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robthebold 2013-11-13 16:08

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by PdxDoug (Post 1385905)
Absolutely working on N900. With all known limitations. Routing is completely functional.

Does the absolute functionality include creating and signing in to a new account? That doesn't work for me on the N900 or N9. Perhaps the common element is me. :(

PdxDoug 2013-11-14 06:26

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
I will try a blank out my username in the Waze config files. And then, will attempt to create a new Waze account. This make take me through the coming weekend to accomplish.

I did this repeatedly a year ago and it worked perfectly.

I also logged into and verified that all my driving trips are registered. Can see the routes taken on maps. And, Waze has learned my routes to familiar destinations.

Too bad that one cannot create an account on the Waze web site...first.


Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1386033)
Does the absolute functionality include creating and signing in to a new account? That doesn't work for me on the N900 or N9. Perhaps the common element is me. :(

DJBENTZY 2013-12-14 11:06

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Does anyone having issues with getting calculating routes process done? ("Calculating route, please wait...")

Schturman 2013-12-14 11:22

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
yes, have this problem too in last 3-4 weeks.

DJBENTZY 2013-12-14 11:43

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1396377)
yes, have this problem too in last 3-4 weeks.

Basa, how can we get this fixed?
Did you try contact the developer about this?

Schturman 2013-12-14 12:39

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
No, I'm not contacted to developer, but I'll do it..

sondjata 2013-12-14 14:09

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Yup. quite annoying to say the least.

Schturman 2013-12-14 14:48

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Already sent message to creator and have got answer..
They changed code and Assaf don't have access to this code.. That mean he can't do nothing.. :(

sondjata 2013-12-14 14:55

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Not surprised. I believe it was said earlier that since the google takeover the app was not going to be updated.

Schturman 2013-12-14 15:05

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Yep.. For at least it still can show speed cam without routing :)

DJBENTZY 2013-12-14 18:29

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1396445)
They changed code and Assaf don't have access to this code.. That mean he can't do nothing.. :(

Who are "they" ?
How can i contact "they" :)?

Schturman 2013-12-14 19:11

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
They = Waze = Google..

DJBENTZY 2013-12-14 22:27

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
I guess its time to start looking for a new mobile phone...

Schturman 2013-12-14 23:27

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
You can use Nokia drive app, it work not bad, but without speed cams..

jalyst 2013-12-15 05:46

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1396626)
You can use Nokia drive app, it work not bad, but without speed cams..

There's several hacks that improve the N9 version too... (some may be in your app IIRC?)

Schturman 2013-12-15 06:01

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Yep.. But it not show speed cams in Israel :(
And still no one found solution for "gps Signal lost" when phone connected to charger during navigation :(

sondjata 2013-12-17 14:22

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Yesterday I got routing information from Waze during a traffic jam. I suppose it was some error on the part of Waze services that was the source of the problems.

Schturman 2013-12-20 12:49

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
It so weird... Today I needed to navigate twice, each time is 1.10h And in both of times the waze worked perfectly. He have recalculated my route a few times without any problem..
Only one thing I did with my phone a 4 days ago: uninstall waze -> this action -> install waze.
I'll continue follow this...

djcrash1981 2013-12-20 19:30

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Well is not working for me anymore, it's been like 1 or maybe 2 months that I launch the app and I don't get anything no routing, no traffic jams, not anything :( it's pretty sad because I really liked this app and now I can't use it anymore.

Too bad anyone is not working on fixing this because the google deal I have to say that I'm pretty bummed :(

sondjata 2013-12-20 21:01

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
DJ: You should try again. Mine wasn't working and then started working. And if it crashes and asks for you to report, do so. They may not even realize that these devices are being used.

mailcomx 2014-01-11 18:00

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Waze... working?

DJBENTZY 2014-01-12 22:57

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by mailcomx (Post 1405687)
Waze... working?

If its not working on your device try to uninstall and then verify that all waze configuration files got deleted (using FileBox) and reinstall waze.

Velian 2014-05-17 04:11

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
in version 0.0.12 as reported something along the way?
because it does not leave the option

Garp 2014-05-17 05:54

Still no network/gps connection possible!?

Velian 2014-05-17 13:52

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
works for me correctly
version 0.0.12 but no button to report something on the road

gianko 2014-05-17 15:38

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by Velian (Post 1425730)
works for me correctly
version 0.0.12 but no button to report something on the road

you have to "swipe" the events icon from right to left, for submitting a report

Velian 2014-05-18 02:34

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Thanks Gianko

gianko 2015-02-04 20:44

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Just tried waze again now and I got no traffic nor events info,only map, it says not connected to waze server and from xterm I see a lot of connection error like
Http request failed , failed to login, network operation failed

End of waze for maemo?

sondjata 2015-02-04 22:38

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by gianko (Post 1459576)
Just tried waze again now and I got no traffic nor events info,only map, it says not connected to waze server and from xterm I see a lot of connection error like
Http request failed , failed to login, network operation failed

End of waze for maemo?

Yup. Same here. And for me Navit has died (refuses to stay running) leaving me with the Nokia maps program as my only GPS :-(

DeadHorseRiding 2015-02-05 14:19


Originally Posted by gianko (Post 1459576)
Just tried waze again now and I got no traffic nor events info,only map, it says not connected to waze server and from xterm I see a lot of connection error like
Http request failed , failed to login, network operation failed

End of waze for maemo?

last version of waze on N9 v 0.0.12 based on actually works fine near Munich Germany, 40 new events, navigation tested successfully too.
How technically different is the n900 version of waze?

sondjata 2015-02-05 20:52

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Well I have Waze QT port v 0.0.9-99 based on Waze as downloaded with app manager.

Should I be looking elsewhere?

sondjata 2015-02-05 21:25

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
OK found that 0.0.12 version. I have an n900 and it's still not getting network connectivity. INteresting icon changes, but pretty useless if I can't get network access to get maps and things.

gianko 2015-02-05 22:59

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by DeadHorseRiding (Post 1459669)
last version of waze on N9 v 0.0.12 actually works fine near Munich Germany, 40 new events, navigation tested successfully too.
How technically different is the n900 version of waze?

can you post preferences.ini from /opt/waze/data?

so we can check the settings you are using

DeadHorseRiding 2015-02-05 23:14

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by gianko (Post 1459744)
can you post preferences.ini from /opt/waze/data?

so we can check the settings you are using

Here it is:
Never registered nor edited.

Good night/morning!

gianko 2015-02-05 23:26

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by DeadHorseRiding (Post 1459747)
Here it is:
Never registered nor edited.

Good night/morning!


i just found that in /opt/waze/data can be an old preferences.ini, the good one (on N900, and possibly on N9) is in /home/user/MyDocs/.waze/data

DeadHorseRiding 2015-02-06 05:12

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by gianko (Post 1459748)

i just found that in /opt/waze/data can be an old preferences.ini, the good one (on N900, and possibly on N9) is in /home/user/MyDocs/.waze/data

And here the active one preferences.ini from yesterday, Interesting, many changes:

DeadHorseRiding 2015-02-06 06:00

How does waze on Jolla phone work, I mean both the google app in emulator and is there already an 'unlike' native waze there?

sondjata 2015-02-07 01:27

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by DeadHorseRiding (Post 1459760)
And here the acitve one preferences.ini from yesterday, Interesting, many changes:

Looked at your file and copied it to both locations /opt/ and /home/

still no network connection. :-(

gianko 2015-02-13 20:44

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
I tried too but not working

I will try the workaround described here

jbeemer01 2015-05-14 05:12

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Hello there I'm new to the waze app and was wondering if anyone has gotten it to work on the N9. I originally downloaded 0.0.3 version and it seemed to have been working fine then I decided to download the 0.0.12 version figuring it was more of an up to date version and now It doesnt work as well as before.

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