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railroadmaster 2013-07-25 18:13

Re: Ubuntu Edge
As for the whole Mir issue eventually has got to be replaced it isn't very suited for mobile devices and lets face it is old and busted. Canonical obviously has a reason for going with Mir. One wouldn't go through the effort of creating a display server for nothing. I hope it gets widespread adoption outside of Ubuntu.

Dave999 2013-07-25 18:26

Re: Ubuntu Edge
Oh Deer...

RX-51 2013-07-25 19:43

Re: Ubuntu Edge
Other distros on the handset
I love the vision of device convergence, and the possibility of having open OSes take a more prominent role in the computing world. I also love the enormous options using Linux affords me.
So, as you build Ubuntu for phones, what is your vision for hackability? Do you expect other distributions will able to take your technology and build something similar on top of it? For example, a couple years down the road do you think we could see things like Debian Phone and Arch Linux for Android?

Just to save Mark some time, here's a quote from the Indiegogo page:
This is an Open Device, so users can tinker with the software and use standard flashing tools to upload custom builds.

.... and I hope they do!

Are there any other phone manufacturers preparing to launch phones with Ubuntu Mobile OS?

There are several brand name manufacturers that have independently brought Ubuntu mobile up on their next-gen devices and presented that to carriers. No word yet on who might be first to go the distance, but I think that's pretty encouraging given it's off their own bat.

Have you ever been approached by the NSA/ CIA / FBI regarding access to Ubuntu systems and what are your opinions for safe and secure OS'?

No, we've never been asked to support a surveillance campaign. We've been asked to provide data in support of specific criminal investigations (child abuse) would do so again. We would not comply with a mass surveillance or extra-judicial request, and we would challenge requests that we think are unwarranted.

Has Canonical been approached by the NSA regarding access to Ubuntu One?

No. I do have concerns that we have data in AWS and other US clouds which might be subject to PRISM. We're looking at a range of options to provide both security and also plausible deniability to users of Ubuntu who are surveilled.

Are you worried that the long lead time (due May 2014 if all goes well) and pre-published spec will allow competitors to catch up / overtake and essentially gazump the Edge?

It's certainly possible that a particular feature might go into another phone, but the overall goal of a PC-class convergence devices is miles beyond anything the majors are looking to achieve, and I think the Edge will be the first by a long way to try.
If we get it greenlighted, then I hope we bring forward the commercial adoption of some of those tech by at least a year!

Will the phone be officially updated to new versions of android by canonical? I don't have the time and skills to root my phone and flash roms.

Yes, I am fairly sure there will be updated ROMs over time, we are working to make it both a very capable device (which will tend to attract a good community) and very open (which eases the path).

Does the Ubuntu Edge has a graphics technology for video games in the pc-mode? PS: Already bought one!

We're working with a few different games publishers on both PC and mobile, so yes, I think gaming on the edge will be pretty radical. It should certainly raise the bar on mobile gaming because we'll have a LOT of RAM and first-class GPU.

cferrism 2013-07-25 20:08

Re: Ubuntu Edge
Saying most of the right things for me. Not regretting my pledge one bit and getting more and more excited that this could happen....I just can't stop refreshing that damn total amount page

mikecomputing 2013-07-25 20:16

Re: Ubuntu Edge

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 1362094)
As for the whole Mir issue eventually has got to be replaced it isn't very suited for mobile devices and lets face it is old and busted. Canonical obviously has a reason for going with Mir. One wouldn't go through the effort of creating a display server for nothing. I hope it gets widespread adoption outside of Ubuntu.

Ever heard of Wayland? Now THAT was the one that should replace X11 on all dists in the future.

But instead Canonical decided go they'r own route :( What they has done with MiR is to fragment the Linux community and NO ONE wins on it except Canonical :/

Because of this commercial apps will probadly only work on ubuntu distribution which already is a problem but will be worser in future because it will not even work with Wayland.

Its second generation of Google Android :(

And all this talk about fully opensource is plain stupid garbage! There is no chance that everything will be opensource!

bjv 2013-07-25 21:57

Re: Ubuntu Edge
mikecomputing: think really hard about Linux Mint, and then say again there is no chance Ubuntu Phone will be fully open source.

firstly, Ubuntu Phone is already released, and it *is* fully open source go check for yourself. secondarily Canonical has been abundantly clear that the only closed components could be binary-blob radio or gfx drivers which are wrapped, loaded, and managed by the entirely open (and already released) Touch software.

I mean, come on.. Nokia were the ones that released 4 generations of Linux handsets and kept major UI/app/system components closed and patent encumbered... comparted to Canonicals unbroken history of releasing full source for *everything* they've ever released your baseless assertion looks even more silly.

would wayland be 2.0 already if Canonical's devs had all piled on to polishing it? well, it doesnt matter. this is Open Source and you cant force free people to do what you would like with their own time.

besides the entire point of the new generation of OpenGL display servers is to keep them as thin and minimal as possible, with only the *neccessary* controls on top.

wayland went slow and steady building on the lessons of X.. if mir can prove what works quick/and dirty then we have two sets of mistakes to learn from and both can improve in quality.

railroadmaster 2013-07-26 04:03

Re: Ubuntu Edge

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1362133)
Ever heard of Wayland? Now THAT was the one that should replace X11 on all dists in the future.
Yes I have heard of Wayland and know what it is. My main point was that they would only decide to use Mir instead of Wayland if there was some sort of advantage to doing it. One doesn't create their own display server unless there is an advantage to it.

But instead Canonical decided go they'r own route :( What they has done with MiR is to fragment the Linux community and NO ONE wins on it except Canonical :/
Well if other distros adopt Mir then there is no fragmentation.

Because of this commercial apps will probadly only work on ubuntu distribution which already is a problem but will be worser in future because it will not even work with Wayland.
If other distros adopt Mir then software would be available outside of Ubuntu. Never mind the fact that Ubuntu is not the only distro out there and limiting yourself to one distro limits how much money can be made.

Its second generation of Google Android :(
No it isn't. Ubuntu is nothing like Android beyond the usage of the Linux kernel and some shared components. I guess they are similar in that they are both developed by corporations but so what it simply means that linux is moving beyond hobby software status which is a good thing.

And all this talk about fully opensource is plain stupid garbage! There is no chance that everything will be opensource!

Quit spreading FUD. Of course not everything will be fully open source nothing truly is. I value openess but don't take it to stallman extreme levels and completely exclude closed components I accept them and deal with them. But all of the core components of Ubuntu and Ubuntu Touch will be open source. Even running an open os will require closed drivers, a closed bootloader, and processor architecture that is closed source and you will probably end up running commercial apps which are themselves closed all of those things I mentioned are outside of the OS developers control.
Edit: All of those things I mentioned the closed bootloader, closed drivers, closed applications, and closed processor architecture effect Jolla, Nokia maemo, Firefox, Tizen, openmoko, and all of the other Linux mobile platforms.

Dave999 2013-07-26 06:06

Re: Ubuntu Edge

Coolest campaign in long time(pretty bold too), even if it won't make it's truly awesome and I hope we will see more crowdfunding projects like Ubuntu Edge and FairPhone and so forth.

They are phones by the people, for the people!

This is the kind of device and sales channels that Apple and Google fear, because they can see how many devices are sold and how big the interested is. If a device who is sold in an open way like this get a foot hold in the market they snow ball effect can move mountains because the users can "decide" what features will eb included in the future.

igguk1 2013-07-26 08:35

Re: Ubuntu Edge
mikecomputing nobody is truly happy about the mir/libhybris saga.... not even carsten(last news I had later on this they came to terms anyway) but still Ubuntu Edge from what I see is more open than Jolla... Food for thought.

Dave999 2013-07-26 10:31

Re: Ubuntu Edge
This is pretty nice.

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