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woody14619 2013-02-01 02:31

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime
Looks like went down around the same time. They on the same link? :( Hopefully it's temporary.

l4m3rx 2013-02-01 13:18

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime
Thanks for all the hard work guys :)
I'll wait up 2-3 more days, so the server can take breath before doing my first update for 2013 o/

rm53 2013-02-01 13:24

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime
since last night I seem to have access to most repos again - many thanks to all who contributed!

But this still does not help me, my N900 reports after apt-get update that some certificate has expired, and advises me to just du apt-get update again - the reported key as expired is No. 1349249546.
What can I do about this?
(Please forgive me if this is a silly question.)

panjgoori 2013-02-01 13:33

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime
thanks everyone for your hardwork

thedead1440 2013-02-01 13:34

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

The expired certificates are from the official Nokia repos i.e.; nothing can be done about them other than ignoring them ;)

martinwozenilek 2013-02-01 13:57

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime
Hey, it's me again! :p

And yes, uuummmh, the CSS is still on port 81.

And yes, I'll repeat this message until you bann me! :D

Cheers and thanks a lot for all your time and works! I'll donate more this evening!

joerg_rw 2013-02-01 14:13

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 1319698)
Looks like went down around the same time. They on the same link? :( Hopefully it's temporary.

fixed. For some reason the VM been up but unresponsive. ->reboot

HELLASISGREECE 2013-02-01 14:37

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime
I still cannot access the repos but it's ok, no harm done.
We can wait few more days untill everything goes back in order.

: )

shawnjefferson 2013-02-02 07:18

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime
It's slow, but you know what, repos are up! That's a great first step in getting all this infrastructure fully community run, imo. Thanks to all involved, again!

colin.stephane 2013-02-02 10:20

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime
Hi all,

Can someone give advice on how to access to '' ?

I cannot logging anymore (looping on asking the password), and there is no reset password link ...


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