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ceevee 2010-04-16 04:00

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 610382)
I may be able to get pyPIanobar to gracefully exit pianobar by sending the Q when it gets that error.

Thanks! That would be great! Hate having to kill the PID every morning.

fatalsaint 2010-04-18 20:09

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)

Originally Posted by ceevee (Post 612910)
Thanks! That would be great! Hate having to kill the PID every morning.

You could just set the sleep timer to something like 180 which should be 3 hours. I don't think it would take you 3 hours to fall asleep ;). (I know that's obviously not a solution and will look into the graceful exit when I get some time.)


Those recommendations are good ideas and there was another good idea on the main pyPianobar page in downloads that wanted a history of whats played. When I get some time to look at all this again I can try.

The FM Transmitter, however, I have no way to test or know how since I don't have a phone. So the auto-start and the history I can do but still SOL on phone-specific features.

The Arsonist 2010-04-19 14:48

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
I really wish Nokia would release PR1.2 already. Like half of my most used apps are bricked at the moment(this App, all Qt apps, KOffice, Zoutube) because the Devs have the update, but us regular users are sitting in the dust...

Also, I'm kind of just making some suggestions to other users. I've pretty much all but confirmed that this app isn't the whole Wake/Unlock problem, it's ANY audio that comes out the phone. I've made a strange observation that the phone is using different mixers or something because some audio gets routed through the phone and other stuff gets routed through my Bluetooth headset. I stream this through my Pioneer Premier head with Stereo Bluetooth. Whenever I make a selection or I click on a link for instance, ALL of those sounds are routed through the head. Whenever I receive an IM or a text message, the audio pauses momentarily, plays the text notification, and then goes back to my music that was playing. It's like having a CD skip on you basically. I'm going to PRAY that PR1.2 addressed this. I've had a hard time finding a bug to track on because it's not exactly a clear cut thing to post a bug for. This doesn't happen with the built-in media player, just any "third party audio," if you will. There maybe some kind of audio priority of some sort built in. This is like the only kind of reason I can predicts that this happens. I'm just hoping some kind of workaround comes out of this. I'm sorry if I'm kind of filling your thread up with problems that are more OS related than your software. I think I'll open a new thread actually.

Still supporting this app otherwise though man. I can't continue to thank you enough!

fatalsaint 2010-04-19 15:13

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)

Originally Posted by The Arsonist (Post 617772)
I really wish Nokia would release PR1.2 already. Like half of my most used apps are bricked at the moment(this App, all Qt apps, KOffice, Zoutube) because the Devs have the update, but us regular users are sitting in the dust..

This sucks :(... have you tried removing and reinstalling PyQt libs or just the QT portions? AFAIK this stuff should still work. Using Apt in the command line and seeing if you've got any broken packages may help..


I'm sorry if I'm kind of filling your thread up with problems that are more OS related than your software. I think I'll open a new thread actually.
No worries! I'm glad to know that it appears to happen to all third party apps; which is as I suspected. The built-in media player must have some trick of direct access to audio without going some other layer like ALSA or ESD or something.


Still supporting this app otherwise though man. I can't continue to thank you enough!
I appreciate it!

fatalsaint 2010-04-19 17:00

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Ok well,

Not sure what to do here. Evidently Pandora updated their API, again, so none of the pianobar's are going to work until I can re-compile one of the newer pianobar's and release that.

The other issue is the newer pianobars don't have Last FM scrobbling built in anymore, it's all through a third party wrapper which I don't know how to use yet or if it's even available on the N900. So this will require testing and some work before I can get something new submitted.

Problem I have now is.. how do I remove the app from Extras since it is now broke? And what's really frustrating is that it took this long to get the app *in* to extras that now I have to start all over and by the time I get it back there it'll probably be time to upgrade again (seems to happen near quarterly-ish).


The Arsonist 2010-04-19 17:12

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Damn bro. Sorry to hear about that. Hopefully something can get figured out quickly. I'm here if you need N900 testing for anything. They probably weren't too happy about the ad-revenue coming straight to them from third party apps...

fatalsaint 2010-04-19 18:03

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)

Originally Posted by The Arsonist (Post 617987)
Damn bro. Sorry to hear about that. Hopefully something can get figured out quickly. I'm here if you need N900 testing for anything. They probably weren't too happy about the ad-revenue coming straight to them from third party apps...

I've often wondered about how pianobar exists when the Pandora API is not open and Pandora likes having ads on everything.. but that is for Promy to figure out - I just bum off his genius ;).

This is a really simple fix, all it requires is a number change in the libpiano source code and Promy usually has it up within a day on his Github. The problem is the QA procedures here can take forever to get an app all the way to extras. In this case it was in testing so long that by the time it made it to extras it was time for Pandora to update again.

wako 2010-04-19 18:59

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
I nearly cried last night as I desperately tried to open pianobar only to see an error that Ive never seen before. Glad to see you're already on the case!

Keep up the amazing work!

fatalsaint 2010-04-19 19:25

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Well I think for the sake of speed I'm going to have to lose scrobbling for now. Looking through the documentation and the example script that is provided it relies on Audio-Scrobbler which, as you can see, is normally available via CPAN. I'm not sure if the full perl CPAN is on the N900 or not, and frankly it doesn't matter, trying to code an auto-installation of that would be silly.

An easier solution would be to package Audio-Scrobbler, make it an optional dependency of pyPianobar, and coding in a check for whether it is installed or not when someone goes to use the Last FM scrobbling feature.

But, I really don't want to have to maintain any more software for a phone I don't even get to use. So, as it is, I should be able to get the latest pianobar up and running tonight, and I'll remove the Last.FM menu options from pyPianobar, and have newer versions of both submitted to the repositories.

It's a shame, I really did like the Last.FM feature of pianobar and thought it really made it stand out from the rest. Now the biggest benefit to it is solely that there is no "skip" limit like on the official apps (and the significantly smaller overhead).

fatalsaint 2010-04-20 02:22

Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
So, here's what we got.

I've submitted Pianobar and pyPianobar v2.0 to the repositories. I decided to up both to 2 for a couple reasons:

1) It provides me the opportunity to sync pyPianobar versions with Pianobar versions, making it easier to tell what version of pianobar the pyPianobar was made for.
2) Pianobar has had several code changes in the git since the last one, and a major change with the removal of and the extensions of the eventcmd api. This warranted a jump.

For pyPianobar - I have added the recommendation to autoplay the last station you were listening too and I removed the menu options.

I have not added the play history yet, I don't know how I'd do it. There isn't really a UI element or room for a "history" list anywhere... taking suggestions here. My thoughts were maybe to make the graphic art clickable that would change it to the play history, then change it back?

I also have not added any fixes for the session timeout bug. I didn't really have 6+ hours to wait on pianobar to time out over and over again to test any fix for this one :D. For now, we'll have to keep with killing pianobar in these cases.

If I could, I'd be begging here for people to test these new versions in extras-devel ASAP and provide feedback. If I get positive results here I'll work on getting it to testing through whatever waiting period or whatever I need as soon as I can. Then we'll need everyone to give their votes again as quickly as they can so that a broken app doesn't sit in Extras for too long.

For now, just test the new ones in Devel if you can and let me know if they work.

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