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woody14619 2012-08-30 21:36

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1257611)
As for the rest, nice long post, but X-Fade (as someone who ensured last election) seems to not share Your opinion.

You speak quite authoritatively on this. Tell me again how you know Neils' opinion? Have you talked to him recently? You do realize that things have changed quite a bit in the past month, yet alone the past six?


Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1257611)
What are You - as a chair (responsible for handling votes) - proposing, to resolve Coding Competition concerns about voting, that was supposed to be handled by council's election mechanism?

Again, you speak authoritatively on things, with no factual backing.

The Chair is responsible for announcing Council is entering the election cycle and starting that process. The Chair is not responsible for "handling votes", nor is it in charge of all things vote related.

Even if it were the Chairs responsibility to do so for Council elections, this is a third party event, which as you noted is not at all related to Council. The CC voting was never "supposed to be handled" by Council. If it were, they wouldn't have even had to make a request to use the voting machine.

Initially we were hopeful that we could provide this service to CC. After recent changes, and discussing it with X-Fade, we as Council have concluded we must politely decline their request. That was conveyed to them a bit ago, and they are making alternate arrangements, as noted by kojacker above.


Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1257611)
Stick to the merit, please.

I spoke directly to the "merit" above. The fact of the matter is that setting up the voting system is a non-trivial task for something on the scale of CC or Council elections. I spelled out the reasons above mainly to make it clear to the community what was involved so they could judge that for themselves, instead of relying on assumptions and opinions.

Here's an idea: Since you clearly think this task is so trivial, why don't you donate some of your "free time" to setup an independent voting system for CC? I would be quite happy for you to prove me wrong on this if it means CC can get their votes done in the way they would prefer.

Arie 2012-08-30 21:51

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
Can you 2 stop fighting? This accomplishes nothing at a time when we need to stick together and keep tmo and it's next version up and running.

Seriously, take your personal dislikes to pm, this is becoming childish on both ends.

herpderp 2012-08-30 22:16

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
Since this is the ask the council thread, I have a question to the dear Council:

What have you accomplished in the past 6 months, apart from the well known infighting and awarding devices to yourselves?

Thanks in advance.

Estel 2012-08-31 08:14

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 1258202)
<merciful snip>

Quite sad, that most important question:
What You - as a chair, position closest to voting mechanism - and Council; can do for Coding competition, to fulfill (promised, even if it's disturbed by 3rd party events) handling of voting?
...remains unanswered.

Sure, I will gladly donate my time to help Coding Competition, if it will be in real need on doing it all on their own. But before, I would expect Council - as people elected for such things - to actually help. Resorting to "random" guy like me is a last resort, IMO. Suggesting it, when asked for precise answer about specified problem, speaks poorly about You as both Chair and councilor as a whole.

Do we need to read it as "we don't care, do it on Your own!", or are You going to actually answer kojacker's and mine question?


// Edit


Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1258228)
Since this is the ask the council thread, I have a question to the dear Council:

What have you accomplished in the past 6 months, apart from the well known infighting and awarding devices to yourselves?

Thanks in advance.

While this question is asked in offensive, biased, and out-of-the-line manner, *actually* some "summary of things done" would be great, too.

herpderp 2012-08-31 09:21

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

While this question is asked in offensive, biased, and out-of-the-line manner, *actually* some "summary of things done" would be great, too.
Well, the question's style was inspired by your average post's tone. :)

ZogG 2012-08-31 09:27

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1258396)
Quite sad, that most important question:
What You - as a chair, position closest to voting mechanism - and Council; can do for Coding competition, to fulfill (promised, even if it's disturbed by 3rd party events) handling of voting?
...remains unanswered.

Sure, I will gladly donate my time to help Coding Competition, if it will be in real need on doing it all on their own. But before, I would expect Council - as people elected for such things - to actually help. Resorting to "random" guy like me is a last resort, IMO. Suggesting it, when asked for precise answer about specified problem, speaks poorly about You as both Chair and councilor as a whole.

Do we need to read it as "we don't care, do it on Your own!", or are You going to actually answer kojacker's and mine question?


// Edit

While this question is asked in offensive, biased, and out-of-the-line manner, *actually* some "summary of things done" would be great, too.

Please stop nonsense, with "I would do on my free time". If you wan to help, do it. And don't try just to prove that you better or something. All i can see for now is talking, and some fire you start by mentioning you can do it, but no actual deeds. Help is when you help someone with no intentions for popularity or "thanks" at this forum.

Estel 2012-08-31 09:56

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1258425)
Well, the question's style was inspired by your average post's tone. :)

So, please stop trolling this thread, as there is serious problem with voting for Coding Competition. I understand that CC it's not important to people like you at all, but we don't want it to be flooded with spam. Thanks in advance.

ZogG 2012-08-31 10:19

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1258440)
So, please stop trolling this thread, as there is serious problem with voting for Coding Competition. I understand that CC it's not important to people like you at all, but we don't want it to be flooded with spam. Thanks in advance.

Sorry for flooding again, but i can't walk by. How is your question is more important than his question at Ask the Council thread?

I think as well as you asked question once, and you even said that you "know solution" . And more of it you said it's easy and you can do it. Why don't you just help, instead of asking council all over, can't u let go? So i think you are the one trolling here and flooding, as well as you decided to tell the person that asked question important to him ,asked council, and they would decide if it's rude or not to answer. But you answer him(starting flood here), as well i don't think your question and answer are polite. So stay on topic, and stop with children games.

herpderp 2012-09-01 07:53

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
Still no answer to my question. Just as I expected.

woody14619 2012-09-04 17:06

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1258228)
Since this is the ask the council thread, I have a question to the dear Council:

What have you accomplished in the past 6 months, apart from the well known infighting and awarding devices to yourselves?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry... We were somewhat busy with other things. This is, after all, vacation season, and recently also a holiday in the US.

But since you asked:

Currently, the Council has created a set of bylaws, which has been presented to get community input on and soon will be up for a vote for community approval. That's just one minor part of the work we have been doing on forming a foundation to keep TMO, and other important resources the community needs, up and running past December. This has been a lot of work, including negotiations with Nokia, and existing service providers (including Reggie) on how, when, and where these transitions will take place.

We've also (as you backhandedly noted) voted on an distributed awards for the community as we were tasked to do by Nokia and the Community as we were first seated. Btw, I'll note that not all Council "awarded themselves" devices.

There have been several other tasks we've done, including work around trying to keep cOBS on track, repo/builder issues, working with other groups to handle internal disputes, and more.

There have been many things going on over the past 5 months (not 6...). A good chunk of which is quite visible in the meeting minutes/(b)logs of the Council. Yes, some of it was "infighting" and some of it was misdirected banter about IRC and what not; that type of thing happens sometimes.

If I may though, I have a suggestion for you, and the community at large:

Rather than throwing stones, consider doing something a little more productive. Take a look at who was involved in and/or who started, handled, and/or finished which issues (be those positive or negative in your opinion). Doing so may help you not only see who's done what, but give you a more informed viewpoint when it comes time to discuss candidates, ask questions, and vote in the next election. It will also give you important information you'll need in the event you decide you can do better than those already working on the Communities behalf, and run for a position yourself.

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