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ZootHornRollo 2010-01-07 23:11

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
the charging time...

using the wall charger :

Device switched on
Wifi On
2G Connection
Light use - answering a few SMS

From low battery warning to full charged in less than 2 hours.


F2thaK 2010-01-08 07:24

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
My 'wow' moments have been every time ive used it!!

I am new to Maemo and Linux and have gone from N96 > N97 > N900

Ive hacked all three of these devices.. Especially the N900!

it has such power, and it gets better almost every day with new hacks, apps and games coming out!

it can play quake 3 flawlessly. I mean c'mon.. and also when u see the bounce demo in person, that is stunning really.

Oh, and every day it seems theres new addons for all the features Nokia left out, so I can now have as many fully customisable profiles as I want! Thats about the main thnig that was missing for me... :D

but thats wat nokia have made this device.. the next commercial phone up from the N97. it *looks* like a phone, not a lot different from the N97, but it indeed is *not* [just] a phone. It is much more than that.
In my opinion, its a cross between the N97 and the N810.

I had never head of the N*** tablet series before, but now, because of this device, I have. Also, becuase of this device, I am here now. In the Maemo community. Seeking, sharing, helping.. and it feels good. :)

twaelti 2010-01-08 08:02

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
Install espeak. Open X-Term. Type "tracker-status | espeak" :-)

F2thaK 2010-01-08 08:14

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?

Originally Posted by twaelti (Post 458770)
Install espeak. Open X-Term. Type "tracker-status | espeak" :-)

what does this do? i installed espeak but nothing added to apps...
just tried this and nothing also...

oh, wait i just typed somethnig and AAAAAAAAHHHHHH my phone speaks!!!

RevdKathy 2010-01-08 08:16

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 458787)
what does this do? i installed espeak but nothing added to apps...
just tried this and nothing also...

oh, wait i just typed somethnig and AAAAAAAAHHHHHH my phone speaks!!!

What did it say????

(Is a bit anxious about what my phone my say if it could talk...)

F2thaK 2010-01-08 08:19

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 458790)
What did it say????

(Is a bit anxious about what my phone my say if it could talk...)

do it!!! then ttype wateva and press enter it will speak

RevdKathy 2010-01-08 08:25

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
Ahh ok. I have to tell it what to say.

That's alright. Only my n900 sleeps opn my bedside and I talk in my sleep. Wouldn't want it to turn traitor on me.

mysticrokks 2010-01-08 08:28

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
yesterday stuck in the snow- whilst the end of the cricket was near- i was on the bbc tms site (only on 2g) and it was updateing automatically so i get get run by run analysis live!

its lovely when your browser updates its self,but on my phone-it was sweet..

RevdKathy 2010-01-08 08:30

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?

Originally Posted by mysticrokks (Post 458805)
yesterday stuck in the snow- whilst the end of the cricket was near- i was on the bbc tms site (only on 2g) and it was updateing automatically so i get get run by run analysis live!

its lovely when your browser updates its self,but on my phone-it was sweet..

BBC feed? I had TMS on my internet radio - damn that was so tense I almost todded the n900 in the ait at the last ball. (And I was buffering it badly over 2g)

sxg75 2010-01-08 08:53

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
Wows from a newguy? Missing Java VM was and is the absolute Wow for me from which it still takes me some days to recover. This weakens market position against android and other smartphone contenders, Seeing that nokia is taking that into account during market start of the n900 it appeals as if it's been dropped to kinda niche-product, community rendered to mass alpha-testers, brainstormers and platform developers.

Bummer also was and is current all-in-all-lack of support from nokia. IMHO when they want to continue pushing the tablet as smartphone like they did in 2009 (at least from what I understood from many reviews or previews) at least they harm themselves and their market position dangerously when there's no support for their own standard platforms like ovi and it's seamless integration into their suites. Or maybe they simply don't care and their roadmaps have different priorities.

Not that it's just that stupid "apps"-thang - personally I cannot use trekbuddy which I have been using ever since. But what is the need of one single user?

Most other things *can* be done with maemo5 on n900. And that is the real Wow for me.

Hello out there by the way and thanks for being there!

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