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frals 2010-01-07 22:45

Re: [Under consideration] Brainstorm: MMS Support
you have to manually connect to the apn before sending the message

also, seems ive introduced a bug in 0.1.0-1 where it wont receive MMS properly, working on fixing it


Originally Posted by twaelti (Post 458294)
You wrote "limitations: ... wont send via apn requiring user/pass yet (i think)". Why? I do put user/pass into the connection settings, and guess this is ok.

i hadnt tested it where it was required, guess it works :)


Originally Posted by twaelti (Post 458294)
Name: Sunrise MMS
Username: mms
Password: mms
MMS proxy:
MMS port: 8080

IMHO, this means that while I don't have to set a general proxy (HTTP) in the connection, I have to set a MMS proxy with a port somewhere... but haven't found a place to do that in fMMS.

(MMS proxy = a.k.a. Provider WAP Gateway)

Well, it's a fun trip anyway, thanks for the ride!

I *think* you can just use the MMS proxy/port as proxy - not sure though

frals 2010-01-08 00:22

Re: [Under consideration] Brainstorm: MMS Support
Right 0.1.0-2 posted now, it should be working properly again...

Just to be sure, remove previous version (dpkg -r fmms) and rm -rf /opt/fmms, kill fmmsd if its running (ps|grep fmms, kill <pid>) and then install the new package ;)

qole 2010-01-08 00:44

Re: [Under consideration] Brainstorm: MMS Support
This community continues to rock. Other platforms can only whine about missing features. Here, some awesome developer steps up and hacks something together for us.

The next step is to make this into a telepathy or sharing plugin so you can integrate it with the rest of the system (because some people are never happy).

Too bad I have no use for MMS in my own life.

claesbas 2010-01-08 01:04

Re: [Under consideration] Brainstorm: MMS Support
for some weird reason alot of people in Sweden still use MMS all the time..

its quite amazing I recive mms now as it almost was a supported feature.. :D great job frals

DaveQB 2010-01-08 04:34

Re: [Under consideration] Brainstorm: MMS Support

Originally Posted by frals (Post 458454)
Right 0.1.0-2 posted now, it should be working properly again...

Just to be sure, remove previous version (dpkg -r fmms) and rm -rf /opt/fmms, kill fmmsd if its running (ps|grep fmms, kill <pid>) and then install the new package ;)

killall fmms
Assuming that's the executable binary/script's name.

freppas 2010-01-08 04:56

Re: [Under consideration] Brainstorm: MMS Support
OT: Interesting to note that Frals site is actually blocked in china :) Are you involved in some activities against the wonderful PRC, or is it just a blog? ;)

frals 2010-01-08 10:16

Re: [Under consideration] Brainstorm: MMS Support

Originally Posted by freppas (Post 458650)
OT: Interesting to note that Frals site is actually blocked in china :) Are you involved in some activities against the wonderful PRC, or is it just a blog? ;)

Wow, that's really strange, I guess its my blog at ;) (with a grand total of _one_ post) - on the other hand used to belong to the Swedish Salvation Army :)

Most builds are also posted on

I'll work on getting a package up in -devel today :)

holox 2010-01-08 12:32

Re: [Under consideration] Brainstorm: MMS Support
When trying to configure settings I am getting error message:

" Could not save. Did you enter a correct APN?"

Really does not matter what i type in there because i get same error message everytime. In latest version at least i dont have reboot phone anymore to get away from menu :D

One of the installations got f*cked up so there must be some
old file(s) laying somewhere or permission set problem?


frals 2010-01-08 12:44

Re: [Under consideration] Brainstorm: MMS Support

Originally Posted by holox (Post 459037)
When trying to configure settings I am getting error message:

" Could not save. Did you enter a correct APN?"

Really does not matter what i type in there because i get same error message everytime. In latest version at least i dont have reboot phone anymore to get away from menu :D

One of the installations got f*cked up so there must be some
old file(s) laying somewhere or permission set problem?


What it tries to do when you enter a APN is go through gconf looking for a APN with the same name as you entered (/system/osso/connectivity/IAP/*/name == entryfieldvalue)

What that means is that the APN you enter here must match the name of the APN in "Internet Connections" *exactly* or it will fail to save

If you'd like, please message me on #maemo on irc (nick: frals) or drop me a email/PM and I can help you track down a solution :)

Thanks for testing!

frals 2010-01-08 16:17

Re: [Under consideration] Brainstorm: MMS Support
For further discussion around fMMS I've decided to create a new thread;

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