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ysss 2010-11-26 08:39

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?
Food for thought:

Which product, in this super-fast changing segment of mobile communication isn't an 'intermediary step'?

on3st4b 2010-11-26 09:18

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by lunat (Post 883325)
maybe you should go somewhere else ...
others don't have your problems.

EDIT: i would certainly not recommend your shop ...

i dont know where u live , but here in greece no provider offered the N900 , it wasnt even on thier lists .
the n900 WASNT advertized , WASNT on shops ( at least the first 2-3 mounths ) the only way to get it was/is nokia stores and they even got it in limited numbers .
the only advert i ever saw was the one on utube . i learned bout the phone from this forum , and i fell in love with it , i had to preorder one from a nokia shop , and got it 3 days after it was released ( they had 10 n900 available for sale ) .

ps : " free" phones from providers are not so " free " , how can it be free when u make a 24 - 36 mounth contract ( thats 2 - 3 years ) with a provider and pay mounthly fees !!!
just to give an idea , i have pre paid card ( from wind ) i have 1500 min talk time 1500 sms ( for wind same provider usage ) and 1.5GB data per mounth FOR FREE , i never paid 1 sent ( well i bought the sim for 5 $ ) , THATS FREE , not 20-50 $ contract per mounth + call + data .

kureyon 2010-11-26 10:32

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by benny1967 (Post 883544)
If a consumer who pays, say, €50-€70 per months could simply change his sim card, they'd be left with a monthly bill of €20 and another carrier would earn the remaining €30-€50.

Huh? If a customer can simply walk out of a contract then it's not a contract, or the operator isn't doing enough to enforce it? All contracts for "free" phones that I've seen work something like this:


You agree to a monthly fee of $XX for a period of YY months. In return you'll get the phone for "free" and NN "free" minutes of talk time and MM "free" SMS etc. Once you've committed to the contract then you have to pay up whether or not you use the phone and/or sim (operator couldn't care less) until contract period is up.
Now tell me again why should the operator care what sim you use in the phone?

on3st4b 2010-11-26 11:24

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by kureyon (Post 883663)
Huh? If a customer can simply walk out of a contract then it's not a contract, or the operator isn't doing enough to enforce it? All contracts for "free" phones that I've seen work something like this:

Now tell me again why should the operator care what sim you use in the phone?

u are right , but the thing is that not all countries have same laws . so different countries different operators = differrent contracts .
where i live there are no 24-36 mounth contracts , u only make a 1 year contract .
so most of the ops give u choises like get the phone with 250$ and a 12 mounth contract of 25$/mounth , or get it free and a contract of 70-80/ mounth .
now if u get a 24 or 36 mouth contract for 10$ lets say the op get 1/2 the device price so they see to get the money from ur usage of thier network .

shockgiga 2010-11-26 11:54

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by Joseph.skb (Post 883395)
You could shoot pics anywhere with the N900. Check out really nice collection here

TV ads just try to sell a feature. If shooting pics at a club party is what most consumers expect to use a phone, then the TV ads just focus on that. 15 sec of airtime is NOT enough to sell all the N900 features and ways to use it! :cool:

my point was there wasn't any trace of xterm usage and any other geeky functionality on the ad like modding. and for some normal people like me, we actually rely on ads for a lasting impression.

benny1967 2010-11-26 12:01

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by kureyon (Post 883663)
Huh? If a customer can simply walk out of a contract then it's not a contract, or the operator isn't doing enough to enforce it?

You don't "walk out" of the contract. You continue paying €20/month or whatever it is until the contract ends. But because you use a different SIM-card, everything you pay on top of these €20,- (which is usually more than half of the monthly bill) you pay to a different carrier (who may have introduced better prices for your needs after you signed the original contract).

I really don't see what's so hard to understand here.

on3st4b 2010-11-26 12:03

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by shockgiga (Post 883706)
my point was there wasn't any trace of xterm usage and any other geeky functionality on the ad like modding. and for some normal people like me, we actually rely on ads for a lasting impression.

u should always do a little search on something b4 u buy it ..
no company on earth focoses on their products " weak points " they always try to show/ advert the " high lights " of a product , u should look for an intensive review/preview of the product b4 the purchase.

Joseph.skb 2010-11-26 12:13

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by shockgiga (Post 883706)
my point was there wasn't any trace of xterm usage and any other geeky functionality on the ad like modding. and for some normal people like me, we actually rely on ads for a lasting impression.

Well Shockgiga, I had to pay MYR 1,600 for my N900 (the prices here are d@mn stupid). That's like USD 500 or 266 Big Macs. So normally I would do more purchase research rather than just rely on ads.

FYI, I was using the E65 which broke and I was comparing the N900 with N97 mini, E72 (or iPhone) less geeky devices. Even the Nokia sales tried to persuade me to get the N97 mini, but I just felt the N900 was better. I'm glad I made the choice!

shockgiga 2010-11-26 13:13

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by on3st4b (Post 883713)
u should always do a little search on something b4 u buy it ..
no company on earth focoses on their products " weak points " they always try to show/ advert the " high lights " of a product , u should look for an intensive review/preview of the product b4 the purchase.

yeah. will surely do that next time.

shockgiga 2010-11-26 13:18

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by Joseph.skb (Post 883719)
Well Shockgiga, I had to pay MYR 1,600 for my N900 (the prices here are d@mn stupid). That's like USD 500 or 266 Big Macs. So normally I would do more purchase research rather than just rely on ads.

FYI, I was using the E65 which broke and I was comparing the N900 with N97 mini, E72 (or iPhone) less geeky devices. Even the Nokia sales tried to persuade me to get the N97 mini, but I just felt the N900 was better. I'm glad I made the choice!

thing is. i didnt mind spending 550usd thinking that it would bring me the same satisfaction like what my past Nseries handhelds gave me.
now im just sad that im stuck with this one for a long time coz it will deppreciate a lot if i sell it and i'll end up adding another $200 at the least to change handsets.

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