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tigas 2012-07-04 12:58

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I believe myself very lucky to even get a big feature pack in PR1.2. The way Nokia had been proclaiming Harmattan dead and firing developers left and right (or putting them to rebuild Harmattan apps for WP7), all updates could have been just bugfixes.

SamGan 2012-07-04 13:01

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by rooster13 (Post 1231555)
Just noticed one bug which is not fixed.

The battery suddenly drops from 20% to 3%. Even with heavy usage this should not be possible.

What bug? Never has this problem before. I can see my battery % dropping percent by percent to 5% before I recharge.

thedead1440 2012-07-04 13:04

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
SamGan, the battery bug has been there since Pr1.0 and never fixed...a reboot at 3% will suddenly show the battery level climbing up to its original state of 15-25%...its quite common among a number of users...

odradek 2012-07-04 13:07

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
And again no One-Track-Repeat function in the standard music player... :(

Dave999 2012-07-04 13:14

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
What happened with this thread during night and day? Please, focus on the change list and not as general Pr1.3 or and not was it not fixed... On a second thought. Do as you wish I'm not a moderator.

reset.smith 2012-07-04 13:28

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
This : "Video playback a tiny bit jerky after PR 1.2 update"
( )

... NOT fixed, same problem with PR 1.3 :mad:

DarkSkies 2012-07-04 13:29

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
For some reason after the update my devel-su (so root) password doesn't work and I am 100% sure it is being entered correctly.

Anyone else getting this? How to 'reset' root password on meego/n9?

jalyst 2012-07-04 13:32

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1231735)
What happened with this thread during night and day? Please, focus on the change list and not as general Pr1.3 or and not was it not fixed... On a second thought. Do as you wish I'm not a moderator.

I think you should be a mod dave :D

rahulthewall 2012-07-04 13:32

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by DarkSkies (Post 1231751)
For some reason after the update my devel-su (so root) password doesn't work and I am 100% sure it is being entered correctly.

Anyone else getting this? How to 'reset' root password on meego/n9?

The default password is "rootme". Did you try that? It might have been reset.

BlinkThinks 2012-07-04 13:43

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I dunno if someone have already reported this, there's now an option to 'Insert Face' in the gallery.

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