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simonizer 2012-02-19 15:30

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-3

Originally Posted by simonizer (Post 1140539)
I noticed that special signs are still white in v0.2-5. Just wanted to remind you.

Here's what I mean:

Just noticed that the bug is fixed, but not for restoring the original landscape vkb.


Originally Posted by simonizer (Post 1141630)
1. With large keyboard I don't get any vibration feedback when touching the very down of the keyboard (spacebar)*

*I don't have this issue with the extra large keyboard.

Would be great to see that fixed, if you got time.

AlMehdi 2012-02-22 02:11

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-5
Sorry folks for not updating.. but having two kids 2m and 2y takes pretty much all available time. I don't get time to sit down and concentrate. I have it on gitorious so if someone want to improve you are welcome. It has gotten about 20 000 downloads so are fairly popular. I will try to push and update later if i can..

Thre3ya 2012-03-03 02:22

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1
how do i enable the 5 row icons?? Plz i would really like to have this tweak on my n9..

wagrant 2012-03-04 18:32

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1
2 Attachment(s)
I have problem with hack (ico)... I need 5 icon ....but I have just 4 big or 4 small 5... where is error?? I have PR1.2 maybe there is problem...thanks for answer

derliebewolf 2012-03-04 20:51

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1
strangly n9tweak does not start on my N9 after Update to PR1.2. Some setting aplied on PR1.1 are still there, yet not all.

AlMehdi 2012-03-05 15:29

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1
@derliebewolf: I have had no problems with PR1.2. If you go back in the thread you will see me troubleshoot a similar error. One easy way to try is to open terminal and write "/opt/n9tweak/n9tweak" to see if any errors appear.

@wagrant: If you use any other tweak apps like homescreen settings this might happen. They need the same files and if you use one the other might not work.

wagrant 2012-03-06 15:27

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1
1 Attachment(s)
thank you for answer .-)
Everything is now ok
Error was that I instaled Homescreen.When I uninstaled it, everything was ok then

Thre3ya 2012-03-19 02:35

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1
Is there any way i can reset to default settings for the tweak screen rotation sensitivity? I have seem to screw up the portrait sensitivity, the transition from landscape to portrait is very slow, and i can't seem to fix it?

AlMehdi 2012-03-20 08:07

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1

Originally Posted by Thre3ya (Post 1181271)
Is there any way i can reset to default settings for the tweak screen rotation sensitivity? I have seem to screw up the portrait sensitivity, the transition from landscape to portrait is very slow, and i can't seem to fix it?

Its 25 for landscape and 20 for portrait. Its 5000 for the delay.

The actual number for delay is bigger. What i did in the code is to divide the number. So when you say 5000 it will mean 500 000 which is the real default.

rash.m2k 2012-04-04 12:36

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-6.1
Why does music player not rotate to lanscape?

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