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Alecsandru 2013-03-05 18:35

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.04-2)

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1264989)
Here is bootmenu item file for rescue os:


ITEM_CMDLINE="rootdelay root=/dev/ram0"

Above file was edited. Store rescue os files to /boot and run:
$ u-boot-update-bootmenu

ITEM_KERNEL="2.6.37" the 2.6.37 file in the /boot also? and the .sig files? thank you

cee'd 2013-03-10 16:50

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
after installation
dpkg -i u-boot-tools_2012.04-1_armel
dpkg -i u-boot-flasher_2012.04-1_armel
and reboot system, maemo not loaded
how to disable autorun u-boot?

mauron85 2013-03-12 08:40

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Hi guys. I'm not sure if this is appropriate place to ask, but I don't know where else.

My N900 won't boot, when charger is connected, it restarts one after the screen with dots and second time it shuts down on the same screen. When I pull out the charger, it boots normally.

Now I'm using uboot and KP51, but I don't think is directly problem with UBOOT or KP, because I have this problem from very beginning (probably with pristine N900, with original kernel...).

I made video, to better explain to whole booting mystery

sowwhatyoureap 2013-03-13 16:56

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Thinking about installing U-Boot, but as it seems to mess with the kernel I'm planning to do a backup. Is it recommended to backup everything or is it enough with MyDocs (or /home/user)?

What's the best/quickest way to backup the whole filesystem? I have Dropbear (ssh) installed and working fine, but I guess it would take some time to transfer a complete backup. Can you somehow access the whole filesystem including root using the regular data cable (USB) -- not just MyDocs?

Estel 2013-03-14 04:21

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Backupmenu package is what you're looking for.

bennypr0fane 2013-03-15 11:56

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Hello, I did some searching in this thread, but still not sure I got it right:
- U-boot with KP51r1 and CSSU Thumb is possible, yes (is there a step-by-step howto)?
- If so, can I make KP my default boot option?
- If KP is my default boot option, will it boot to KP even if the keyboard remains closed?

(I want to install Debian on an SD card like here: and dual boot with Maemo)
Thanks, Ben

Jeffrey04 2013-03-19 14:30

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
please let me know if I should post this over the nitdroid thread.

I have managed to get nitdroid to boot using u-boot by referring to this thread and the guide posted here. Before this I use multiboot and saw u-boot may be a better choice so I attempted to shift over. Everything sort of work as well as using multiboot, but unfortunately WiFi doesn't.

The main question is that whether the user experience is expected to be different when booting using multiboot vs. u-boot? I have attempted a nearly-identical setup with the only difference being the uImage offered by vakkov@nitdroid-forum for u-boot (tried with and without the additional patches).

My current setup mostly follows the above mentioned guide, but without all the patches (i.e. original, init_subsys, camd). The whole installation currently stays in a 8GB mini-SDHC card (class 4) partitioned to 2, where mmcblk1p1 (2GB) with FAT filesystem, and mmcblk1p2 (remaining capacity) in ext3. Instead of using boot.scr, I managed to make it boot by following the guide posted #324, with the following bootmenu settings


ITEM_CMDLINE="snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=6 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk1p2 rw rootdelay=5 init=/init panic=30 debug"

and the nitdroid and kernel modules installed are from N12_UMay.tar.bz2 and nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-07_7-rc7_armel.deb

P/S: btw the multiboot approach I tried was done through the nitdroid-installer script

Alecsandru 2013-03-29 12:25

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
sysctl net netfilter nf conntrack acct 1 to enable it
any hints on this?

n900_ 2013-03-29 13:38

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
I have a problem with u-boot on maemo cssu thumb with kp52.
I have kernel power zimage52 in "/boot", u-boot-update-bootmenu detects kp52 bootmenu item. I set kp52 as default, but after reboot u-boot starts omap kernel, which is removed by cssu thumb.
Any suggestions ?

I want to dual boot maemo and arch.

Alecsandru 2013-03-30 02:46

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
mate at least you can boot sliding the keyboard , mine throws that error in arch

n900_ 2013-03-30 07:39

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)

Originally Posted by Alecsandru (Post 1332899)
mate at least you can boot sliding the keyboard , mine throws that error in arch

With opened keyboard u-boot shows bootmenu, but it doesn't show any bootmenu items and starts omap kernel, so I can't boot maemo with cssu thumb.

Reflashing kernel by maemo flasher is required to boot maemo.

Sorry, for my English.

explit 2013-03-30 12:50

Problem with Nemo and Triple-Boot using Pali's Boot-Menu
Hello Guys, now i have a small problem with Triple-Boot with 1 MicroSD-Card, here is my configuration:

Nokia N900 RX-51 HW Rev. 2101.

32GB MicroSD with 3 Paritions:

20 GB FAT32
5 GB EXT3 - NITDroid
4 GB EXT4 - Nemo

I have U-Boot with some Maemo Kernels, kernel-power52, omap1, omap-fb etc.
NITDroid Kernel is on the same Partition where the NITDroid RootFS is, on mmcblk1p2 (ext3)

The Nemo Kernel (uImage) is on the same partition like NEMO Rootfs is, mmcblk1p3 (ext4)

Here is the Nemo.item

ITEM_CMDLINE="root=/dev/mmcblk0p3 rootwait ro console=tty0 omapfb.vram=0:2M,1:2M,2:2M mtdoops.mtddev=2"

Please note that Nemo regognize the internal EMMC as mmcblk1 and external MicroSD as mmcblk0... It was a horror to find it out, the internal emmc have also 3 partitions...

My Nemo starts, but hangs on the graphic background...
Maybe the problem is, that I don't have a special swap partition for Nemo, only the maemo swap on the emmc...

Any ideas ?

majaczek 2013-04-04 06:25

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Is it possible to boot from usb with u-boot?

pali 2013-04-04 08:46

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
No, due to buggy linux musb driver (which crash when uboot enable its own musb driver) I disabled usb support in uboot.

starkwiz 2013-04-07 23:07

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
I had u-boot 2012.04, I upgraded it to 2012.10-rc3-1 (latest).
But now booting to KP 51 poweroff's/restarts the phone in few seconds while waiting at starting kernel....
So, I upgraded to KP 52 and ran the u-boot-update-bootmenu.
It added the KP 52 boot entry but still it's same.

The stock maemo firmware does work fine though.

I am using the original boot item file.

ITEM_NAME="Maemo 5 with kernel-power (Internal Nand)"

Please help.

mateakos 2013-04-09 21:54

u-boot doesn't read bootmenu
I booted a rescue kernel ( with u-boot, switched on usb mass storage mode, resized the eMMC partitions with gparted, to make the ext3 4 GiB bigger, and the FAT 4 GiB smaller. Everithing worked fine, except that the u-boot doesn't display my bootmenu, instead it displays the default one. Booting to the attached kernel works like expected, but i can't use my own menu. u-boot-update-bootmenu creates the bootmenu script, but u-boot always displays the default. What is the solution for this problem?

elros34 2013-04-09 23:30

Re: u-boot doesn't read bootmenu
mateakos, I had similar problem. You should format your FAT partition and try once again.

mateakos 2013-04-10 00:14

Re: u-boot doesn't read bootmenu
It seems like u-boot can't read that file system, fatls returns no files for that, but works for microsd. In maemo both filesystems are usable, and fsck reports no problems.
Reformat solved the problem.
Thank's for the help!

bogdanov_s 2013-04-11 11:17

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)

Originally Posted by starkwiz (Post 1334714)
I had u-boot 2012.04, I upgraded it to 2012.10-rc3-1 (latest).
But now booting to KP 51 poweroff's/restarts the phone in few seconds while waiting at starting kernel....
So, I upgraded to KP 52 and ran the u-boot-update-bootmenu.
It added the KP 52 boot entry but still it's same.

The stock maemo firmware does work fine though.

I am using the original boot item file.

ITEM_NAME="Maemo 5 with kernel-power (Internal Nand)"

Please help.

i have the same problem nothing help even rescue os ... when conect to usb start u-boot and cant't start my device every time i try something is the same

starkwiz 2013-04-11 11:26

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
I found a fix.
install u-boot-tools package from shell.
After installation.
Run u-boot-update-menu that should fix the issue.

bogdanov_s 2013-04-11 11:31

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)

Originally Posted by starkwiz (Post 1335416)
I found a fix.
install u-boot-tools package from shell.
After installation.
Run u-boot-update-menu that should fix the issue.

great but how :)

can you describe step by step please

andyr0ck 2013-04-11 12:31

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
I'm running CSSU-Thumb and backupmenu/bootmenu and am trying to boot Nemo from an SD card. In the past, i've used the flasher with -k and -l switches and it's booted fine. That's not bringing me any joy (doesn't get past upgrade mode screen, maybe not even receiving the kernel?) and I like the idea of actually being able to reboot into Nemo without having a machine and the flasher with me so am wanting to install U-boot. Currently getting errors from HAM about the correct version of kernel-modules being installed.

Am I correct in thinking that it can't be done this way around, that I'd have to reflash, install U-boot then do the upgrades?

starkwiz 2013-04-11 17:57

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)

Originally Posted by bogdanov_s (Post 1335417)
great but how :)

can you describe step by step please

If you are using faster application manager.
Open X Terminal, gain root access.
and type "fapt-get install u-boot-tools"
This will prompt you to upgrade the package, confirm with yes.
If not using FAM then replace fapt-get with apt-get.

Hope this helps.

bogdanov_s 2013-04-11 18:02

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)

Originally Posted by starkwiz (Post 1335488)
If you are using faster application manager.
Open X Terminal, gain root access.
and type "fapt-get install u-boot-tools"
This will prompt you to upgrade the package, confirm with yes.
If not using FAM then replace fapt-get with apt-get.

Hope this helps.

i understand and the first time the problem is that i can't start maemo ... every time i'm in reboot loop
if i start maemo OS with x term i know what to do , but i can't force phone to start OS

starkwiz 2013-04-12 06:49

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)

Originally Posted by bogdanov_s (Post 1335489)
i understand and the first time the problem is that i can't start maemo ... every time i'm in reboot loop
if i start maemo OS with x term i know what to do , but i can't force phone to start OS

I was able to boot into maemo default kernel but wasn't able to boot into power kernel.

I am not sure how this can be fixed without booting into the os.
Check with Pali.
Maybe you'll need to reflash.

bogdanov_s 2013-04-12 07:13

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)

Originally Posted by starkwiz (Post 1335587)
I was able to boot into maemo default kernel but wasn't able to boot into power kernel.

I am not sure how this can be fixed without booting into the os.
Check with Pali.
Maybe you'll need to reflash.

yes i know but i cant reflsh i just don't know how
device go in flash mode (breath light is constant orangre) and in a few seconds start u-boot i go in reboot loop ..

pali 2013-04-17 13:46

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
In Friday will be released new version of uboot with upstreamed all n900 patches :-)

So in the weekend I will compile official release and push to extras-devel.

You can expect ext2/3/4 support for bootmenu and booting 3.x kernels too.

Mission completed.

Estel 2013-04-17 22:29

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Out of curiosity - will there be (again) some differences between practical functionality of version from -devel and one hosted on your site?

IIRC, last time, such thing were due to old compiler used by repos. Also, I don't think that anything changed re compiler use by Maemo infra.

You're aware, that only version from -devel wasn't able to boot 3.* kernels, while same version from your site, booted them well... Right?


pali 2013-04-17 22:31

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
@Estel: I will push u-boot binary (compiled with my working compiler) to extras-devel, so this problem will be fixed. So we will have only one version of uboot which will work for anything.

Sohil876 2013-04-18 06:32

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1336865)
@Estel: I will push u-boot binary (compiled with my working compiler) to extras-devel, so this problem will be fixed. So we will have only one version of uboot which will work for anything.

Thanks for your awesome work :). But this time can you please upload a uboot + power kernel 52 package too, like uboot-power, if not in repo then upload as attachment here for cssu thumb and power kernel users? , latest uboot and kp52 will be great since i and all cssu thumb users cant boot stock kernel and many use kernel power even if theyre not using cssu thumb.

Estel 2013-04-19 00:19

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
Why so? using u-boot tools package, you can easily create u-boot with any attached kernel you like. Not to mention, that attaching kernels to u-boot is pointless - you can always boot from either eMMC or microSD stored kernel image, and this way you can forget flashing, when new KP comes out (only need to flash, when new u-boot appears). kernel is always loaded in RAM, anyway, so it's 0 difference if u-boot load it from NAND (attached), or from kernel image placed anywhere.

Except for fact, that with attached kernel, you need to flash them every time you want to have different one attached (usually, every new stable version of KP) - then it becomes almost equivalent of multiboot, re NAND war. So, attaching kernel is silly thing to do.


Sohil876 2013-04-19 09:44

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1337184)
Why so? using u-boot tools package, you can easily create u-boot with any attached kernel you like. Not to mention, that attaching kernels to u-boot is pointless - you can always boot from either eMMC or microSD stored kernel image, and this way you can forget flashing, when new KP comes out (only need to flash, when new u-boot appears). kernel is always loaded in RAM, anyway, so it's 0 difference if u-boot load it from NAND (attached), or from kernel image placed anywhere.

Except for fact, that with attached kernel, you need to flash them every time you want to have different one attached (usually, every new stable version of KP) - then it becomes almost equivalent of multiboot, re NAND war. So, attaching kernel is silly thing to do.


How can i do that with uboot tools? . Btw, if there is a way i can boot into maemo with kp52 without opening keyboard (make kp52 kernel to boot as default instead of attached stock) then i am satisfied enough. The thing is, i have n900 (with cssu thumb) as my main phone now so i just want to be on safe side.

pali 2013-04-19 09:51

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
@Sohil876: Read first post, where is writen how to boot some entry as default (also when keyboard is closed).

Sohil876 2013-04-19 09:57

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1337184)
Why so? using u-boot tools package, you can easily create u-boot with any attached kernel you like. Not to mention, that attaching kernels to u-boot is pointless - you can always boot from either eMMC or microSD stored kernel image, and this way you can forget flashing, when new KP comes out (only need to flash, when new u-boot appears). kernel is always loaded in RAM, anyway, so it's 0 difference if u-boot load it from NAND (attached), or from kernel image placed anywhere.

Except for fact, that with attached kernel, you need to flash them every time you want to have different one attached (usually, every new stable version of KP) - then it becomes almost equivalent of multiboot, re NAND war. So, attaching kernel is silly thing to do.



Originally Posted by pali (Post 1337238)
@Sohil876: Read first post, where is writen how to boot some entry as default (also when keyboard is closed).

Oh, sorry, i missed it. I did read it some months ago and didnt bothered to re-read it, i will now :) , and thanks for the info.

Estel 2013-04-19 23:02

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)

Originally Posted by Sohil876 (Post 1337234)
How can i do that with uboot tools? . side.

You just flash u-boot image without any kernel attached, either using flasher3.5 from desktop, or - more useful way, as it is independent from other devices - using flasher on device itself, as described here:

(while most info on that wiki page is completely outdated, flashing from terminal section remained actual, to this day).

Just be sure to do *both* commands as root. You can take u-boot image from uboot-booimg package - download it (*not* install, just download), unpack via dpkg-deb -x /path/to/download-u-boot-bootimg.deb /home/user/MyDocs, and you'll find image in one of extracted folders (u-boot.bin, IIRC).

Anegdote - using this method, I was able to remotely migrate device from multiboot to u-boot, without physical access to it (it was many kilometers away), and no one touching it - in addition, device was sitting behind NAT and firewall, that I had no access to. Everything was done via ssh (two sessions for flashing), and automatic reverse-ssh upon device reboots. No local intervention of anyone was required :)


pali 2013-04-20 10:12

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
New version of U-Boot 2013.04-1 is in Extras-Devel. There is support for ext2/3/4 MyDocs partition and booting 3.x kernels. Read first post.

Estel 2013-04-20 13:31

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (version 2013.04-1)

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1150740)
* u-boot-update-bootmenu can be configured to use different MyDocs, etc and boot paths (useful for non Maemo systems)

How? In orde to use diferent partition on eMMC, is it just matter of modifying:

ITEM_DEVICE="${EXT_CARD}p1" contain INT_CARD and correct partition number?

This whole ITEM_DEVICE just tells u-boot on which partition to look for bootmenu.src file and bootmenu.img.d directory, yep? Or is it important for something else, too?


Originally Posted by pali (Post 1150740)
How to create bootmenu entry for U-Boot:
copy kernel image zImage-my to /opt/boot/
create config file in /etc/bootmenu.d/ with suffix .item

Bootmeny entry for other system on SD card:


ITEM_NAME="My name"
ITEM_CMDLINE="kernel cmdline"

This means that you have SD card with first partition ext4. On that partition is kernel image with name uImage and initrd/initramfs file with name uInitrd (both generated by mkimage, see below

If I want to have entry for booting uImage of certain name from SD card, as kernel for Maemo (no matter what kernel I actually put there, under that filename), do I still need to use those ITEM_INITRD and ITEM_CMDLINE, just because I'm using SD card? or is it required only for non-Maemo systems?

If yes, what is diferent on non-Maemo systems, that they need it? May it be, that in case of Maemo, ITEM_OMAPATAG make it read all those things from hardcoded place, and it is why we need to specify them manually, in case of non ITEM_OMAPATAG=1?


pali 2013-04-20 13:49

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (version 2013.04-1)

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1337553)
How? In orde to use diferent partition on eMMC, is it just matter of modifying:

ITEM_DEVICE="${EXT_CARD}p1" contain INT_CARD and correct partition number?

This whole ITEM_DEVICE just tells u-boot on which partition to look for bootmenu.src file and bootmenu.img.d directory, yep? Or is it important for something else, too?

No, you can specify different path to first eMMC partition. Maemo using /home/user/MyDocs, but you can mount it to other path... now u-boot-update-bootmenu will work if you change it (by specifing path param).

ITEM_DEVICE will tell u-boot-update-bootmenu where to find kernel and initfs images. bootmenu.img.d must be always on first emmc partition.


Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1337553)
If I want to have entry for booting uImage of certain name from SD card, as kernel for Maemo (no matter what kernel I actually put there, under that filename), do I still need to use those ITEM_INITRD and ITEM_CMDLINE, just because I'm using SD card? or is it required only for non-Maemo systems?

ITEM_INITRD tells u-boot what initrd file to use when booting. ITEM_CMDLINE overwrite default cmdline hardcoded in kernel image.


Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1337553)
If yes, what is diferent on non-Maemo systems, that they need it? May it be, that in case of Maemo, ITEM_OMAPATAG make it read all those things from hardcoded place, and it is why we need to specify them manually, in case of non ITEM_OMAPATAG=1?

ITEM_OMAPATAG=1 will tell u-boot to add omap atag with n900 data into atag linked-list. omap atag is needed to boot some kernels (e.g maemo kernel)

panjgoori 2013-04-21 11:51

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)
finally I successfully migrated from multiboot to u-boot without messing with my device. But my phones bootmenu is different than the image attached at first post by pali.

alexporta 2013-04-21 11:58

Re: U-Boot for Nokia RX-51 with BootMenu (updated version 2012.10-rc3-1)

Originally Posted by panjgoori (Post 1337714)
finally I successfully migrated from multiboot to u-boot without messing with my device. But my phones bootmenu is different than the image attached at first post by pali.

I think u have installed bootmenu and backupmenu

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