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buhao 2009-01-05 20:07

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Thanks. I will give it a try

buhao 2009-01-05 20:41

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
That worked, but I had to power off and back on again. Is it necessary or a fluke? Thanks again.

nemo 2009-01-05 21:41

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Not sure if it's just because of some setting on my tablet or what, but after running:

dpkg --force-all -r microb-eal browser-eal tablet-browser-daemon
apt-get install microb-eal browser-eal tablet-browser-daemon

Microb would open a window and just say "updating", even after rebooting.

After poking around a bit, I checked updates and it said I needed to update the SSU (although settings said I was already running it).

Anyhow, after updating it and rebooting everything works fine now.

Just wanted to share in case someone else runs into this.

Oh, and thanks for all the work, this is truly a nice addition to the normal browser!

Frank Banul 2009-01-05 21:53

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

I tried out webkit. I had my home page set to Speeddial posted elsewhere in the forum and that no longer works with webkit. Another item I miss is the keyboard shortcuts, Cntl-B to bring up the bookmarks and space bar to page down.

Definitely neat and very impressive considering the current development time.

Hope that helps.


pronvit 2009-01-05 21:58

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by Frank Banul (Post 254711)

I tried out webkit. I had my home page set to Speeddial posted elsewhere in the forum and that no longer works with webkit. Another item I miss is the keyboard shortcuts, Cntl-B to bring up the bookmarks and space bar to page down.

Definitely neat and very impressive considering the current development time.

Hope that helps.


Shortcuts are not a problem, will fix.

What exactly doesn't work with homepage? You need to re-set it in settings. Just tried to change default one to and it works.

Frank Banul 2009-01-05 22:04

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by pronvit (Post 254714)
What exactly doesn't work with homepage? You need to re-set it in settings. Just tried to change default one to and it works.

This is java script page that puts up 4x3 buttons of the last pages you have accessed. I changed the home page to point to that file but it currently loads blank. Most likely nothing wrong with webkit.


pronvit 2009-01-05 22:08

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by Frank Banul (Post 254716)

This is jave script page that puts up 4x3 buttons of the last pages you have accessed. I changed the home page to point to that file but it currently loads blank. Most likely nothing wrong with webkit.


Oh, yes, that functionality (reading list of last pages) is very mozilla-specific, it won't work on webkit. I'll think about how to implement same thing for webkit.

Frank Banul 2009-01-05 22:09

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by pronvit (Post 254719)
Oh, yes, that functionality (reading list of last pages) is very mozilla-specific, it won't work on webkit. I'll think about how to implement same thing for webkit.

Do you sleep? :)

buhao 2009-01-05 22:18

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by Frank Banul (Post 254720)
Do you sleep? :)

lol. lets just hope he keeps on doing whatever he is doing. this (microb+webkit) is the best thing to happen to my n800 since dialcentral. and the speed at which he is updating and responding to posts is amazing.

pronvit 2009-01-05 22:18

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by Frank Banul (Post 254720)
Do you sleep? :)

sometimes) it's not too late here. and I don't have to wake up early)
seriosly speaking, when I start some new project I usually spend really much time on it, just can't sleep when there's some left what I can easily fix. however unfortunately after some time I'll implement most of important features and will lose interest and finally will abandon project as many others (and PSP users already going angry because I stopped development of my 3D virtual globe for PSP because of webkit;) ). so you should hope I will do enough until that:)

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