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R-R 2009-12-02 04:55

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
BLK100 will also give you 10% off at MobileCityOnline ... :-)

and die capitalist CRTC die! Bring back the real CRTC objectives... Actually improving things!

JD2010 2009-12-02 20:39

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by Death Scythe (Post 403901)
You can expect the delivery to come with undisclosed brokerage fees that they say factor in tax at the border. I ended up paying about Can$800 for my N95-3 back in 2007 when I ordered it from them at about US$550.

Yes but if you really want the N900 it is priceless....

Mine is coming thru USPS 5 days from last Friday (I guess working days since I haven't received it yet) but just to let you know because I order very often from US. There is no brokerage fees if you take USPS and there is for UPS (65$) ans other. But with have always to calculate the GST/QST on top and that can't be avoid if it is over 40$ value.

JD2010 2009-12-02 20:42

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by qole (Post 403672)
One guy drove to NYC to get one, but other than that, no, I haven't heard of retail N900s arriving in Canada yet.

I think person that have a N900 in Canada yet is you Qole, EIPI, Davoli (the guy who drove in NY) and that about it because, I know I am about the first who bought in ebay in stock I was checking every day

qole 2009-12-02 20:45

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
There are a few more N900s in Canada, but they are mostly loaners from Nokia. I haven't heard of any retail ones being imported from the US yet.

JD2010: Two days are up! Where's your N900? ;)

JD2010 2009-12-02 20:58

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by qole (Post 405847)
There are a few more N900s in Canada, but they are mostly loaners from Nokia. I haven't heard of any retail ones being imported from the US yet.

JD2010: Two days are up! Where's your N900? ;)

It was shipped Express Mail (5 Days) last Friday, I guess working days since I don't have it yet so that mean this coming Friday ( if it doesn't stuck to long at the custom)

The tracking say
Date Time Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name
2009/11/28 13:28 International item has left the origin country and is en route to Canada

R-R 2009-12-02 21:09

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
How much did you guys pay?
I'm still waiting for MobileCityOnline to get stocks and ship it to me express...

Total: 581.94 USD

JD2010 2009-12-02 21:20

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by R-R (Post 405900)
How much did you guys pay?
I'm still waiting for MobileCityOnline to get stocks and ship it to me express...

Total: 581.94 USD

I paid 727USD 143 more than you but I knew that the price to have it now is higher also I will get the 50 rebate the person is shipping me the receipt. I try to buy from nokiausa putting an address to us at ( and it was 649 + 10(shipping) + taxe 68 = 727 than after I would had to pay for shipping from california to Montreal another 28$ FEDEX 3 days. So 729 is ok for me has I want it now (I almost took overnight shipping +75) and no drive do NY, I knew I could bought cheaper like amazon or other but when will you get it? Nokia is going to feed nokia first and then the rest I think. I just look thru ebay and there is more and more that have them in stock ready to ship. When are you suppose to receive yours?

larabee 2009-12-02 22:57

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
does anybody know / had experience with ca-united? They sell the N900 at $699.99CAD

R-R 2009-12-02 23:48

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)

Originally Posted by JD2010 (Post 405924)
When are you suppose to receive yours?

No idea, they keep pushing the date forward!
But now, just before it was supposed to be in stock december 1st, it says 4-6 weeks... damn!


Originally Posted by larabee
does anybody know / had experience with ca-united? They sell the N900 at $699.99CAD

URL? :)

JD2010 2009-12-03 13:36

Re: N900 in Canada (Toronto)
[QUOTE=R-R;406255]No idea, they keep pushing the date forward!
But now, just before it was supposed to be in stock december 1st, it says 4-6 weeks... damn!

Did you read the thread Amazon, apparently they are delaying the delivering January/February 2010.

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