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Kroll 2011-02-27 21:53

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Ну что, зачесались и у меня руки и установил я себе это дело. Всё скопом, не разбираясь особо. За что и поплатился, не очень больно, правда - раскладка хард-клавиатуры стала дефолтной, соответственно моя кастомизированная ЯЖЕРТЫ-раскладка приказала долго жить. Благо, файлик rx-44 был заботливо сохранен после кастомизации, поэтому восстановить оказалось просто.
При установке (к сожалению, логи не сохранились) один из дебов при выполнении insmod ругнулся на отсутствующие файлы 2 или 3 раза. Как я понял, это был пакет, отвечающий за своп. Других проблем не было. Возможно, дело в том, что система клонирована на внутреннюю флешку?
Впечатления такие. Вроде бы немного увеличилась отзывчивость таблетки при нескольких запущенных приложениях, с момента установки сабжа еще не наблюдал длительных зависаний, которые бесили раньше. С плейером (xmms) и a2dp не стало ни хуже, ни лучше, точно так же он работает без проблем, заикания появляются только когда таблетка по БТ подключается к телефону для выхода в инет (так же, как и до апдейта).
Про автономность
В режиме серфинга изменений не заметил, довольно старой батарейки так же хватает на день.
В режиме прослушивания музыки по a2dp - похоже, быстрее стал садиться аккум. И вообще, странно стал себя вести штатный индикатор заряда - первые часа 4 он стоит на 100%, и только потом начинает уменьшаться, как у старых Моторол.
А теперь вопросы.
Как увидеть, создался у меня альтернативный своп или нет?
Какой пакет сбросил мне раскладку клавиатуры и что он делает кроме этого?
Well he had different version of layout (not qwerty, some Russians prefer alternative layout) and after installation it returned to default, but after restoring from backup rx-44 file he got it back.
One package (he didn't remember witch one) while he did insmod "said" some files are missing. It was package for swap he thinks. Maybe it happened because he run OS from built-in mmc card.

Something became slightly faster, freezes he had before has gone.
Battery emptying quicker when listening music with a2dp.
The battery indicator works odd: first few hours it shows 100% and when going down like in old Motorollas

Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition (5.2010.16-1)

maacruz 2011-02-27 22:41

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by Kroll (Post 956864)
Well he had different version of layout (not qwerty, some Russians prefer alternative layout) and after installation it returned to default, but after restoring from backup rx-44 file he got it back.
One package (he didn't remember witch one) while he did insmod "said" some files are missing. It was package for swap he thinks. Maybe it happened because he run OS from built-in mmc card.

Something became slightly faster, freezes he had before has gone.
Battery emptying quicker when listening music with a2dp.
The battery indicator works odd: first few hours it shows 100% and when going down like in old Motorollas

Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition (5.2010.16-1)

Well, the google translation is quite funny, to say the least :D

Well, itch, and my hands and found myself a job. All together, especially without understanding. For which he paid, not very painful, the truth - hard keyboard layout was defoltnoy, respectively, my customized layout YAZHERTY-kicked the bucket. Fortunately, I've found rx-44 was carefully preserved after the customization, so that was easy to restore.
When you install (unfortunately, the logs are not preserved), one of debov when the insmod swore on the missing files 2 or 3 times. As I understand it was a package that is responsible for the swap. Others had no problems. Perhaps the fact that the system is cloned on the internal flash?
Impressions are. It seems to be slightly increased responsiveness pills for several running applications, since the installation sabzh have not watched long lags, which besili before. With the player (xmms) and a2dp was neither worse nor better, just as it works without problems, stuttering appear only when the tablet is connected to the BT phone to access the 'Net (as well as before the update).
Of autonomy
While surfing the changes did not notice a fairly old battery just enough for the day.
While listening to a2dp - seems to quickly become a sit Accum. In general, the country became a full-time to the charge indicator - the first 4 hours it is 100%, and only then begins to decrease, as the old Motorola.
And now the questions.
How do I see, I have created an alternative swap or not?
Which package dropped my keyboard and what he does than this?
Now, on the issues:
The file that holds the keyboard layouts is /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-44 and it is provided by the xkbdata package, it may be possible that this package were reinstalled when installing the osso-software-version-unlocked package, possibly he had an old release of the xkbdata package and that triggered the update. I also have a personalized layout and didn't have any problem with it, but mine is through ukeyboard (I did not modified the rx-44 file, but the ukeyboard one).
I also run my system from mmc, so that's not an issue. The insmod message could happen with the -3 release of the ramzswap package on first installation because the running kernel is not compatible, if after rebooting he has the /dev/ramzswap0 device then everything is ok.
Battery indicator has always worked odd, or at least I think so :D , it is always 25% over what it should be. Tell him to measure battery usage from command line with "battery-status", it will show accurate numbers. Battery is measured by bme, which is a closed source userspace program, and represented by the battery panel applet, which is also closed source, nothing in DT should affect them.
DT has no changes related to bluetooth, so I doubt there is really more battery usage (unless he is using the op_dsp=0 profile). I have no a2dp devices, so I can't run any tests, if he wants to be sure, he'll have to run a couple of tests with each kernel, taking precise measures over a time of usage no shorter than 1 hour.
If he wants to save battery, tell him about setting op_dsp to 2 or 3 (echo x > /sys/power/op_dsp) and not using mplayer.

Hope this helps.

auouymous 2011-02-28 10:01

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by maacruz (Post 956880)
I have no a2dp devices, so I can't run any tests...
If he wants to save battery, tell him about setting op_dsp to 2 or 3 (echo x > /sys/power/op_dsp) and not using mplayer.

Isn't a2dp only supported by mplayer?

maacruz 2011-02-28 12:33

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by auouymous (Post 957148)
Isn't a2dp only supported by mplayer?

What about this?

jstokes 2011-02-28 13:01

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by maacruz (Post 957261)

That still uses MPlayer (well, come to think of it, MPlayer "talks" to BlueZ which uses the DSP with dsp-sbc installed). There's no escape!

IMHO and (referring to seem promising

heavyt 2011-02-28 13:26

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by Kroll (Post 956864)
Well he had different version of layout (not qwerty, some Russians prefer alternative layout) and after installation it returned to default, but after restoring from backup rx-44 file he got it back.
One package (he didn't remember witch one) while he did insmod "said" some files are missing. It was package for swap he thinks. Maybe it happened because he run OS from built-in mmc card.

Something became slightly faster, freezes he had before has gone.
Battery emptying quicker when listening music with a2dp.
The battery indicator works odd: first few hours it shows 100% and when going down like in old Motorollas

Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition (5.2010.16-1)

Doesn't rx-44 refers to N810-non-wimax and rx-48 to N-810-wimax?

sondjata 2011-03-01 01:43

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available thing I immediately notice is that my memory usage is up. Way up. Usually that leads to increased power drain. We shall see. This is on the 810.

jmart 2011-03-01 13:30

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available
Thanks for the sysvinit help maacruz and auouymous. I am glad I got DT installed, it's definitely a noticeable improvement.

I am experiencing an additional issue now. When I shutdown my N810 it reboots itself. Then I shutdown a second time, immediately after the automatic reboot, and it shuts down properly. This seems to be consistent behavior since installing DT. Is it possibly related to the freeze-at-shutdown issue you initially mentioned? Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

Straycat 2011-03-01 14:36

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available
I got the same behavior than jmart when I shutdown the device from powermenu option.

maacruz 2011-03-01 19:39

Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

Originally Posted by jmart (Post 958105)
I am experiencing an additional issue now. When I shutdown my N810 it reboots itself. Then I shutdown a second time, immediately after the automatic reboot, and it shuts down properly. This seems to be consistent behavior since installing DT. Is it possibly related to the freeze-at-shutdown issue you initially mentioned?

That is correct. It's a remaining issue I still haven't fixed because... only happens at shutdown and it is really hard to debug since there is no console to dump messages at.

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