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dj_steve 2010-05-06 20:01

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
yes im assuming a module does but it doesnt crash until when android would normally show the android load image

twoboxen 2010-05-06 20:02

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
Is anything dumped to /var/log/*

Perhaps you can read the microsd filesystem's logs on your pc?

dj_steve 2010-05-06 20:03

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
ill look at that, about to build a new kernel to try though

linuxaddict 2010-05-07 07:28

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Originally Posted by dj_steve (Post 644812)
if you can finc a way to partition it as ext 2/3 feel free to let me know and ill add it to list of things to look at

You basically need to connect your n900 to a router via wi-fi then install ssh on the N900 and ssh on an PC/Laptop thats connected via wi-fi to the same router with an Linux os, next you find your ip address in the terminal of the n900 and go into the terminal on your Linux desktop and type ssh root@whatever the ip address of your n900 is, hit enter and type the password you typed in when you install ssh on the n900, then basically follow this guide by
clicking here looking at changing MyDocs to ext3.:D

Does this help at all, I've tried this guide and it works minus the n900 cant store images or files but you can install loads more apps:D this is due to it doesn't recognize the partition format, but all you would have to do, in my opinion is just sort the partition table out, so you split the partition where MyDocs is into one with the format ext3 and another one to FAT format, now i would of done what i have suggested but i was wondering if we couldn't some how just get the n900 to support the ext3 format for storing photo's, files, etc.


Note the camera needs a FAT partition to store images and video.

dj_steve 2010-05-07 21:56

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
ok i got a android display on my n900 now :) but i cant get touch to work at all, anyone know if the tsc2005 touchscreen needs mods to work ?

Siggen 2010-05-08 07:28

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Originally Posted by linuxaddict (Post 647545)
You basically need to connect your n900 to a router via wi-fi then install ssh on the N900 and ssh on an PC/Laptop thats connected via wi-fi to the same router with an Linux os

You dont need a GNU/Linux operating system to SSH into the N900, you can as well do it from Mac OS X (via the built in and you can as well do it from a Windows box, running an SSH/FTP application that has a built in terminal emulator like WinSCP.

Last word is, doing it from Mac OS X is as seamless as doing it from GNU/Linux.

linuxaddict 2010-05-08 07:42

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Originally Posted by Siggen (Post 648995)
You dont need a GNU/Linux operating system to SSH into the N900, you can as well do it from Mac OS X (via the built in and you can as well do it from a Windows box, running an SSH/FTP application that has a built in terminal emulator like WinSCP.

Last word is, doing it from Mac OS X is as seamless as doing it from GNU/Linux.

I didn't think i needed to explain that, i was just giving an example/my method :)

dj_steve 2010-05-08 09:42

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
yea i use putty on windows :) not so worried about losing space on internal partition yet, as my plans are to allow android to boot on like a 1 or 2gb microsd and mount the internal storage as sd card and use a bit of apps to sd magic maybe :) id love to see an android native device beat 20+gb of apps storage LOL. anyone knowif its possible to get the 900 to directly boot from sd rather than via the internal flash/bootmenu - i suspect kernel is loading the tsc2005.ko module instead of using the modded driver ive included uin kernel

Siggen 2010-05-08 10:15

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic

Originally Posted by dj_steve (Post 649101)
yea i use putty on windows :) not so worried about losing space on internal partition yet, as my plans are to allow android to boot on like a 1 or 2gb microsd and mount the internal storage as sd card and use a bit of apps to sd magic maybe :) id love to see an android native device beat 20+gb of apps storage LOL. anyone knowif its possible to get the 900 to directly boot from sd rather than via the internal flash/bootmenu - i suspect kernel is loading the tsc2005.ko module instead of using the modded driver ive included uin kernel

Yes the N900 can boot from SD card


Originally Posted by linuxaddict (Post 649011)
I didn't think i needed to explain that, i was just giving an example/my method :)

well people are *****s (including me), so I bet at least one person would just give up because they didnt know that they could do it with their computer or that they didnt know if they could get or how they could get linux on their computer :P

dj_steve 2010-05-08 11:41

Re: [Android] NITDroid V2 Development Topic
yes im aware it can boot from micro sd but how do i get it to (what root= should i pass to kernel - i dont want it to boot from initfs

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