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munozferna 2012-02-09 17:52

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by vi_ (Post 1162584)
Anyone who has not fulfilled their pledge can you do so now so we can finish this thing...

money sent :)

PanzerSajt 2012-02-09 17:55

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
I have tested out the latest version. (Foundation_Profile_MIDP_HiRes-phoneme_advanced_mr2_b168-linux_arm_n900-bin-rev20547-20120208.tgz)

Opera mini 6 can see all the filesystems on my n900 but the downloading fails. The text rendering is awesome. The font is perfect and the rendering is as fast as it was before the introduction of the new font system.

Edit.: I managed to enter into a strange menu. When I press ctrl+t a joystick like thing appears. I don't know what is it for or how can I use it because touching it seem to do nothing.

Edit2.:When I turn on ladscape mode in opera mini 6 the screen rotates but in the wrong direction. But when I turn off landscape in opera mini 6 and enable maemo's screen rotation everything work fine. Opera mini 6 rotates and scales everything again.

I hope this project will develop, and we can play j2me games on the device.
Thanks a lot for your efforts.

impeham 2012-02-10 11:25

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
1 Attachment(s)
Since i am no java developer, does anyone have an idea how this can be run (if at all) using Phoneme?

i tried several commands (taking base ones from the sh files supplied in the tar) but was unsuccessful.

This application is very important for me - it is a BT/Network remote control which i usually use from a palm tungsten 3.

The jar itself runs fine on a sony erricson but i was unable to make it work on the N900.

Any help would be appreciated.

freemangordon 2012-02-10 14:04

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by impeham (Post 1163090)
Since i am no java developer, does anyone have an idea how this can be run (if at all) using Phoneme?

i tried several commands (taking base ones from the sh files supplied in the tar) but was unsuccessful.

This application is very important for me - it is a BT/Network remote control which i usually use from a palm tungsten 3.

The jar itself runs fine on a sony erricson but i was unable to make it work on the N900.

Any help would be appreciated.


/opt/phoneme# cat

$PWD/bin/cvm -Xmx12m -Dmicroedition.profiles=MIDP-2.1 -Dsun.midp.home.path=$PWD/midp/midp_linux_fb_gcc sun.misc.MIDPLauncher -suitepath SallingClicker.jar -jadpath SallingClicker.jad -1 com.salling.ClickerMIDlet

It runs, but of course it cannot open BlueTooth, so you're given a message "Device Inquiry Failed"

BTW I am not Java developer too :p

impeham 2012-02-10 14:21

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1163135)

/opt/phoneme# cat

$PWD/bin/cvm -Xmx12m -Dmicroedition.profiles=MIDP-2.1 -Dsun.midp.home.path=$PWD/midp/midp_linux_fb_gcc sun.misc.MIDPLauncher -suitepath SallingClicker.jar -jadpath SallingClicker.jad -1 com.salling.ClickerMIDlet

It runs, but of course it cannot open BlueTooth, so you're given a message "Device Inquiry Failed"

BTW I am not Java developer too :p

Thanks for the help - i can see it runs :)
well, salling clicker has many versions - one of them for the palm tungsten 3 which can also work with a network ip - i thought the java version will also allow this

Is there a way to enable bluetooth recognition by these types of applications?

It truly is a great one.

freemangordon 2012-02-10 14:27

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by impeham (Post 1163141)
Thanks for the help - i can see it runs :)
well, salling clicker has many versions - one of them for the palm tungsten 3 which can also work with a network ip - i thought the java version will also allow this

It's a great application.

I quickly look through the code and it seems this one can connect using IP, unfortunately it seeks some local IP settings which most probably don't exists. BTW what this application does?

anig 2012-02-10 14:39

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by impeham (Post 1163141)
Thanks for the help - i can see it runs :)
well, salling clicker has many versions - one of them for the palm tungsten 3 which can also work with a network ip - i thought the java version will also allow this

Is there a way to enable bluetooth recognition by these types of applications?

It truly is a great one.

Looking at the supported devices on their website it looks like any phone which uses the Java version doesn't support WiFi. Shame as I use Salling Clicker on my symbian phones and it is very useful.


Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1163142)
I quickly look through the code and it seems this one can connect using IP, unfortunately it seeks some local IP settings which most probably don't exists. BTW what this application does?

It's basically a PC remote control app, allowing to control applications, mouse etc from the phone.

[DarkGUNMAN] 2012-02-10 14:46

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Donation for Davy's N900 sent

Guinoak 2012-02-10 14:52

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
This is a really great work. It has allowed me to play to the only one game I ever play, which is Sid Meiers Civilization.

You will need a legit java jar file(e.g. sidciv.jar), then It run to me invoking the follwing cmd:

bin/cvm -Xmx12m -Dmicroedition.profiles=MIDP-2.1 -Dsun.midp.lib -Dsun.midp.home.path=$PWD/midp/midp_linux_fb_gcc -Dcom.sun.midp.m sun.misc.MIDPLauncher -suit
epath sidciv.jar -1 GloftCIVI

Do you guys know an easy way to call a shell script and place it in the launcher?

soleil 2012-02-10 15:27

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
How can you control the game . im stuck at the chosing language screen and can't do anything

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