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les_garten 2010-05-26 06:24

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Bijiont (Post 678010)
I know you posted yesterday but I hope you flashed the correct PR1.2 because on the tablet dev page there are several. Leak which has the SIM issue and the official 1.2 release.

Unless the format has changed the leaked are currently at the top and the official PR 1.2 is at the bottom of the page.

I'm not following you here.

Are you talking about this page?

I only see one bin for PR 2.1 USA. That is the Final release, correct?

garyc2010 2010-05-26 07:13

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by Bernard Wei (Post 677525)
I use IMAP with Gmail and that works okay.

Great News !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I can finally sync my calendar and contacts OTA !!!!

yeeehaaaa !!!!!!!!!

Wait did you just say IMAP ?????????????? (sighs)

Thank God I have my 3GS, never crashed once, does all the things the N900 is incapable of doing.....and hell i can even ssh into my servers, the main reason for buying Nokias brick. And It syncs perfectly.

Looking at all the bugs after 1 day, it is patently evident Quality Testing is non-existing, I suppose Nokia have got our money and there is no need to further invest in a dead platform.

Fargus 2010-05-26 07:22

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs

Originally Posted by Odeh (Post 676438)
...- video Call option not appear all the time on skype.

Video callingrequires the other person to be able to participate in Video calling too. Have you checked that the person you want to contact has video calling ability?

Fargus 2010-05-26 07:24

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs

Originally Posted by attila77 (Post 676506)
Note that it seems that video call does NOT work if the other party is on Linux. N900-N900 and N900-Windows works, don't know about Mac.

Well I know people don't like Fedora but surely saying it isn't Linux is a tad rough? Works fine for me to Fedora 12.

RevdKathy 2010-05-26 07:42

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Finally got the upgrade (i'm kind of strapped for time with work right now) and I'm very underwhelmed.

The autocapitalisation issue sucks, and will be very inconvenient.

I can't seem to find a way to reset my standard 3g/gprs data counter. It used to be under 'phone'. Now I'm offered a counter for 'home data' (wifi presumably??) and 'roaming data' but none for standard. Unless the 'home' one is the local 3g... in which case the data counter widget no longer works. Which is... awkward.

I haven't yet found any 'improvements' to make me happy. The calendar is as clunky as ever.

Added to which, I'm finding the thing sluggish and chuggy. The menu scrolling is positively cludgy.

Anyone got bright ideas to convince me this was a good idea?

Fargus 2010-05-26 07:46

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by EmmaGx (Post 677418)
... anyone else getting "Unable to open Maps. Address may be invalid" when clicking on a contact's address? ... have I miss-formatted all my addresses, or is this a bug? (I'm in the uk!)

I get the same problem with some address and not others. Not yet worked out what the issue is though.

RevdKathy 2010-05-26 07:52

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Fargus (Post 678292)
I get the same problem with some address and not others. Not yet worked out what the issue is though.

PR1.2 doesn't want you to live in the UK?

Fargus 2010-05-26 07:54

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 678276)
I can't seem to find a way to reset my standard 3g/gprs data counter. It used to be under 'phone'. Now I'm offered a counter for 'home data' (wifi presumably??) and 'roaming data' but none for standard. Unless the 'home' one is the local 3g... in which case the data counter widget no longer works. Which is... awkward.

I haven't yet found any 'improvements' to make me happy. The calendar is as clunky as ever.

Added to which, I'm finding the thing sluggish and chuggy. The menu scrolling is positively cludgy.

Anyone got bright ideas to convince me this was a good idea?

Welcome to 1.2 Kathy.

The Dataplan monitor used to check the single counter that the OS maintained. Now the OS has two counters, one for data used on your home network and one for when you are using a roaming partnership agreement (when aborad etc). As the counters have changed at the OS level the widget will need an update to reflect this.

Regarding menu scrolling and 'chuggyness' it seems to vary from handset to handset though a lot of people have found things settle down after the handset has had time to reindex things and a further reboot too.

Hope that helps some!

Fargus 2010-05-26 07:56

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 678317)
PR1.2 doesn't want you to live in the UK?

I have found that poperties with a name rahter than a number seem to be unlikely to be found. The other issue is that the road number seems to get scrambled too! Of the address I have that work they all seem to find the road but go searching for an apparently random number!

ossipena 2010-05-26 07:56

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by MNX1024 (Post 677656)
Ok, after flashing to PR1.2, this is the problem I have.
This is from a freshly Flashed N900, haven't install anything else on the phone yet.
I've tried flashing with the old and new vanilla image. I also tried the global and US version of the PR1.2, still experiencing the same problem. It would be nice if someone can help me out here.

By the way, my N900 is the US version.

did you reflash eMMC too?

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