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ffha 2013-09-16 08:31

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
cssu-thumb is based on cssu-devel.

Where is the hosted repository then?
I tried:
But both don't lead anywhere and I can't find the url anywhere on the wiki.

The cssu-thumb installer on the wiki still installs the merlin repo by the way, so if a new repo has been created already, then the installer must be updated.

handaxe 2013-09-16 09:56

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by ffha (Post 1374482)
cssu-thumb is based on cssu-devel.

Where is the hosted repository then?
I tried:
But both don't lead anywhere and I can't find the url anywhere on the wiki.
AFAIK thats the functional 'official' repo. Just cssu and cssu-testing are maemo based.

freemangordon 2013-09-16 10:15

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
cssu-thumb is based on cssu-testing, cssu-devel is a developer-only repo you most probably don't want enabled on your device.

and yes, cssu-thumb is hosted on merlin1991's server

ffha 2013-09-16 16:42

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
Werpderp hurr.
Something must've gone wrong when I transferred the backup of my previous N900 to this one.
The apt-cache permission were wrong and I couldn't update it.

Problem solved.
Thanks guys.

PS: Shouldn't the cssu-thumb repo be moved to

Frasier 2013-12-07 14:10

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
Still cant get gmail to work re. message not on server. Downoaded CSSU off apps with no success.

Is there a once off app to fix the gmail imap problem?

I know zip about programming and dont want to anything more than download an app to fix this problem.

I have followed the thread and it all seems too technical for me.

Thanks for your help. :)

Frasier 2013-12-07 19:09

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
Re my message above:

I managed to get it all sorted ... The Maemo Community is the best. My N900 has at least a few more years of life. ;)

markai 2013-12-11 10:45

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
First of all, thank you everybody for hard work, I can read gmail on my phone, awesome! :D

The question is: does Modest have search option? or Is there an email client for n900 that can look through 10 000 emails and find the one I need by key words?

handaxe 2013-12-11 11:54

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by markai (Post 1394876)
The question is: does Modest have search option? or Is there an email client for n900 that can look through 10 000 emails and find the one I need by key words?

Yes it does, though it is rudimentary in the sense that you need to be in the folder being searched. Open the keyboard and start typing, say a keyword from the subject line, or address and it will filter the email listing accordingly.

neeraj 2013-12-13 05:22

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1351640)
OK, I think I found what the problem is. It is the do-while loop here

This is how the (start of the) response looks like:

* 181 FETCH (UID 293 MODSEQ (382264) BODY[] {199644}\nDelivered-To:\nReceived:... breaks if there is enclosing (")") bracket in the message, which we have in "MODSEQ (382264)" just before the "BODY" part, so it exits the loop before parsing the message.

I think there are more places to fix that, will do (hopefully later today)

Hi Freemangordon,

I have installed CSSU, after installation of CSSU. I could access gmail from my default E-Mail Client. However few days back I have started facing the issue again.

Please help.

matech 2013-12-18 05:39

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1353317)
Okay, here my 'contribution' for all those fellows out there still on stock PR and gmail problem.
Do not try to install the CSSU deb packages, as this might lead to a broken dependency problem on your device.

I made me a workaround (Not really clean and nice, but working. And hey, who expects another update from N...a?). I extracted all the libs from the debs and copied them directly to /usr/lib by overwriting existing ones. This way I have working modest in stock PR1.3.

I attach here two (due to max. upload size) tar.gz files.
Close modest and "install" with

sudo gainroot
cd /
tar xvzf path/to/downloaded/libtinymail-tiny.tar.gz
tar xvzf path/to/downloaded/libtinymail-camel.tar.gz
killall modest

Restart modest and enjoy.

All credits to freemangordon.

I'm still using Nokia PR1.3 (kind of conservative :) ) And your solution is really working for me. Thanks a lot.:D

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