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zimon 2010-03-29 16:01

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 582743)
Well, I am using now anyway this Mugen 2400 mAh battery to see how it performs. I try to manage without the microMMC now until they send a new back cover. So far (after 16h use) seems pretty good. Chargelevel bars have gone down from 8 to 6. I will get back with this after weekend when I prolly will post some BatteryGraph snapshots.

As promised, here is the snapshot from BatteryGraph from the last 21 days. One can see clearly when the original 1320 mAh was changed to Mugen 2400 mAh battery (2010-03-25).
The last two cycles are with the 2400 mAh battery.

(a thumbnail only here)

Thanks to Jeroen Witteman for implementing the feature request of wide screenshots from BatteryGraph!

Because there is a limit, how big PNG image is embeddeble in this forum, the original image is here:

jwittema 2010-03-29 17:36

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
Apparently the higher charge of the Mugen battery isn't reported by the HAL api. Otherwise the BatteryGraph would have scaled automatically (scale for voltage and charge are automatically adjusted according to the maximum values which are recorded in the database)

You could check this by running the following command in the console (which probably gives the same results with the Mugen battery)

Nokia-N900:~# lshal | grep battery.reporting
  battery.reporting.current = 840  (0x348)  (int) = 1264  (0x4f0)  (int)
  battery.reporting.last_full = 1222  (0x4c6)  (int)
  battery.reporting.unit = 'mAh'  (string)

The battery charge was 840 mAh when I ran this command on my device (with factory default battery)

Benson 2010-03-29 23:28

Re: Mugen Power Batteries

Originally Posted by jwittema (Post 587067)
Apparently the higher charge of the Mugen battery isn't reported by the HAL api. Otherwise the BatteryGraph would have scaled automatically (scale for voltage and charge are automatically adjusted according to the maximum values which are recorded in the database)

There's no means of communication with the battery, so it shouldn't know.


You could check this by running the following command in the console (which probably gives the same results with the Mugen battery)

Nokia-N900:~# lshal | grep battery.reporting
  battery.reporting.current = 840  (0x348)  (int) = 1264  (0x4f0)  (int)
  battery.reporting.last_full = 1222  (0x4c6)  (int)
  battery.reporting.unit = 'mAh'  (string)

The battery charge was 840 mAh when I ran this command on my device (with factory default battery)
Bizarrely, though, mine reports lower capacity:

~ $  lshal | grep battery.reporting
  battery.reporting.current = 925  (0x39d)  (int) = 944  (0x3b0)  (int)
  battery.reporting.last_full = 0  (0x0)  (int)
  battery.reporting.unit = 'mAh'  (string)

Unfortunately, I have no stock battery to test it with, but I suspect it would read the same (wrong) values. Maybe it infers design capacity from the first full cycle or something...

@f2thak: nothing to share, really. Put a strip of white cardboard over the lens-cover sensor, put an 18mm neodymium magnet over the door sensor (the edge will stick to the battery), and put the cover on.

geneven 2010-03-30 04:54

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
I got mine today, and wow, what a monstrosity! Well, it's not all bad; think of the fashion statement -- this guy is off the planet! <g>

I certainly will not carry this with me jogging. I'll have to see if I can even happily walk around with it in my pocket -- maybe I'll buy a crutch to help me hold up the pocket :)

shadowjk 2010-03-30 09:44

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
Mine reports lower design capacity as well. There actually IS a way to ask the battery for its capacity, through the third pin. It's connected to a resistor, the resistance signals the design capacity. N900 seems to ignore it though.

I noticed that the battery meter is quite confused by the mugen battery. At some times the rate of discharge is same as with the original battery, but then the meter realizes that something is wrong, and corrects itself by showing 0 discharge for half an hour, sometimes it even adjusts the charge level upwards :)

juise- 2010-03-30 10:09

Re: Mugen Power Batteries

Originally Posted by shadowjk (Post 587876)
Mine reports lower design capacity as well. There actually IS a way to ask the battery for its capacity, through the third pin. It's connected to a resistor, the resistance signals the design capacity. N900 seems to ignore it though.

My guess is that it isn't ignored, since different batteries give different 'design' values. Even the same battery, across device restarts, gives slightly different capacity values.

So most likely the Mugen thing has a wrong size resistor, or the phone refuses to believe in the huge capacity.


Originally Posted by shadowjk (Post 587876)
I noticed that the battery meter is quite confused by the mugen battery. At some times the rate of discharge is same as with the original battery, but then the meter realizes that something is wrong, and corrects itself by showing 0 discharge for half an hour, sometimes it even adjusts the charge level upwards :)

I'm getting that even with the default battery...

zimon 2010-03-30 16:09

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by jwittema (Post 587067)
You could check this by running the following command in the console (which probably gives the same results with the Mugen battery)

Right after the Mugen 2400 mAh battery was fully charged and detached from the charging cable:

Nokia-N900-42-11:~# lshal|grep battery.reporting
  battery.reporting.current = 642  (0x282)  (int) = 642  (0x282)  (int)
  battery.reporting.last_full = 642  (0x282)  (int)
  battery.reporting.unit = 'mAh'  (string)

Nokia-N900-42-11:~# lshal|grep volt           
  battery.voltage.current = 4118  (0x1016)  (int) = 4200  (0x1068)  (int)
  battery.voltage.unit = 'mV'  (string)

Somehow N900 seems to be little messed up with this "huge" battery. Today I left with "8 bars" in the morning, but suddenly in the afternoon bars dropped from 8 to 1 and it was yelling "battery is almost empty, gimme juice!" The battery had been in use before that and after the last full charge 25 hours. All that time, 25 hours, BatteryGraph and status panel showed 8 bars.

Seems like the voltage output from device is more reliable than current and charge-bars output.

Rushmore 2010-03-30 16:25

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
I assumed Mugen would account for the card function, but seems to have overlooked it. No point in buying this, since I use my microsd card a lot.

I am glad I checked this thread before buying- Thanks!

SavageD 2010-03-30 16:38

Re: Mugen Power Batteries
o.o ....Since no ones really posting the total amount of hrs it took for battery to drain, I assume that:

1) The battery is pretty much useless as it acts radically, sometimes jumping from 8 to 1 bars.

2) The battery is sometimes not fully charged because n900 does not detect the mugen batteries design properly...

3) The Mugen battery and It's Cover gives a hell of a lot of problems...

Correct me if I'm mistaken? plz

zimon 2010-03-30 16:44

Re: Mugen Power Batteries

Originally Posted by SavageD (Post 588493)
o.o ....Since no ones really posting the total amount of hrs it took for battery to drain

See just few articles back, it has a link
There, in the end of the graph, you'll see two charge+drain cycles with Mugen battery. The cycles before those two last ones are with the original battery.

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