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RevdKathy 2010-01-24 19:04

Re: witter - a python twitter client
AlexTootchie tweeted it and I happened to be doing something which meant I had more than the conventional repos enabled at the time. I took it as a sign that I was supposed to go get it. :p

I'm still working out what all the buttons are for, but it's dead nifty. And it found and collected my regular search without needing refreshing. (#n900 as you might have guessed!)

euanandrews 2010-01-25 02:54

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Love the update!
Love the ability to get more than the previous default 20 tweets, can now get up to two hundred...
Love the fact I can now see my user history...
Love the full screen mode...

Only points I note:
- When viewing the timeline after a while, and scrolling, it sometimes struggles to redraw itself fast enough, so the initial scrolling action comes across jumpy....after that then scrolls and looks good.
- Would still like to see some user avatars

Overall, that it a huge improvement, and I hope you continue as it is very much appreciated.


dwould 2010-01-25 08:05

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by euanandrews (Post 492897)
Love the update!
Love the ability to get more than the previous default 20 tweets, can now get up to two hundred...

you realise you can keep hitting those buttons and go back as far as you like

Originally Posted by euanandrews (Post 492897)
Love the fact I can now see my user history...

odly enough it's pretty much a side effect that you get your own user history if you hit refresh with nothing in the entry box. i wrote it to get at the history of anyone else i come accross. hence you get 'history' buttons for anyone mentioned in a tweet.

Originally Posted by euanandrews (Post 492897)
Love the full screen mode...

Only points I note:
- When viewing the timeline after a while, and scrolling, it sometimes struggles to redraw itself fast enough, so the initial scrolling action comes across jumpy....after that then scrolls and looks good.
- Would still like to see some user avatars

still need to see if there is anything i can do about performance. obviously now you can quickly load many more tweets you can quickly give it lots of work to do.


Originally Posted by euanandrews (Post 492897)
Overall, that it a huge improvement, and I hope you continue as it is very much appreciated.


glad you like it.

RevdKathy 2010-01-25 08:14

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Just one thought - and I know it's trivial! I've seen people on twitter moaning that they don't like the electric blue. Perhaps when you've done the important things, a couple of theme/colour options would be a pretty addition. Yeah, I know it's cosmetic, but I see people saying it.

I think you're approaching the point of knocking the 'port gravity' cry on the head once and for all. Personally I prefer the idea of something that's a Maemo app from its toes up.

dwould 2010-01-25 22:10

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 493159)
Just one thought - and I know it's trivial! I've seen people on twitter moaning that they don't like the electric blue. Perhaps when you've done the important things, a couple of theme/colour options would be a pretty addition. Yeah, I know it's cosmetic, but I see people saying it.

I think you're approaching the point of knocking the 'port gravity' cry on the head once and for all. Personally I prefer the idea of something that's a Maemo app from its toes up.

ok, so I also noticed people complaining about the colour. I happen to like it since it is the same as the OS window buttons. However. I have just implemented a fairly crude ability for people to select their own two colours to form a gradient for the background to tweets.
However before I upload a new verison I also wanted to hook into the volume rocker events to allow the text font size to be changed.

Anyone got any idea how I do that? they don't seem to register as on_key_press events

dwould 2010-01-25 23:46

Re: witter - a python twitter client
ok so i still haven't figured out how to gwt zoom events. however i have uploaded 0.2.2-2 with basic support for changing the background colour gradient. with 2 buttons in the menu. each launch a colour picker. you have to get the colour you want in the pallet and which ever is selected when you hit ok is picked.
it sometimes takes a scroll to force a redraw event.

your colours are saved in /home/user/.witter
also font size is stored there and can be changed by hand.

kjmackey 2010-01-26 00:20

Re: witter - a python twitter client
A question, do I download this from testing or devel?

The version in Testing reports itself (prior to install) as 0.2.1-8. But the version in devel reports the same.

But I like the sound of 0.2.2-2.

I'm looking forward to testing this application. What I've seen and read sounds very good.

euanandrews 2010-01-26 05:24

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I installed the latest version, and witter will not start now.....starts up, loading, then just closes...never gets to the loading of tweets.


netAdept 2010-01-26 08:01

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by euanandrews (Post 494957)
I installed the latest version, and witter will not start now.....starts up, loading, then just closes...never gets to the loading of tweets.


Same here. Have tried uninstalling and re-installing but remains the same.

dwould 2010-01-26 08:12

Re: witter - a python twitter client
oops...somehow managed to get the ui file out of step wiith the code...this is what i get for coding until late then throwing it into autobuilder and going to bed before testing it.

0.2.2-3 is on it's way through and hopefully resolves the issue.

this also answers the question for*should*seethe0.2.2 stream when you have extras-devel enabled. clearly ohers do see it. however, it is the devel repo and sometimes i screw up. so if you don't want to suddenly find thinga broken for a bit, stay with extras-testing. once i've had enough good feedbacck that things are ok i'll promote ro extras-testing

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