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coderus 2012-03-29 05:12

Re: [Dead] Extraplugins v0.3.0 - ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber

Some background on why we unpublished the item: The folder paths you are writing to were new restrictions communicated by the Meego team to our QA team in Dec-2011. Unfortunately, when you first submitted the content in Jan-28, the tester did not correctly check this new requirement. This caused the app to be removed on Feb-13 once the QA team recognized their error. QA are mandated by the Meego O/S team to enforce their Requirements in order to avoid potential apps breaking (bricking) the devices out in the market. However, based on the stablility of your application after 15k downloads, the QA team are willing to let it remain in the Store.
++ NICE ++

@eltoffer, no

zappAtom 2012-03-29 08:07

Re: [Ressurection soon] Extraplugins v0.3.0 - ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber

thanks coderus! thanks Nokia!

almamo 2012-03-30 13:48

Re: [Ressurection soon] Extraplugins v0.3.0 - ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber
Wonderful! That's really good news. I see Extraplugin as one of the most valuable additions to the N9.

Nokiastore 2012-03-30 16:58

Re: [Ressurection soon] Extraplugins v0.3.0 - ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber
Hello Coderus,

I just wanted to drop a note here to inform you that we will be republishing your “extraplugins” item for Meego (N9).

The Nokia Store apologizes for the confusion regarding your item in the Store. We had unpublished it due to the application installing to exempt folders (installing to ./usr/share/purple, ./usr/lib/telepathy and ./usr/lib/purple-2). Nokia Store QA will follow the guidance and restrictions enforced by the Meego O/S team which are in place to protect the consumers.

We hope that you will continue to build and improve on this application for our customers and we appreciate the work you’ve put into this application. Please let us know if you have any questions.

All the best,
Nokia Publish Support

BW~Merlin 2012-03-31 00:49

Re: [Ressurection soon] Extraplugins v0.3.0 - ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber
Coderus, is it possible to add an option to cancel/stop accounts from trying to connect because sometimes my accounts get stuck in a trying to connect (they show as offline but they have the flashing green and grey icon showing they are trying to connect) and I either have to disconnect from my connection (doesn't always work) or restart my phone.

coderus 2012-03-31 08:44

Re: [Ressurection soon] Extraplugins v0.3.0 - ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber
@Nokiastore, of course, i know it. I contacted directly with Gordon Thornton. I dont think linking files from /opt to destination is good idea. Better is allow to put libpurple0 and telepathy-haze into harmattan repository. Your R&D team can build and test this libraries for harmattan.
@BW~Merlin, no :D read topic. It just accounts for services, it's not affect to system capabilities :D

Aaaaand, it's returned in Nokia Store.

youmeego 2012-03-31 08:51

Re: [Ressurection soon] Extraplugins v0.3.0 - ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1186376)
@Nokiastore, of course, i know it. I contacted directly with Gordon Thornton. I dont think linking files from /opt to destination is good idea. Better is allow to put libpurple0 and telepathy-haze into harmattan repository. Your R&D team can build and test this libraries for harmattan.
@BW~Merlin, no :D read topic. It just accounts for services, it's not affect to system capabilities :D

Aaaaand, it's returned in Nokia Store.

Great news! From the developer. Hope you regularly support this app!

coderus 2012-03-31 10:11

Re: [In Nokia Store again] Extraplugins v0.3.0 - ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber
it already full featured. nothing to do.

Fuzzillogic 2012-04-01 00:33

Re: [In Nokia Store again] Extraplugins v0.3.0 - ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1186404)
it already full featured. nothing to do.

Hmm, the option to require SSL-connections would be welcome. Some (all?) protocols use encryption when avaible, but if e.g. port 5223 is blocked the system would revert to unencrypted connection for XMPP. If that is the case I do not want to use that protocol at that time, because it is compromised.

Using mc-tool this can be enforced for XMPP. It would be nice to have this option in the GUI.

coderus 2012-04-01 09:19

Re: [In Nokia Store again] Extraplugins v0.3.0 - ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber
encryption option here. maybe you talking about ignore-ssl-errors option?

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