
The important thing is will it fold after it washes.
I want a folder in my pocket!!
gemniii team 33

Hehe, that's a good idea. I like the one that researches into diseases :)


Mince some rats and use that as fuel :p

Texrat 2008-05-03 13:15

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 177470)

Mince some rats and use that as fuel :p

You did NOT just say that! :eek: :mad:

PinCushionQueen 2008-05-03 15:45

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by gemniii42 (Post 177466)
As much as I respect your posts you have it all wrong -
It is not whether it will wash -
The important thing is will it fold after it washes.
I want a folder in my pocket!!
gemniii team 33

While F@H is great, please also consider donating some of your computer time to Rosetta@Home The University of Washington's (my school) protein folding program. Also keep a look out for a new "game" from the Baker lab that will allow young and old to interactively fold proteins (starting out with simple peptide chains, of course) . My biochem TA is doing her PhD research in the Baker lab :D Proteins are sooooo beautiful!

P.S. Go DAWGS! :p

qwerty12 2008-05-03 15:52

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 177473)
You did NOT just say that! :eek: :mad:


mwiktowy 2008-05-05 22:19

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by PinCushionQueen (Post 177497)
While F@H is great, please also consider donating some of your computer time to Rosetta@Home The University of Washington's (my school) protein folding program.


I didn't realize that this was a BONIC project also. I thought it went the Folding@home route with a separate scheme and I didn't want to run both.

The aliens can wait a bit longer to be found :]
Maybe it will still happen before Diablo is released anyways ...

luca 2008-05-06 13:18

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
Well, folks, it seems that diablo it's just a minor update with nothing really substantial in it,
quoting from a message on the maemo-developers list


Diablo is not a new OS. Most applications haven't changed
According to the marketing material it's "Internet Tablet OS: maemo
Linux based OS 2008 feature upgrade"

The only major changes are feature updates to the browser (not actually
a new browser, it's still based on the same old gecko as 2008), a new
mail client, and the ssl change to support WiMax.

from an earlier message it isn't even clear if the transition from diablo to the (eventual) successor will be possible via apt-get/application manager:



Does someone work on "apt-get update;apt-get upgrade" from Chinook to
Diablo then?
No, unfortunately not. We are working to get apt-get upgrade working
for releases that come after Diablo.

traveller604 2008-05-06 13:41

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?
I stopped caring about Diablo the moment I saw the GUI of Ubuntu Mobile. That's what I want! But when is it coming..

luca 2008-05-06 13:54

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by traveller604 (Post 178383)
I stopped caring about Diablo the moment I saw the GUI of Ubuntu Mobile. That's what I want! But when is it coming..

From the ubuntu mobile faq (emphasis mine):


Can I run it on a Nokia N770/N800?

As stated above, our current focus in in x86 processors. It should run on ARM if somebody ports it, but the Nokia devices have proprietary parts so the port will be, at the best, incomplete. My take on that is, at least for now, if you have a Nokia N770 or N800, stick with Nokia's software.

Karel Jansens 2008-05-06 13:55

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by luca (Post 178374)
from an earlier message it isn't even clear if the transition from diablo to the (eventual) successor will be possible via apt-get/application manager:

I think we've by now all become accustomed to Nokia's practice of promising the sky and delivering the sewer. It's sad really, but I can't even get myself worked up over it anymore...

Texrat 2008-05-06 14:02

Re: What do we know about Diablo (Maemo 4.1) ?

Originally Posted by Karel Jansens (Post 178393)
I think we've by now all become accustomed to Nokia's practice of promising the sky and delivering the sewer. It's sad really, but I can't even get myself worked up over it anymore...

Ah: hyperbolic irony! Good stuff. :p

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