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stayloa 2009-11-24 10:54

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by andygt (Post 388420)
If I'd ordered a TMobile contract from MPD and they decided they wouldn't honour it I'd be going ape **** right about now.

I think any emotion around receiving my N900 from MPD has gone now... Everything about this process has been awful. I know its not their fault, but some communication would have been nice.

If they do turn around to me and tell me I have to pay £x00's for them to fulfill my order then I really will have to go ape... Hopefully Steve from MPD can clear this up today, but when I ordered, I was told the quota story.

Maybe us T-Mobile MPD people should mount a joint attack on MPD?!

There really isn't a contract anywhere near as good value on a 12month as the one I have. I'd have to pay over a £100 more to swap over... You'd think if that was in the plan, they'd have already contacted their customers already, wouldn't they? Okay, maybe not...

Ovek 2009-11-24 11:07

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by Fargus (Post 388465)
I called Nokia UK today regarding my order and asking for where in the workflow it had progressed. They are apparently awaiting tracking information from UPS which I suspect will be sent as a large dump. That in mind I suspect a huge flood on the forums when everyone's shipping status changes.

The only reason I knew my order had been processed was due to the fact was slow or just not working last night, it prompted me to check my email ;)

edgedemon 2009-11-24 11:12

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by stayloa (Post 388479)
I think any emotion around receiving my N900 from MPD has gone now... Everything about this process has been awful. I know its not their fault, but some communication would have been nice.

If they do turn around to me and tell me I have to pay £x00's for them to fulfill my order then I really will have to go ape... Hopefully Steve from MPD can clear this up today, but when I ordered, I was told the quota story.

Maybe us T-Mobile MPD people should mount a joint attack on MPD?!

There really isn't a contract anywhere near as good value on a 12month as the one I have. I'd have to pay over a £100 more to swap over... You'd think if that was in the plan, they'd have already contacted their customers already, wouldn't they? Okay, maybe not...

I think that we all need to wait - we don't have any reason to believe that they won't honour the t-mobile contracts and I personally think that apart from the endless delays, all will be OK

I expect to get my phone next week, on a t-mobile contract with no issues

chrislj 2009-11-24 11:13

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
chased the London Flagship Store today (again) asking when i could come in to pick up my pre-order, this was the response:


Theres nothing confirmed yet but we are hoping for a delivery towards the end of the week.



not sure they could have been much more vague...still i'll be suprised if the first batch isn't available end of this week...

stayloa 2009-11-24 11:18

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by edgedemon (Post 388510)
I think that we all need to wait - we don't have any reason to believe that they won't honour the t-mobile contracts and I personally think that apart from the endless delays, all will be OK

I expect to get my phone next week, on a t-mobile contract with no issues

I know - I do need to be patient :( However, we do have reason to believe they won't honour it as Steve from MPD has posted on here saying that! That's where my worry stems from. But you're right - lets see what happens...

wizbowes 2009-11-24 11:29

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by edgedemon (Post 388445)
I have a t-mobile contract from MPD and Im expecting them to honour it.
My understanding is that there wasn't a problem with these, it was just there was a quota and the quota of orders was filled, so the t-mobile offer was then withdrawn?

Correct me if Im wrong

I was sent an email on the 27th October stating the following when I asked if I could change the plan I'd selected: (Highlighting is mine)

As for your order in particular; we are not able to amend any of the order details (to protect customers information). Normally we would have suggest for you to request a cancellation of the order and place the preferred order again on our site. However, we have now been told that we are not able to accept any more orders for the handset on T-Mobile; all outstanding orders are going to be fulfilled however it will not be possible for you to place an order again for the time being. We have not been told why this is, however it is likely to be something to do with our agreement with T-Mobile for supplying the handset. This is not the same for Vodafone as we are still able to supply the handset with this network.

So from that it would appear that they should be honouring all our orders. Then again my order should have shipped on 19th October.

carbine 2009-11-24 11:52

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Has anyone else ordered with mobile phones direct/nokia UK and not had their status change from 'pending stock'??

I ordered mine on the 14th of november. My status is still 'pending stock'.

dreadnought 2009-11-24 11:58

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by carbine (Post 388590)
Has anyone else ordered with mobile phones direct/nokia UK and not had their status change from 'pending stock'??

I ordered mine on the 14th of november. My status is still 'pending stock'.

And it will stay that way for a couple of weeks...ordered mine with them on 21st of October. They sent an email stating that they would be shipping on 3rd of December. It might come earlier, but don't hold your breath...sorry

stayloa 2009-11-24 11:59

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by carbine (Post 388590)
Has anyone else ordered with mobile phones direct/nokia UK and not had their status change from 'pending stock'??

I ordered mine on the 14th of november. My status is still 'pending stock'.

Don't worry, that status is like that because they are actually pending stock! Various reports, but their 3rd of December date they sent out by email seems likely - possibly get it before then if we're lucky.

Cliffy 2009-11-24 12:00

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
OK I phoned MPD a few moments ago to ask whether or not my original deal with a T-mobile contract would be honored. I got an absolue yes from the lady i spoke with, prices remain the same and if you ordered t mobile you will get t mobile. Sounds like they have had a lot of calls from people who have read this thread as she already knew about it but wanted to know the actual address. Told her the infor came from a Steve at the Guildford store. She wasn't happy. Think Steve might be getting a talking too when he arrives for work. I did ask when i would receive me phone and was told hopefully next week but deffinatelty with in the next couple weeks

dwould 2009-11-24 12:00

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
my order with still just says
'10208380 Nokia N900 This order has not shipped. 0 0'
no e-mail, no response to my e-mail to customer services. ;-(

stemfour 2009-11-24 12:02

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by Cliffy (Post 388612)
OK I phoned MPD a few moments ago to ask whether or not my original deal with a T-mobile contract would be honored. I got an absolue yes from the lady i spoke with, prices remain the same and if you ordered t mobile you will get t mobile. Sounds like they have had a lot of calls from people who have read this thread as she already knew about it but wanted to know the actual address. Told her the infor came from a Steve at the Guildford store. She wasn't happy. Think Steve might be getting a talking too when he arrives for work. I did ask when i would receive me phone and was told hopefully next week but deffinatelty with in the next couple weeks

Well I guess that will teach Steve to help people!

Why did you give them his name?

mklass 2009-11-24 12:06

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by Cliffy (Post 388612)
OK I phoned MPD a few moments ago to ask whether or not my original deal with a T-mobile contract would be honored. I got an absolue yes from the lady i spoke with, prices remain the same and if you ordered t mobile you will get t mobile. Sounds like they have had a lot of calls from people who have read this thread as she already knew about it but wanted to know the actual address. Told her the infor came from a Steve at the Guildford store. She wasn't happy. Think Steve might be getting a talking too when he arrives for work. I did ask when i would receive me phone and was told hopefully next week but deffinatelty with in the next couple weeks

All I can say is your an idiot... Name dropping when some one was trying to help is ******ed.

Micky 2009-11-24 12:06

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Had the usual email last night confirming the N900 was now in stock, and that my order is being processed ready for shipping from Holland. Just waiting on the shipping email now. Should be here later today with tracking, which you can use the link below to track yours too.

stemfour 2009-11-24 12:09

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by Cliffy (Post 388612)
OK I phoned MPD a few moments ago to ask whether or not my original deal with a T-mobile contract would be honored. I got an absolue yes from the lady i spoke with, prices remain the same and if you ordered t mobile you will get t mobile. Sounds like they have had a lot of calls from people who have read this thread as she already knew about it but wanted to know the actual address. Told her the infor came from a Steve at the Guildford store. She wasn't happy. Think Steve might be getting a talking too when he arrives for work. I did ask when i would receive me phone and was told hopefully next week but deffinatelty with in the next couple weeks

Im still in shock that you have done that so casually without any inclination that you might have just cost someone their job! All because you havent got your phone yet? You *******!

Fargus 2009-11-24 12:12

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 388614)
my order with still just says
'10208380 Nokia N900 This order has not shipped. 0 0'
no e-mail, no response to my e-mail to customer services. ;-(

Same here regards status. I posted this morning that I had asked about this and was told that they are waiting tracking information from UPS. I suspect that this is going to be en-bulk and then will update the records in one fell swoop.

They are absolutely swamped at present so I suspect that phone calls are getting priority over emails.

noobmonkey 2009-11-24 12:13

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by Cliffy (Post 388612)
OK I phoned MPD a few moments ago to ask whether or not my original deal with a T-mobile contract would be honored. I got an absolue yes from the lady i spoke with, prices remain the same and if you ordered t mobile you will get t mobile. Sounds like they have had a lot of calls from people who have read this thread as she already knew about it but wanted to know the actual address. Told her the infor came from a Steve at the Guildford store. She wasn't happy. Think Steve might be getting a talking too when he arrives for work. I did ask when i would receive me phone and was told hopefully next week but deffinatelty with in the next couple weeks

I agree with most others, really shouldnt have done that - take these forums with a pinch of salt - don't ruin peoples careers over them...

Hoping he's ok - as very little of the news on here is fact - i had no reason to beleive him over anyone else anyway....

(Lets hope there are 5 Steves all working there :) )

REMFwhoopitydo 2009-11-24 12:26

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Steve has done more to reassure the many n900 purchasers here than hundreds of individual emails and web-chats.

MPD should be grateful, and they are lucky to have him.

I can visibly see the tension subsiding over teh interweb!

ktz84 2009-11-24 12:32

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by noobmonkey (Post 388634)
I agree with most others, really shouldnt have done that - take these forums with a pinch of salt - don't ruin peoples careers over them...

Hoping he's ok - as very little of the news on here is fact - i had no reason to beleive him over anyone else anyway....

(Lets hope there are 5 Steves all working there :) )

The guy came on a public forum and freely gave his name and work location therefore I see nothing wrong in what he did by giving the name.

If you want to remain anonymous then don't give your name or work location!!!!!!

I find the opinions expressed on this laughable considering most of you hide behind a meaningless username and therefore clearly understand that making too much of your own personal information freely available can have consequences.

ninjaboxergirl 2009-11-24 12:36

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by N900Retailer (Post 388410)
This is not what we been informed. I will learn what is going on in details today.

I was told some time ago by MPD (when the T Mobile deal first disappeared from their website) that T Mobile would still honour my order.

stayloa 2009-11-24 12:36

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by Cliffy (Post 388612)
OK I phoned MPD a few moments ago to ask whether or not my original deal with a T-mobile contract would be honored. I got an absolue yes from the lady i spoke with, prices remain the same and if you ordered t mobile you will get t mobile. Sounds like they have had a lot of calls from people who have read this thread as she already knew about it but wanted to know the actual address. Told her the infor came from a Steve at the Guildford store. She wasn't happy. Think Steve might be getting a talking too when he arrives for work. I did ask when i would receive me phone and was told hopefully next week but deffinatelty with in the next couple weeks

Yeah WTF, Cliffy?!

I'd also like to say that MPD are lucky to have an employee like Steve. He's never claimed to have the absolute truth and was passing on information that those of us who have ordered with MPD have found really reassuring and helpful.

What you did was completely uncalled for. What did he actually do to you to deserve that? Thankfully Steve is a common name - I for one am also a Steve. Lets hope that's not his real name or there are more than one Steve.

I wouldn't blame him if he didn't post at all on here now either, which means less information for us.

He'd even said, after I posted my webchat saying that we would get our T-mobile deals that he'd look in to it at work today and let us know...

You're a real jerk...

mklass 2009-11-24 12:38

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Any ways I think enough is enough... Lets not take this thread off topic.... We are much more civil than that remember ?

ninjaboxergirl 2009-11-24 12:38

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by edgedemon (Post 388445)
I have a t-mobile contract from MPD and Im expecting them to honour it.
My understanding is that there wasn't a problem with these, it was just there was a quota and the quota of orders was filled, so the t-mobile offer was then withdrawn?

Correct me if Im wrong

Yes I was told exactly that as well. Presumably, if Steve thought otherwise it was because he'd been TOLD otherwise.Don't shoot the messenger- the guy was trying to help. Talk about jumping the gun.

mchu6am4 2009-11-24 12:41

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Yes lets move on....anyone received any more info from Nokia re shipping/tracking etc yet?

stemfour 2009-11-24 12:42

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by ktz84 (Post 388656)
The guy came on a public forum and freely gave his name and work location therefore I see nothing wrong in what he did by giving the name.

If you want to remain anonymous then don't give your name or work location!!!!!!

I find the opinions expressed on this laughable considering most of you hide behind a meaningless username and therefore clearly understand that making too much of your own personal information freely available can have consequences.

He only offered that personal information because people disbelieved he was who he said he was. So he kindly offers us his name etc so we can have some faith in his info ( still our choice, no one is forcing you to believe him ).

Yes, this is off topic but I really dont wish to share a forum with people who have so little regards for a human being just trying to be helpful. I feel sorry for Steve. And you wonder why information is so hard to get from these companies? Maybe because they know that "helping people" so often blows up in their face.

Good luck to Steve anyway.

I promise to leave this alone now, just a bit angry.

Cliffy 2009-11-24 12:45

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Well that got a responce. Firstly where i work i also have to supply alot of information to customers. Onething i never do is give out information that is not 100% accurate. He gave out his name and location i am sure it would of taken luttle effort to find these forums and realise who there employee was. We have been fed enough mis information on this forum over the last couple of weeks, we do not need to hear any more unless it is 100% correct. His information should of been checked and double checked before it was posted.

mklass 2009-11-24 12:46

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by mchu6am4 (Post 388670)
Yes lets move on....anyone received any more info from Nokia re shipping/tracking etc yet?

Not yet, maybe later on this afternoon...Yesterdays email came at nearly 16:00... But on another note people in other countries received there device and their status still stated "This order has not shipped" and also never received a shipping email.

w00t 2009-11-24 12:49

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by mklass (Post 388675)
Not yet, maybe later on this afternoon...Yesterdays email came at nearly 16:00... But on another note people in other countries received there device and their status still stated "This order has not shipped" and also never received a shipping email.

Do you have a thread for that? I don't remember coming across it

ewan 2009-11-24 12:50

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
If anyone with an MPD order would like to help Steve out a bit, you could ring the Guildford store (or MPD HQ) and tell them you're calling to thank Steve at Guildford for being so helpful - one complaint and a barrage of praise ought to balance out .

mklass 2009-11-24 12:51

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by Cliffy (Post 388674)
Well that got a responce. Firstly where i work i also have to supply alot of information to customers. Onething i never do is give out information that is not 100% accurate. He gave out his name and location i am sure it would of taken luttle effort to find these forums and realise who there employee was. We have been fed enough mis information on this forum over the last couple of weeks, we do not need to hear any more unless it is 100% correct. His information should of been checked and double checked before it was posted.

Only 100% correct information will come from Nokia it's self and not a MPD employee..

mchu6am4 2009-11-24 12:55

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by mklass (Post 388675)
Not yet, maybe later on this afternoon...Yesterdays email came at nearly 16:00... But on another note people in other countries received there device and their status still stated "This order has not shipped" and also never received a shipping email.

They should ask for another N900 to be shipped to them if Nokia systems are to be believed! :rolleyes:

andygt 2009-11-24 12:56

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
Cliffy, well done you have won the 'bellend of the day' award.

ninjaboxergirl 2009-11-24 12:57

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by ewan (Post 388681)
If anyone with an MPD order would like to help Steve out a bit, you could ring the Guildford store (or MPD HQ) and tell them you're calling to thank Steve at Guildford for being so helpful - one complaint and a barrage of praise ought to balance out .

I think we should all wait first and see whether he gets back on the forum. It maybe that they do nothing about it. Don't rock the boat.

tanekray 2009-11-24 12:59

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by sharper (Post 387651)
Expansys UK are now showing 9th of December for the N900 and 31st of December.

Should be interesting to see what happens. It could be the only way to get this thing before Christmas is from Nokia direct.

I ordered from, but am very tempted to cancel and start the process again with nokia direct...but would it actually make any difference now.:confused:

krk969 2009-11-24 13:04

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by tanekray (Post 388691)
I ordered from, but am very tempted to cancel and start the process again with nokia direct...but would it actually make any difference now.:confused:

I would do that tanekray, I think nokia direct would definetely have your device with you before dec31 if you order it now or soon.

I read somewhere in an earlier post a guy ordered it last week and he has got a shipping mail like all of us yesterday that ordered from Nokia UK direct.

good luck !

ShutUpYouFace 2009-11-24 13:22

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by krk969 (Post 388700)
I would do that tanekray, I think nokia direct would definetely have your device with you before dec31 if you order it now or soon.

I read somewhere in an earlier post a guy ordered it last week and he has got a shipping mail like all of us yesterday that ordered from Nokia UK direct.

good luck !

Probably meeee. I purchased on Friday 20th Nov. Got the same email as everyone else.

I don't actually think there is a huge pre-order queue that Nokia would be unable to fulfil. Especially considering the price of the phone.

Caprio 2009-11-24 13:25

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by ShutUpYouFace (Post 388727)
Probably meeee. I purchased on Friday 20th Nov. Got the same email as everyone else.

I don't actually think there is a huge pre-order queue that Nokia would be unable to fulfil. Especially considering the price of the phone.

Hi, I had my pre order cancelled because of the credit card blocking Nokia etc etc. Anyway I phoned them today and they said that they have plenty of stock and my new online order (ordered last night at 6.30pm will be fine and I should get the shipping email later today. I paid for express shipping so I should get it tomorrow or Thur. I don't think there is any waiting list now.

tanekray 2009-11-24 13:31

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information

Originally Posted by Caprio (Post 388729)
Hi, I had my pre order cancelled because of the credit card blocking Nokia etc etc. Anyway I phoned them today and they said that they have plenty of stock and my new online order (ordered last night at 6.30pm will be fine and I should get the shipping email later today. I paid for express shipping so I should get it tomorrow or Thur. I don't think there is any waiting list now.

Quote / misquote from NukNuk from ages ago: Shudv gone with Nokia direct! Why didn't I listen??

nuknuk 2009-11-24 13:33

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
These people will help you please call 0845 0455555

spadge 2009-11-24 13:38

Re: Nokia N900 - UK Release Related Information
All the cancelled orders have probably freed up some devices anyway. I preordered on the nokia store just in case the flagship store don't get any in the next week, they seem very uncertain when they will actually get any.

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