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MohammadAG 2010-08-25 19:10

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)

Originally Posted by gjoe (Post 798188)
attached is my version of transitions.ini.
what i did was:
- retain the actual value for the background blur effect
- no wave effect on the application menu

Please don't go off topic, this isn't about transitions, at all.

But regarding the latest change, all themes with custom transitions.ini files will probably have to be updated

WhiteWolf 2010-08-25 19:27

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)
I really works well in PR 1.2

pinkfloyd 2010-08-25 19:33

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)
I've noticed a problem with the locale, i use Spanish lang on my phone and after i installed this package its running very smooth but now all pop up notifications are in english, for instance when i plug the power cable it says "battery is charging" instead of "Bateria cargando" as it supposed to be, the same thing happens with all notifications. I know it's a minor issue but just wanted for you to know. Regards

puiradu 2010-08-25 19:35

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 798127)
New commit for hildon-desktop on gitorious, scrolling speed is now configurable :D

when we will see the update?

puiradu 2010-08-25 19:36

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)

Originally Posted by pinkfloyd (Post 798239)
I've noticed a problem with the locale, i use Spanish lang on my phone and after i installed this package its running very smooth but now all pop up notifications are in english, for instance when i plug the power cable it says "battery is charging" instead of "Bateria cargando" as it supposed to be, the same thing happens with all notifications. I know it's a minor issue but just wanted for you to know. Regards

reboot you device

pinkfloyd 2010-08-25 19:39

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)

Originally Posted by puiradu (Post 798243)
reboot you device

I did reboot many times and poweroff also. The problem is only with those notifications, the rest of the system language is OK. Anyways it doesnt matter to me i was just pointing that out.

hgroove 2010-08-25 21:40

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)
Hi, after I install , the App Manager shows
"hildon-application-manager 2.2.65
E: Invalid record in the preferences file, no Package header"
and the Faster Application Manager donīt let mi install or uninstall anything.
This is the "References" file:

Package: pulseaudio

Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: libpulse-mainloop-glib0

Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: libpulse0

Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: pulseaudio-esound-compat

Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: pulseaudio-module-bluetooth

Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: pulseaudio-module-extra
Pin: release a=unstable

Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: pulseaudio-module-gconf

Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: pulseaudio-module-hal

Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: pulseaudio-module-x11

Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: pulseaudio-utils

Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: hildon-desktop
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1001
Package: hildon-desktop
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1001

Thanks for the answer.

slender 2010-08-26 06:49

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)
If you look that file what do you think is bit off?
I would suggest that you remove those duplicate lines from end.

Also remove empty line between package: <empty line> pin stuff. But keep empty lines before package:.

If it doesn't work then i would suggest to rename that file and try again.

Have you installed experimental pulseaudio also? Are you some kind of tester and linux power user?

WhiteWolf 2010-08-26 07:46

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)

Originally Posted by pinkfloyd (Post 798239)
I've noticed a problem with the locale, i use Spanish lang on my phone and after i installed this package its running very smooth but now all pop up notifications are in english, for instance when i plug the power cable it says "battery is charging" instead of "Bateria cargando" as it supposed to be, the same thing happens with all notifications. I know it's a minor issue but just wanted for you to know. Regards

I confirm this problem on my N900 PR 1.2

Rob1n 2010-08-26 08:07

Re: [Announce] Faster kinetic scrolling in app menu (PR1.2)

Originally Posted by slender (Post 798694)
Also try to keep same formatting there. Package: <empty line> pin stuff.

Actually, he needs to get rid of the empty lines between Package and Pin (see Section 3.10 here).

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